Goldnight Strike

Standard Corvus_corax


bman5604 says... #1

ok first things first Cavern of Souls ! every human deck especially r/w need Cavern of Souls to work to its full potential. Also idk think you are using the right humans here. I think you are correct with your 1 drops but upping both Champion of the Parish and Doomed Traveler to 4 is a must not maybe. I have ran humans hell r/w humans for that matter. These are some other creatures to think about. Silverblade Paladin , Hero of Bladehold , Nearheath Pilgrim and Elite Vanguard . I would also consider just running your red spells as Lightning Mauler and Zealous Conscripts and bonfire from the side. hope this helps and i can get you a list of a r/w human list that did really well at a starcity open of late so you can compare and contrast.

July 17, 2012 4:07 p.m.

Corvus_corax says... #2

I agree that Cavern of Souls would probably be a good addition. But if you check the Legality of it you see that it is not legal in any formats... apparently. Otherwise I would definitely have added four.

Hero of Bladehold would add more synergy to the deck but is it not a bit expensive? Besides, if I want to add Hero of Bladehold aaand Champion of the Parish and Doomed Traveler , what would I take out? When you say that I should just drop Vigilante Justice and Kessig Malcontents , which provide the synergy and mechanics of this particular deck, you are essentially suggesting that I make a completely different deck. :p

I know Hero of Bladehold and Silverblade Paladin are common in white human decks, but that is not the kind of deck I want this to be. Thanks for the comment, though! I appreciate the input.

If you have such a list then I would love to take a look. :)

July 17, 2012 6:04 p.m.

Corvus_corax says... #3

Hmm.. But maybe I should add 2x Hero of Bladehold to my sideboard and switch it out with something... I do not know with what, though. Any suggestions?

July 17, 2012 6:36 p.m.

Dokujin says... #4

Mikaeus, the Lunarch or Zealous Conscripts here is my reasoning;

Although Mike is a great booster and can drop on any turn he encumbers a spot that would be otherwise filled with a much better and keynote Stackable creature in Hero of Bladehold and he's also legendary which really bogs down his usefulness not to mention Vapor Snag owns him.

Zealous Conscripts , amazing card with a killer late game ability does actually increase the difficulty of your manabase. If, in the end you prefer to not part ways with Zelly she makes a wonderful sideboard card.

Using this as sort of a launchpad, I'm suggesting you look at my deck Tactical Resolve which until recently, was red and white. It provides a great base model for you to consider should you decide to go that route instead. Thanks for your consideration

July 18, 2012 8:01 a.m.

Corvus_corax says... #5

Yeah, I see your point...

Basically, since it is so increadibly common in all human decks it just does not seem that exiting to me anymore. But to be fair, Hero of Bladehold is certainly better than Mikaeus, the Lunarch]] in a number of ways, the stacking effect being one of them. Alas, Hero of Bladehold does not produce Human creature tokens. And (forgive a potentially stupid question) why would Vapor Snag work any better on Mikaeus, the Lunarch than on Hero of Bladehold ?

Besides, the mechanic of this deck is to get as many Humans onto the board as possible and have them survive (with the help of +1/+1 counters) until I play a Kessig Malcontents . Vigilante Justice and Mikaeus, the Lunarch simply capitalize so well on the number of creatures I can get out.

On the other hand I have been considering adding 2x Mentor of the Meek in place of 2x Fiend Hunter to speed up the deck even further. He would pair up pretty well with Hero of Bladehold , so I will definitely think about it. Thank you for your thoughts! :)

Any more tweaks? I would especially appreciate any thoughts people might have about avg. cmc and the mana curve of this deck. I am pretty new to such things. Thanks in advance!

July 18, 2012 9:28 a.m.

bman5604 says... #6

Cavern of Souls is not banned in any format see here:

also having Hero of Bladehold is a must been main or in board.

July 18, 2012 1:15 p.m.

Corvus_corax says... #7

Well, hell... then I might as well add four of them! The only problem is that I do not own any of them. But I suppose that can be remedied. Thanks, bman5604! :)

July 20, 2012 1:13 p.m.

