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Golgari CoCoConstrictor (ZNR Update 09/2020)

Pioneer Aggro BG (Golgari) Collected Company Counters Stompy




This is a green-based Stompy Aggro deck with a splash of black. The deck is built around Collected Company and Winding Constrictor / Hardened Scales , so all creatures are CMC 3 or less and synergize with +1/+1 counters.

At the moment the deck has been tested just a little bit. It's intended for Casual and FNM play only.

As goes with aggro decks, it doesn't really have any form of card advantage (although CoCo can be seen as card advantage).

The metagame at my LGS is pretty casual, so this should be able to compete well.


Pelt Collector (4): A great onedrop that can quickly grow large and then has Trample. His ability is a bit better than Evolve (In this deck, Constrictor is the only creature with higher toughness than power, where triggering off of toughness matters. Pelt Collector's ability also triggers on death of other creatures, which should happen more often).

Experiment One (4): The other great onedrop of the deck. Can quickly grow large aswell and is quite resilient with it's regeneration ability, but can't get Trample like Pelt Collector.

Avatar of the Resolute (4): Okay on turn 2, but the Avatar can be huge if you play him later in the game. He also has two relevant keywords in Trample and Reach. The card is a bit dependant on having a good board already, but is awesome anyways.

Scavenging Ooze (2): Maindeck graveyard hate on a creature that fits in the theme of the deck and also gives us some incidental lifegain? Sign me up! The card is a bit dependant on creature cards being in graveyards and if you have more than one the effect is redundant, but the metagame with lots of graveyard centered decks makes this a good maindeck inclusion. Two more are found in the sideboard.

Winding Constrictor (4): The deck is built around this cards "additional counter" effect. Makes all our other creatures bigger and can be found with CoCo. It's worth splashing black for that!

Oran-Rief Ooze (3): Another Ooze that's a good fit for the deck as it's basically a Mini- Kalonian Hydra . A new addition from Zendikar Rising that replaces Rishkar. This Ooze can make our Team even beefier on attack.

Grakmaw, Skyclave Ravager (4): Another new card from Zendikar Rising that's perfect for the deck. It can be found with CoCo and uses +1/+1 counters. Can become quite big and leaves behind a token when it dies, so it is quite good against control decks. I play the full playset, because this is a legendary that isn't bad in multiples. When you play the second one, you get the Hydra token and one (or more if you have Constrictor/Scales) +1/+1 counter on the first Grakmaw.

Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig (3): A supercharged big beater that can grow insanely large (attacking with an 18/18 Yorvo on turn 4 is possible in this deck, but very unlikely). He sadly lacks evasion, so he can be chumpblocked easily.

Noncreature Spells

Hardened Scales (3): These are the copies 5 to 7 of the "additional counter" effect. Scales is worse than the Constrictor because it's a miss for CoCo and is a bad late game topdeck. Having it in the early game is very powerful though, as it is a synergy-mutiplier for the deck.

Assassin's Trophy (2): Trophy hits everything and costs just 2 mana. The downside of giving your opponent a land is quite real, but worth it. Removal doesn't get more versatile than Assassin's Trophy.

Collected Company (4): CoCo forces the deck to play few noncreature spells and lots of creatures with CMC 3 or less, but it's absolutely worth it. Putting two creatures onto the battlefield at instant speed is very powerful. The deck doesn't have interactive ETBs like a Bant Spirits deck, but with the help of CoCo you can outmuscle the opponent quickly and easily.

Vastwood Fortification   (2): I'll test those instead of two Forests, but maybe having those lands enter tapped isn't worth it. Having that neat synergistic trick may be strong though.


The deck is basically mono-green with a splash of black. Every land has to produce green mana because of cards like Yorvo, so there is no room for Swamps or even colorless lands. I play 23 (don't be fooled by that number 21 up there, i have two MDFCs with Vastwood Fortification  ) lands in total, including playsets of Overgrown Tomb and Blooming Marsh and Llanowar Wastes because those are the best dual lands that are available. Two Woodland Cemetery give us enough black sources (14 in total). I'll test two Vastwood Fortification   instead of two Forests, but it could very well be, that playing two lands that always enter the battlefield tapped is too much of a liability in this deck.

Sideboard Cards

Fatal Push (2): When you need cheap removal, Push is there for you. It's probably the best one mana removal of the format. Good against Aggro.

Thoughtseize (2): One mana hand disruption against Control decks. Probably one of the best spells in Pioneer.

Abrupt Decay (2): Great removal for many things in the format. Destroys any permanent with CMC 3 or less and can't be countered. The card is good against many decks and will be sideboarded in a lot, but i like it better to have a mainboard that's as aggressive as possible with a just little bit of interaction, and then having more interaction for games 2 and 3.

Golgari Charm (3): Protection against mass removal and also some versatility against small creatures (for example manadorks; our own creatures should be big enough, even the onedrops can grow easily) or enchantments. Maybe this spot should be Heroic Intervention s, but for now i'll test the Charm.

