Always been a fan of BG since Return to Ravnica. Won my first Constructed Standard Tournament with an Aggro BG Zombie deck. Now I'm taking that same deck and giving it a Modern Format twist. The deck is basically held together by the spells and artifacts that protect it from this meta's crazy removal, and thus, is nothing more than an aggro deck with protection from said spells. Here we go:
Mass Removal:
Maelstrom Pulse. What else needs to be said? Abrupt Decay older brother. Think out of the box: hits planeswalkers and combo pieces (artifacts, enchantments, etc.).
The Pumps, the Aura:
Giant Growth: Since the average cmc of this deck is approximately 1.56 this pump is essential. Don't be fooled by Timmy's playing it; there is a reason why it has an average rating higher than 4 on Gatherer. It's the clean and concise "Father of Pumps" and is played in any green or splashed green aggro. Not to mention, it saves creatures from Lightning Bolt, Lightning Helix, Anger of the Gods, etc.
Vines of Vastwood: What a beautiful card. It keeps with the theme of protecting our creatures that we've invested all our resources in for just a G. Then you also have the option to pump it for another G! I've had many a game where my opponent casts Bolt or Path and is all tapped out, giving my creature the green light to wreck his face. I've seen many a face palm as a result of this card being cast or a "Well, that escalated quickly" from across the table. This card is splash-able and is almost like a green counter-spell. Saves from EVERYTHING except the known "mass removal" spell of course. I'll take 4.
Rancor: Oh yes... the best green aura available without a doubt. 4 slots were automatically reserved for it in this deck. Makes your 1 drops lethal threats that will most likely hit the opponent's face every time it see's the field.
The Zombies... and then Some:
Diregraf Ghoul: One of the best 1 drops for this Tribe, especially in Modern. Innistrad bared a lot of nice zombies to add to our ranks. Definitely aggro.
Gravecrawler: Thanks to Innistrad we received this zombie. What a card, probably the truest iteration of a Zombie monster as a result of it's exceptional ability. A zombie I keep close to my heart in MTG, I love the fact that he's expendable and can be used as aggro fodder. Turn it into a bomb with pumps, attach
Grafted Wargear
, make him a Rancor and go to town with no regrets. Who cares about Bolts and Helix's when your opponent would hate to waste their precious burn on this guy.
Festering Goblin
: One of our great throw back zombies from our nostalgic yesteryear's. At it's best, it's trouble for weenies and tokens. Times have changed and most would take Fume Spitter nowadays...but that wouldn't do for our ZOMBIES! I had a slot open and made it a singleton bomb if attached with the Wargear or pumped. If he gets hit with burn, the opponent still loses a creature, be it unbiased to whether it be flying or not.
Lotleth Troll: Scary art, has synergy with Gravecrawler (it's eating 'Crawler's legs right?), can regenerate for B and thus ducks burn, and has a neat combat trick. I can remember first play testing with the Troll and attacking with a hand full of creatures and winning the game as he goes unblocked as a seemingly harmless 2/1.
Putrid Leech
: Drawback. What drawback? That's a drawback!? No...it's not. In reality it's a combat trick but within this meta it also acts as a "life line" as it can save it's own life by ducking well known burn. It's lovely to see the frustration across the table as the stack is used against them.
Dreg Mangler
: Doesn't seem like much, even it's scavenge ability looks a bit costly and most of the time we won't even use it. When I play tested this creature, I realized why it was not just some other common card. Every time it was cast, it applied so much pressure right from the get-go. That's because coming in with 3/3 stats AND haste on T3 allowed for nice tempo after a T2 Leech and T1 Crawler. If you can manage a pump spell or Rancor, even better.
*Swapped this card out for Death Baron. Love Dreg but this card will pump AND give deathtouch to creatures, opponents will hesitate to attack even your chumps. Slap Rancor on a pumped creature and your doing major damage.
Wasteland Viper
: Play testing this nasty guy. He's going to be used as more of a combat trick in this deck because of his BLOODRUSH ability, and it's one that your opponent won't soon forget. Give him to your pumped Lotleth and they'll clear the board if your opponent decides to block with multiples. I'm also thinking about
Virulent Swipe
for these slots but unlike swipe, the viper's bloodrush ability can't be countered since it's, well, an ability. We'll see how it goes folks.
Scavenging Ooze: "Scooze" was added not too long ago solely for the sake of being competitive. Plus this deck's late game 'yard has a bunch of tasty treats as well.
Thrun, the Last Troll: A singleton added for his hexproof. Not really aggro either, and besides the big stats he's only here as my competitive "Bouncer" against blue party poopers.