Dokujin says... #8

  i suppose you feel Vapor Snag
 acutely with both but i just felt in the end, when you decide to drop Mikaeus instead of Hero you've used him as a mana dump to get the counters on. When you do that, if your opponent snags him you gotta drop him again and wait another turn for more counters. So, with Hero of Bladehold
, if you drop her and you have an unbonded Lightning Mauler
 she attacks immediately the turn she drops making her more dangerous. So, even if he snags her she's already had a round to attack and use her battle cry with the other creatures accomplishing your ultimate goal of getting more board presence. I understand you want a decidedly **Human** presence in the deck hero still accomplished that even though her tokens are soldiers.  Furthermore, you're using Unruly Mob
 not a bad idea, grows with your creature deaths for sure but, if you had Thatcher Revolt
 you would get more counters on Mob after they leave at the end step making more use out of his ability. That spell pairs wonderfully with Kruin Striker
 and if Hero of Bladehold
 does not take your fancy, try Goldnight Commander
 he can be a very destructive force if you drop him then follow up with a token generation spell.  I like what you've done with Mentor of the Meek
 the card draw makes a difference and makes the deck play smoother but with the Cloudshift
 and Restoration Angel
 i still feel that you would get more out of Blade Splicer
 until she rotates
July 21, 2012 12:18 p.m.

Corvus_corax says... #9

Good points, but I have to respectfully disagree. Vapor Snag is an instant, and so Hero of Bladehold would just as likely be removed before she could get the two soldier tokens out on the battlefield. I do not play with a lot of mana anyway, and so Mikaeus, the Lunarch usually only gets 3-4 tokens. When I play him I deplete him as soon as possible, and so the haste provided by Lightning Mauler lets me add counters to all my creatures before I attack.

I thought about the Thatcher Revolt as well, and you are right, I probably could use it pretty well with Unruly Mob . But the only problem is that it does not add much else which I am not already provided by Gather the Townsfolk . The latter card also has the potential to bring out 5 human tokens to the battlefield at once when fateful hour is in effect. Also, in the end I feel that Kessig Malcontents works much better with Gather the Townsfolk than with Thatcher Revolt .

Cloudshift helps my mechanic but also protects my important creatures against spells that target them. If a damage spell is cast I simply throw a Cloudshift on top of the stack. Works pretty well so far.

July 21, 2012 1:19 p.m.

Dokujin says... #10

yeah, i think the deck works well so far i like the way it draws and i respect staying steadfast to the cards that are not rotating. obviously you feel that there is no difference concerning mike and hero vs vapor snag but i have to disagree. In the end i suppose we're going for a different build altogether but the idea still remains the same that with aggro decks it's better (imo) to take advantage of the strongest creatures available and Hero of Bladehold trumps Mikaeus, the Lunarch in this situation due to the fact that why, oh why do you think hasty counters are going to get you there much better than a meaty 3/4 with battle cry and two others that attack immediately? i'd always choose the latter over the former in this argument but kudos to you for sticking to your guns on this one. And again, i suppose the fateful hour is nice but ask yourself how often are you in that situation where it triggers enough to add as a stratagem? another option for consistent human tokens in creature form is Thraben Doomsayer and he has fateful hour as well

July 21, 2012 3:09 p.m.

Dokujin says... #11

and in the end, when you blink mike to save him from vapor snag he looses his counters anyways so, to protect him i think card:Faith's Shield is a better option for that

July 21, 2012 3:11 p.m.

Corvus_corax says... #12

Yes, it does kind of seem like we are going for different decks. The reasom I choose Mikaeus, the Lunarch is as I have said that I use other methods to deal damage than one beefy creature. I want my creatures to be of use and still not die so that my ok cards, like Kessig Malcontents , all of a sudden become very deadly. It is simply a lot of fun to play this way... :D

Gather the Townsfolk is also cheaper, which is important for me because of my small mana pool. And I actually used to have Thraben Doomsayer in this deck but took him out because I could not afford him, Mentor of the Meek , Emancipation Angel and Fiend Hunter all at once. He is a good choice though.

And you are right, I will definitely consider card:Faith's Shield! Thanks! ;)

July 22, 2012 10:45 a.m.

Corvus_corax says... #13

Ok, I just rigorously play-tested my deck against a couple here on the site.

Dritz's deck:standard-tribal-boros-aggro

I did ok against this deck at first, but lost a couple of times. After a bit of tweaking (read: cheating) it turned out to be more even. All in all there were not a lot of differences here except that he got the cards that he wanted a bit more often than I got mine. And of course his Lightning Mauler - Silverblade Paladin combo.

