Golgari Assassins

Standard toadily16


RandallFlagg19 says... #1

I run a deck moderately similar to this one and I typically place top 5 at my local FNM out of around 25. I was originally running the Varolz, the Scar-Striped but found him to be a little too clunky. Instead I main deck 4 Reaper of the Wilds in addition to 2-3 Polukranos, World Eater and around 10 total removal, not including the 2 charms I run.

The deck has wrecked many a mono blue and Esper decks. I also found running 3 Lifebane Zombie in the sideboard really helped against selesnia agro type decks, and monstrous gruul.

+1 for keeping Golgari going.

January 30, 2014 2:28 a.m.

Putrefy says... #2

Hey there toadily16,

finally found the time to take a look on your deck! It looks really solid, however you should try to take a path and stick to it. Your creature base says "I'm gonna beat your face in, I'm a f*ckin aggro deck". Your spells say "Keep calm and keep trading 1-for-1 while drawing 2 cards per turn".

My suggestion is, that you try to take one path and stick to it.

Either take the aggro-approach and cut the UC, Vraska, Gaze and some removal for more good aggro-creatures: Boon Satyr , Polukranos, World Eater , Desecration Demon , Reaper of the Wilds , Elvish Mystic .

Or you try to play a midrangey-controlish-type of strategy. Then you should cut the Dreg Mangler , Slitherhead , Lotleth Troll (maybe keep 2) and add more U/C, Mutavaults, Guildgates, big, resilient creatures and grind your opponent out.

I think both types have their upsides and downsides. The biggest downside to Golgari right now: nothing in BNG makes it stronger. Maybe Drown in Sorrow can replace Gaze of Granite . But our aggro-matchup is already really good due to: Golgari Charm . Maybe Bile Blight is a nice removal, but we already have the awesomemost removal in Standard right now: Putrefy , Abrupt Decay . No Temple for us - huge downside!

I hope you find your place to be. Personally I think midrange is the path to take. Golgari Aggro is way too slow compared to R/X or W/X aggro. Only Mangler has haste and the only other creature with a good aggro-ability is Troll. Rest is kinda meh when compared to Soldier of the Pantheon or Xathrid Necromancer or even Chandra's Phoenix .

January 30, 2014 2:55 p.m.

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