Golgari Counters

Modern* daknik


TyWooOneTime says... #1

I'm liking how you're actually making use of some of the cards from prior sets here (lord knows everyone is just combining the leaked cards going "this is going to win!"). I'm with you in thinking that Corpsejack Menace is the real gem coming to Golgari.

A few thoughts that come to mind that could help.

1) Undying will be HUGE with the menace, much less more than one. More importantly, Undying Evil or Mikaeus, the Unhallowed can help protect AND pump the menaces while also rocking your other creatures. Those can also bring back your Primordial Hydra s. Most importantly, you can sacrifice your creatures to get the benefits of Jarad, Grim Backwoods , the guildmage, or (as I reference in #4) card:Altar's Reap and still get them back, but better.

2) Hunger of the Howlpack is potentially even better than Blessings of Nature as you can just as easily sack something to trigger the morbid version of three counters for one green, dealing damage to the enemy in the process. You're getting one fewer counter BUT you don't have to worry about getting it for the miracle cost - it will be one at all times (and when paired with the menace... well... that's +6/+6).

3) Liliana of the Dark Realms is going to be HUGE once the shock lands are back, as you can use her +1 to grab your Overgrown Tomb s. Arbor Elf will also help here to untap said tombs.

4) Just as a thought, but card:Altar's Reap is a GREAT option here to draw two cards. You could easily sacking a saproling from the guildmage or one of the manglers to scavenge it.

Definitely a +1 as this is close to the build I've been thinking about.

September 9, 2012 11:19 p.m.

daknik says... #2


I didn't think undying would have a big impact in this deck because I figured most of the creatures would have a +1/+1 counter on them before they died the first time, nullifying the undying effect. However Undying Evil could potentially make it into the sideboard.

I had thought about Hunger of the Howlpack , but I gave in to Blessings of Nature for the consistent number of counters that it gives.

I never even considered the connection between Liliana of the Dark Realms and the shocklands. Thanks, I will work on making some room in the deck for her.

I'm thinking card:Altar's Reap will make it's way into a sideboard when I get around to building one for when I am playing against people that are running a large amount of removal.

September 9, 2012 11:39 p.m.

TyWooOneTime says... #3

Good luck with it for sure.

I just know that undying is going to be gravy with Corpsejack Menace . Either option gives you a way to protect the menaces too, as you know they'll be targets once the opponent sees what you're doing.

One more thing, I know it's a six-drop, but card:Death's Presence is SICK when paired with Corpsejack Menace - think of it as one last move to make sure your counters never go to waste.

September 10, 2012 12:05 a.m.

Geoxis says... #4

Anyone know of an easy way to get a Vraska? I love her but don't wanna spend nearly $40 on one

September 24, 2012 10:02 p.m.

TyWooOneTime says... #5

For the time being, hope you get lucky at pre-release is about it. That or wait about a month and her price will drop as people realize she's not as powerful as first assumed.

September 24, 2012 10:10 p.m.

Geoxis says... #6

She's insanely powerful.... But I suppose your're right. Bolas used to be like 25 bucks and now he's 4

September 24, 2012 10:12 p.m.

TyWooOneTime says... #7

She's a 5 CMC removal spell. In a world of direct damage, Dreadbore , Oblivion Ring , and Detain you will be lucky to get her to two of her -3 ability, much less her ultimate. I have one in my deck The Humongous Fungus (and Friends) simply as a diversion. If she does any damage to the opponent it's just a bonus.

September 24, 2012 10:17 p.m.

Geoxis says... #8

I would just be making a casual deck with her alongside Phyrexian Obliterator to terrify my friends.

September 24, 2012 10:23 p.m.

TyWooOneTime says... #9

In a casual setting, yeah she's nasty. But in the standard meta, she won't hold the value long. Give it a few weeks and her price will drop.

September 24, 2012 10:26 p.m.

Gigglestomp says... #10

Do you think Caravan Vigil for 1 mana is better than Farseek for 2. I would think using farseek to get some Overgrown Tomb s(forest/swamp) would be cool.

November 6, 2012 11:36 a.m.

Gigglestomp says... #11

How has this deck fared at FNM? What seem to be its weaknesses? I'm curious because I've been trying to build a very similar deck lately.

Its a work in progress and I could use some tips. Almost all of the creature cards are the same.


November 6, 2012 12:49 p.m.

daknik says... #12

Sadly due to family matters, this deck has not seen a FNM yet (very frustrating considering RtR has been out a month now). Play testing at my local game store before release with proxies showed that my biggest enemy was all the removal currently available.

My Predator Ooze always seem to get Oblivion Ring 'ed. Which was frustrating because Predator Ooze was supposed to be the one that held up against the removal with being indestructible. I put the Golgari Charm 's in there to get the Oblivion Ring s off them and get them attacking again, but I haven't been able play since I made that addition.

Champion of Lambholt is also a new addition since I have had a chance to playtest, I was having issues with people using 1/1 tokens to chump block my creatures with counters built up on them. Again, I haven't seen if this actually solved anything though.

You make a good point with Farseek and that will be changed ASAP.

