this deck is a work in progress, pls help me improve it!
this deck is tryning to go for midrange build, the idea is to use Heirloom Mirror
to fill the graveyard with his mill and discard, and other mill cards in the deck, flip Deathbonnet Hulk and Inherited Fiend make them bigger by exiling cards and smash face.
Because both of them get bigger by exiling cards most of the time you will be exiling Eternal Scourge, this is a great card because you can exile it and bring it back from exile, making your creatures bigger while never runnig out of exile fuel.
because this process of fliping your cards is kinda slow you will run creature destruction to close the gap and stall the game until they flip, cards like Plaguecrafter Demon's Disciple and Infernal Grasp are a big help.
Stinkweed Imp will help you mill faster and basically has deathtouch which will make oponents think twice before attacking and also allows you to draw extra cards in the beggining of the turn with Nihil Spellbomb Chromatic Star and when you draw with Heirloom Mirror
In case you need to bring your bad boys back you also have Unearth and Glissa, the Traitor, Unearth brings back any creature you might need and Glissa, the Traitor can bring back Heirloom Mirror
Nihil Spellbomb Chromatic Star for card draw.
this list was recomended to me when i was building the deck if you have any ideas on how to make it better pls feel free to comment, i really want to make the most optimized build possible.
Thanks a lot to wallisface for the deck list