Golgari Assault

Standard* vincentgalbo


vincentgalbo says... #1

June 28, 2013 2:33 p.m.

zandadoum says... #2

hey. looks like a budget deck, which is always nice to find.until it get's cycled out, i'd suggest:

July 2, 2013 1:13 p.m.

vincentgalbo says... #3

Thanks, zandadoum. It definitely is on the cheaper side. It's actually been playing really well. I'm contemplating taking it to some FNM one day just to see how well it can stand up to expensive decks.

Also, Magic 2013 isn't getting cycled out until October. So I'll run with this until I can find some nice replacements in 2014. I might also recommend Launch Party over Murder . It does play nicely with the scavenge ability.

July 3, 2013 4:34 p.m.

zandadoum says... #4

what i ment is that until october, you could better use 3x Tragic Slip instead of Murder

you already have Putrefy as 3 cost removal. i would suggest Abrupt Decay but it's probably out of your budget

July 3, 2013 5:47 p.m.

vincentgalbo says... #5

zandadoum, ahhh yes. Thanks. Tragic Slip would be nice. Ultimately, I would actually like to upgrade to Abrupt Decay , but you're right, it is currently out of my budget. I would also like to add Vraska the Unseen , Overgrown Tomb , Woodland Cemetery , and Gaze of Granite to my sideboard. I'm hoping I can trade slowly and acquire through the occasional draft.

July 9, 2013 7:14 a.m.

dukanater says... #6

hey man you got the right idea down but you need to focus more on a play style right now your alot like me when i first started my Golgari deck your all over the place lots of good cards but they don't all work together as well as we would like so from my first glance i see you have alot of deathtouch which is perfect for anti aggro if that's your local meta from what iv read in your update,

closer looking you have alot of cards that right off the back have synergy for example Corpsejack Menace , Lotleth Troll , Slitherhead , Dreg Mangler , all work fantastic together for a counter based deck like mine.

when Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord comes into play hes really only good for his sacrifice ability his main main ability +1/+1 for each creature in the grave yard is nice but if you have creatures you plan on exiling for scavenge that's power lost to him and i never like to play a card the rely s on me having dead creatures if they die hey sure it happens but i don't want them to die but if they die and i can still use them scavenge and such then well shit that's a bonus.

alright so with his sacrifice ability it works fantastic with counter style of play you build up a creature really strong and then you just hurl it at your opponents face for dmg this is good for end game if you come a point were you both have a solid field and you cant attack each other with out losing something important lets say they have 12 life left or and you have a 4/4 Corpsejack Menace & a Lotleth Troll you fed up to a 8/7 for 6 mana and sacrificing them you could deal 12dmg to a opponent ending them game but on the flip side if they were to use a instant kill spell Murder or something and kill your Lotleth Troll you end up doing 4 dmg bringing them to 8 health and now you just lost to of your top creatures its a risky play but if you time it right for example they have no mana and you know they cant counter a move like that he can be a game ender. its a rly fun tactic but i decided to do away with myn 2x Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord s because it wasn't consistent

atm changes id make are -2Korozda Gorgon , -1Launch Party for +2 Jarad's Orders and +1 Desecration Demon

also id chance -2 Sluiceway Scorpion for +2 Deadly Recluse you dont have any anti flying atm and Sluiceway Scorpion is just not worth the mana

id also -1Vampire Nighthawk for +1 Vraska the Unseen

July 11, 2013 12:11 p.m.

vincentgalbo says... #7

Awesome suggestions man. I'm slightly frightened to make these changes because of how much I love all these cards working together and the mostly undefeated record I have with my local group, but f-it. Lets try it.

July 11, 2013 1:11 p.m.

vincentgalbo says... #8

Ok, I tried this instead.


2x Deadly Recluse for 2x Wasteland Viper -- still unsure about this. May mess with my anti-agro build.

2x Sluiceway Scorpion for 2x Jarad's Orders

2x Korozda Gorgon for 1x Dreg Mangler and 1x Desecration Demon

1x Launch Party for 1x Vraska the Unseen

What do you think, dukanater?

July 11, 2013 1:34 p.m.

dukanater says... #9

very solid choices i found out when i first made my deck i was rly weak against flyers which sucked but with 4x Vampire Nighthawk 2x Deadly Recluse and the one Desecration Demon your in pretty good shape for air defense

the only other change id make is if and when you get your other Vraska the Unseen id try and get 2x more Desecration Demon s and replace the 3x Deadbridge Goliath there very good 4 drops no doubt but the scavenge is pretty high and well obviously Desecration Demon x2 and Vraska the Unseen blow them out the water

July 11, 2013 3:45 p.m.

dukanater says... #10

hey vincentgalbo i actually have a extra Vraska the Unseen just chilling in one of my rare binders if your interested in a trade or purchasing it?

July 11, 2013 3:49 p.m.

vincentgalbo says... #11

Played a couple games and I started to miss my deathtouch-y weenies. So, while I only have one Desecration Demon and I'm quite adverse to inconsistency, I swapped him out. Plus, I could use a little less aggro and a little more deterrence to buy me just enough time to get a Vampire Nighthawk or Deadbridge Goliath down.


2x Wasteland Viper for 1x Dreg Mangler and 1x Desecration Demon

July 11, 2013 5:54 p.m.

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