Once I start seeing some FNM play with this deck, I will post the results in the description of the deck.

November 6, 2012 4:28 p.m.

daknik says... #13

Considering removing one of my Rancor s in favor of boosting my creature count some.


November 19, 2012 11:38 a.m.

Gigglestomp says... #14

Howdy again, daknik! This is my third FNM using my deck, which is similar. In response about your Racnors..

I'd leave the Rancor s. They are just too useful for busting down walls and tokens.

Consider dropping your 4 drop Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord and perhaps 1 Blessings of Nature for 2 Essence Harvest . My reasoning for Jarad is below. My reasoning for Blessing is because it lessens the chance of getting it on the draw. You really want to miracle it.

I've rarely had my Jarad be the deciding factor in any games. Normally its a mix of hydras oozes and nighthawks.

Consider dropping Jarad for essence harvest because Essence harvest is very cheap while allowing you to nuke lifepoints directly just like Jarad (Except no sacrafice required).

Not only that, but it heals you a good 4-20 per use of it. Even using it with only a corpsejack out still distances the life by a factor of 8.

In fact, against defender decks where multiple walls can block my hydras, Fog Bank s, and endless control, Essence Harvest is a nice suprise.

Usually use it right before you swing with trample dealing more than double the damage an opponent expected to receive. Out of the 4 FNM matches at my local store this week, I won 3 due to Essence Harvest .

---------------Sideboard--------------------So far my policy has been removing Murder and Champion of Lambholt for Hexproof cards like sheltering word when sideboarding vs Control/Walkers.

If the control deck has a few creatures or token decks I usually leave lambholt and remove a mix of hydras and manglers instead.

-----------------------FNM------------------------This weekend I lost 1 of my 3 matches against a player who had infinite Rewind with Tamiyo, the Moon Sage out. It was actually because I am newer and forgot about the stack under the pressure. I kept letting him counter my spells with Tamiyos emblem giving him infinite rewind. If I had played a creature then in response to his rewind played a creature and 2 essence harvests i'd have won.

My other match I lost 0-2 because I had never read up on or played against the planeswalker Sorin, Lord of Innistrad . He created several lifelink tokens and then took control of my oozes and corpsejack. I had to murder the corpsekacl, then the tokens finished me off. I am not quite sure how to deal with him other than killing him faster. The problem is I didn't draw my tramples to get past his tokens to his walker early. I was not able to sidedeck for round 2 because one of my sidedeck cards had gone missing after my last match.

I suppose I learned that Sorin looks badass, and to get him now cheaper before Gatecrash makes Black/white popular.

November 19, 2012 3:16 p.m.

daknik says... #15

How did he take control of your Predator Ooze ? Doesn't Sorin, Lord of Innistrad destroy 3 creatures then bring them back into play? Predator Ooze is indestructible and can't be destroyed by Sorin using his ultimate ability.

You are right Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord didn't see any play. Every time I had him in my hand, I was casting other stuff in place of him. I think he is losing his spot in the deck.

November 19, 2012 5:51 p.m.

Gigglestomp says... #16

I probably just didn't catch him on it. Honestly it was the massive lifelink counters that did me in.

You should really think about Essence Harvest =) It is usually the thing that beats my brothers thragtusk control deck and saw a lot of FNM match victories!

I'm going to look into adding 2 Pithing Needle s to my sideboard for walkers (And learning their names correctly to use it lol). Also next FNM I want to try out some Garruk Relentless  Flip to look for cards(ooze vs board wipes) and call me some tokens.

November 19, 2012 6:30 p.m.

daknik says... #17

I've been convinced on the Essence Harvest for a while. Just haven't had the time to think about what to take out. I will work on it some over the holidays.

My local game store doesn't have a Type 2 FNM this week... they are doing booster drafts. So I have a week and a half to work it out.

November 20, 2012 3:28 p.m.

Gigglestomp says... #18

Yeah ours is shut down but i'm going to be playing against my brothers deck at our relatives house. Id consider pulling the jarad for an essence harvest. Its useful in more situations than he is, and you don't harm yourself with a sacrafice.

As far as the other 1-2 drops... Up to you. I cut down to 3 blessings of nature from 4 but there are other options.

I actually cut Blessings and savagry both down to 2 and put in 2 Garruk Relentless  Flip .

His first form is useful, but if you flip him early and start making deathtouch tokens they add up. Once you can afford his -2 ability sack a token and you get to search your deck for any creature you want and put it into your hand as well!

I'm going to test Garruk out this weekend against my brother and at FNM next week. He's diverse in that you can pull a corpsejack, a hydra, and ooze, a nighthawk, anything. And massing oozes against people with Supreme Verdict is dead useful. (Immune)

Lately 've rarely lost a match to anyone without planeswalkers, which tells me i need to use flashcards and memorize their full names lol. I'm going to start sideboarding 4 Pithing Needle s for decks with only walkers in them. (2 if its only part of their strategy).

November 20, 2012 3:57 p.m.

Xenomorph says... #19

Amazing deck, can anything replace predator ooze? Trying not to spend a ton.

July 18, 2014 10:53 p.m.

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