Scavenging Ooze (2): Two in the main, two in the side. Will be brought in against graveyard centered decks.

Prowling Serpopard (3): Obviously will be brought in against blue decks with counterspells. Maybe this spot should be Witchstalker s, but for now i'll test the Serpopard.

Vivien, Arkbow Ranger (1): Vivien is good in grindy matchups, but is quite bad against control, combo and any deck with lots of fliers (like Spirits).

Sideboarding Guide

You should be aware of the fact that you can't sideboard out too many creatures because of CoCo. So if you need to bring in many noncreature spells, consider boarding out the CoCos. 25 creatures is the minimum I would go to with CoCo in the deck. If you need to get lower, cut CoCos.

Also, i'm not very good at sideboarding, so feel free to tell me better sideboard cards or sideboard plans.

Mono Green Planeswalkers:

  • In: 2 Fatal Push, 2 Thoughtseize, 2 Vivien, Arkbow Ranger;

  • Out: 2 Scavenging Ooze, 4 Collected Company.

Niv to Light:

  • In: 2 Thoughtseize, 2 Golgari Charm, 2 Scavenging Ooze;

  • Out: 3 Hardened Scales, 3 Avatar of the Resolute;

Jeskai Lukka:

  • In: 3 Golgari Charm, 2 Thoughtseize;

  • Out: 2 Scavenging Ooze, 2 Hardened Scales, 1 Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig;

Naya Winota:

  • In: 2 Fatal Push, 2 Abrupt Decay;

  • Out: 2 Hardened Scales, 2 Scavenging Ooze;

Sultai Delirium:

  • In: 2 Fatal Push, 2 Abrupt Decay, 1 Vivien, Arkbow Ranger, 2 Scavenging Ooze;

  • Out: 3 Hardened Scales, 4 Pelt Collector;

UW/Bant Sprits:

  • In: 2 Abrupt Decay, 2 Fatal Push;

  • Out: 2 Hardened Scales, 2 Scavenging Ooze;

UW Control:

  • In: 2 Thoughtseize, 3 Prowling Serpopard, 3 Golgari Charm;

  • Out: 2 Hardened Scales, 3 Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig, 3 Avatar of the Resolute;


  • In: 2 Abrupt Decay, 2 Fatal Push;

  • Out: 2 Pelt Collector, 2 Collected Company;

Mono-Black Aggro and Black-Red Midrange:

  • In: 2 Abrupt Decay, 2 Fatal Push, 2 Scavenging Ooze;

  • Out: 3 Hardened Scales, 3 Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig;

Green(/Black) Stompy and Gruul Aggro:

  • In: 2 Abrupt Decay, 2 Golgari Charm, 2 Fatal Push, 1 Vivien, Arkbow Ranger;

  • Out: 4 Collected Company, 2 Scavenging Ooze, 1 Pelt Collector;

Izzet Phoenix:

  • In: 2 Fatal Push, 2 Scavenging Ooze;

  • Out: 4 Pelt Collector;

Dredgeless Dredge:

  • In: 2 Abrupt Decay, 2 Golgari Charm, 2 Scavenging Ooze;

  • Out: 4 Grakmaw, Skyclave Ravager, 2 Collected Company;

Izzet Ensoul:

  • In: 2 Fatal Push, 2 Abrupt Decay, 3 Golgari Charm;

  • Out: 2 Scavenging Ooze, 3 Oran-Rief Ooze, 2 Collected Company;

Ideal starting hand and curve

Hand: 3 Lands, Pelt Collector or Experiment One, Winding Constrictor, Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig and Collected Company. With this hand, you only need to draw a single land until turn 4 for the ideal curveout as seen below.

T1: Cast Pelt Collector or Experiment One.

T2: Cast Winding Constrictor, onedrop "evolves" (two counters), attack with a 3/3.

T3: Cast Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig (enters as 5/5), onedrop "evolves" again, attack with a 5/5 onedrop and a 2/3 Constrictor.

T4: Attack, cast Collected Company and hit Oran-Rief Ooze and another Constrictor, 6 counters on Yorvo with his own trigger, 3 counters on the first Constrictor or the onedrop with the Ooze's trigger. 11/11 Yorvo, a 5/5 (or 8/8) onedrop and a 5/6 (or 2/3) Constrictor are attacking. That's a total of 31 damage by turn 4! Turn 5 you can attack for another 32 damage without playing anything.

I know, this is the nut draw that won't happen a lot and the opponent will be doing stuff aswell. But it's nice to know what the deck is capable of.


Your opponents won't believe you how quickly your creatures can get huge (all of them are CMC≤3!) in this deck :D

If you build this deck, i wish you as much fun as i had and will have playing it ;)


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 years
Splash colors B

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 1 Mythic Rares

43 - 9 Rares

10 - 5 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.13
Tokens Hydra */* BG
Folders Pioneer, Niiiice
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