I realized that Mentor of the Meek and perhaps even Thraben Doomsayer are not really helping me out that much. Elite Inquisitor was useful but elusive. The biggest advantage I had was my Emancipation Angel and Restoration Angel which secured me a few wins in the end.

Toxic's The Blackness

The second deck I tried my luck against was simply murderous. His Phyrexian Obliterator in particular made most of my deck useless! So, I learned why people say that artifact decks are bad news for R/W human deck. :'(

Having learned this painful lesson I see now that I need to cut the amount of creatures I have just a little and add some stopping power in case I ever encounter annoying super-awesome monsters again. Therefore I added Oblivion Ring and Banishing Stroke . Also, goodbye Unruly Mob - hello Nearheath Pilgrim . After that the deck seemed to play pretty well.

The Fiend Hunter and the Elite Inquisitor were put in the sideboard in case I need them along with Devout Chaplain for the really pressing emergencies. I know this is not the best deck, but I am not aiming for the best deck. I am still just trying to run a R/W human deck, just fyi.

So, any thoughts?

July 23, 2012 1:52 p.m.

Corvus_corax says... #14

There are primarily two things which I am uncertain about: 1) Do I really want to call this deck Massive Strike, as in Massive Kruin Striker? And; 2) Do I add Battle Hymn in order to pay for Increasing Devotion and its flashback cost.

Thank you for your help.

August 16, 2012 2 p.m.

wickedeye says... #15

add Thatcher Revolt with goldnight out there 4/4s with haste.

August 16, 2012 2:12 p.m.

bsniper1 says... #16

I really like this deck i never considered goldknight commander but now i see why he would be awesome with a deck like ours. ever considered odric over mikaekus? feedback please.

August 16, 2012 2:52 p.m.

Corvus_corax says... #17

Good suggestions! I just kind of made this deck off the top of my head and didn't even consider the two..

@wickedeye: Thatcher Revolt could definitely be an option. I was thinking about adding a couple more token cards just to capitalize on the synergy of this deck, but for some reason I could only think of Lingering Souls . Thanks for the tip!

@bsniper1: Didn't think about Odric, Master Tactician at all either, what's gotten into me? He would also be very good in this deck, so I'll see what I can do. I might test Mikaeus, the Lunarch first just because I have two of him and only one Odric, Master Tactician . He's got pretty good stats and would give me an additional edge, that's for sure. Thanks! ;)

August 16, 2012 3:29 p.m.

wickedeye says... #18

August 16, 2012 4:18 p.m.

Corvus_corax says... #19

I don't think really think Timely Reinforcements is worth it since I will probably always be the one with most creatures on the boards. I'd rather use Thatcher Revolt in this case. :)

I feel there are still a few kinks to this deck. I know that I will keep Champion of the Parish , Goldnight Commander , Kessig Malcontents and Kruin Striker , as these are my core creatures. But I am fiddling around with the idea of adding Thraben Doomsayer in place of Mentor of the Meek and Odric, Master Tactician instead of Zealous Conscripts and/or Mikaeus, the Lunarch . This would make sense in a way, but I still need some convincing. Additionally I might just ditch some control spells as well and go all-out stupid with token spells.

Any thoughts?

August 16, 2012 5:05 p.m.

bsniper1 says... #20

Hmm i like to play odric if im one or 2 creatures short of using his abillity and then use zealous conscripts next turn to catch my opponent off guard if that helps? im gonna collect some cards i need and update you on my deck as your goldnight commander has inspired me :p

August 16, 2012 5:11 p.m.

wickedeye says... #21

u could play card:Captain's Call but there 4 mana, maybe a Captain of the Watch and Crusader of Odric

August 16, 2012 5:17 p.m.

wickedeye says... #22

War Falcon would be a good on drop for this deck it can block delver

August 16, 2012 5:20 p.m.

Corvus_corax says... #23

You know, the deck looks really good once I put in what you both suggested. The only thing I'm going to lament is the lack of card draw and control, but that might not even matter. Vigilante Justice works well enough as creature removal anyway.

Thanks guys, I think you just saved me a lot of time. :D

August 16, 2012 5:37 p.m.

bsniper1 says... #24

its looking very strong dude, give me feed back on odric after your fmn :)

August 16, 2012 5:41 p.m.

wickedeye says... #25

feed back one fnm as well

August 17, 2012 2:44 a.m.

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