Golgari Elves (MH1)

Modern* bartlettphoto


EpicFreddi says... #1

I'd take out the basic mountain. It's horrible for your creatures and bloodmoon turns your nonbasics into mountain anyway. If you need extra red play copperline gorge or another stomping ground.

May 24, 2017 11:46 a.m.

bartlettphoto says... #2

EpicFreddi, I was thinking of replacing the mountain and swamp with Bloodstained Mire for more chances of an optimal Narnam Renegade T1 drop and can still fetch my shocks. Thoughts?

May 24, 2017 1:55 p.m.

EpicFreddi says... #3

ye, that's fine aswell. But the single mountain just sucks.

May 25, 2017 5:27 a.m.

StoryArcher says... #4

Just curious - are you keeping Red in solely to play Lightning Bolt and so that you can 'stay Jund' when swapping with Abrupt Decay would give you more versatility and ease your mana curve?

If so, I'd have a very hard time keeping Kolaghan's Command out of my main deck.

June 3, 2017 4:42 p.m.

StoryArcher says... #5

Also, just a though - you might find Elvish Visionary will give you more return in your deck than Nettle Sentinel, especially without any Copperhorn Scout to help out.

June 3, 2017 4:44 p.m.

WrathofCod says... #6

@ bartlettphoto Lead the Stampede seems very underwhelming and overall pretty lackluster in this deck imo. I think you would be better off mainboarding at least 2x Kolaghan's Command instead, as they offer so much versatility and are never really a dead draw. I would also consider adding a couple Burning-Tree Emissary as well. I don't know what you would cut, but it seems like they would be amazing in this sort of deck. Feel free to contact me if you need any more help! Good luck!

June 3, 2017 9:27 p.m.

IlGuale says... #7

Hi! I think too that you should drop lightningbolt for Abrupt Decay or Fatal Push. The first would give more versatility for 1 more mana, while the latter does pretty much the same job of Bolt, but both would give you more mana consistency.

June 4, 2017 8:35 a.m.

bartlettphoto says... #8

Thank you for all the feedback! I have made a few changes and will be testing at my LGS in the coming weeks. Hope to see some good matches and learn more!

June 13, 2017 3:50 p.m.

IRNMN says... #9

Upvoted. Love the Jund approach, I've never seen that before in Modern elves. As a Junk elves player my biggest feedback is you're missing out on a lot of the benefits of the Elves tribal identity. Without Heritage Druid you lack Elves' ability to spam the board with creatures on turn 2 via tap shenanigans with Dwynen's Elite and/or Nettle Sentinel, and with no mana sink you don't really have a great way of using the insane mana potential Elvish Archdruid gives you. I recommend dropping all of your Burning-Tree Emissary and Narnam Renegade to add in 4 Heritage Druid and 2 Ezuri, Renegade Leader. This will give you better mana generation and a solid win con via gratuitous Archdruid mana and Ezuri's activated ability. I also recommend replacing the 2 Kolaghan's Command with 2 Chord of Calling, which will allow you to tutor for Ezuri to win or Archdruid for +1/+1 and mana ramp. With those changes you should be able to win consistently on turn 4. Good luck!

June 13, 2017 4:36 p.m.

IRNMN says... #10

Also, if you're going to take out Narnam Renegade that will allow you to drop the 2 Bloodstained Mire in favor of 1 extra Overgrown Tomb and 1 extra Stomping Ground. Having access to 2 red and 2 black mana sources is really important because you want to leave open the possibility of casting multiple Lightning Bolt or Shaman of the Pack in the same turn to close out a game. As it stands now you're limited to casting 1 of each of those per turn, which could be the difference between winning and losing. Cheers!

June 13, 2017 4:44 p.m.

swiech says... #11

I like the idea of Jund Elves but i think your running half way between a zoo deck and an elf ball combo deck while losing out on the benefits of either. IRNMN makes some very good points and if you want to go elf ball I'd test his recommendations. That said i'd suggest lesser changes of dropping the 2x Burning-Tree Emissary and 2x Kolaghan's Command in the main for 1x Reclamation sage, 1x Elvish Champion and 2x Chord of Calling. The Burning-Tree Emissary at best will let you drop in another chump blocker. Being able to cord in a Rec Sage/Champ/Shaman is really, really useful. Rec adds enchantment removal mainboard and Champ pump your elves and make them unblockable against most green decks.

June 13, 2017 5:50 p.m.

IRNMN says... #12

swiech Very good points, I personally prefer leaving the Reclamation Sage and Elvish Champion sideboard but main decking them can be advantageous depending on the decks people play in the meta. Considering including your recommendations pushes the deck more in the direction of elf ball, I think this gives the deck even more reason to run Heritage Druid and Ezuri, Renegade Leader. bartlettphoto could potentially incorporate both of our suggestions by removing 2 Burning-Tree Emissary, 2 Kolaghan's Command, 4 Narnam Renegade, 1 Elvish Visionary, and 1 Nettle Sentinel in favor of 1 Reclamation Sage, 1 Elvish Champion, 2 Chord of Calling, 4 Heritage Druid, and 2 Ezuri, Renegade Leader.

June 13, 2017 6:13 p.m.

colton815 says... #13

the only red creature you have is burning tree shaman which isn't even an elf. elves are much better in mono-green.

June 13, 2017 6:19 p.m.

IRNMN says... #14

colton815 The deck-maker did specify in the description that they are determined to stay in Jund colors. Besides, mono green elves is pretty rare these days in Modern since Shaman of the Pack gives you so much of an incentive to run black. Although I agree that Burning-Tree Shaman is a good candidate to remove from the deck, bartlettphoto does gain a lot from adding red to the deck (see Lightning Bolt and the various red sideboard answer cards)

June 13, 2017 6:34 p.m.

colton815 says... #15

IRNMN its really not relevant to me if they say they want to stay in jund colors, it doesnt make sense for elves. im going to give a person the best advice i can even if it is outside the restrictions they set for themselves. and mono green elves aren't "rare". i've seen it several times, but havent seen anyone add black once.

June 13, 2017 6:59 p.m.

Nettle sentinals without heritage druids? I'm confused by that. I really dont think elves gains much by adding red. This seems more like an aggro deck than elves. Id stick the g/b or splash white. The abzan elves list mostly keep only chordable white sideboard targets. I dont like hurting yourself this much to run a 3rd color.

June 13, 2017 7:59 p.m.

IRNMN says... #17

colton815 Playstyles will vary between locations and metagames of course, but on the competitive Modern scene at least mono green elves is virtually nonexistent. According to MTG top 8 all 27 modern elf decks from competitions in the last 2 months splash at least one color in addition to green, usually black. I agree that Jund colors aren't the optimal color scheme for Elves for competitive play, but I tend to try to help people build the deck they want to build unless they specify they are open to changing directions.


June 13, 2017 8:57 p.m.

colton815 The purpose of adding different colors to elves is for sideboards, as well as access to certain spells such as Beck / Call, or Lightning Bolt. Green Black has become a really common splash color, especially with Shaman of the Pack, as well as access to Thoughtseize and Abrupt Decay. White lets you run Burrenton Forge-Tender, Kataki, War's Wage, and a menagerie of other spells.

Hello there! I have some recommendations to make. What your reason behind running Lead the Stampede over Chord of Calling? With Dwynen's Elite, Nettle Sentinel, and not a single copy of Heritage Druid, you could easily get flooded with a ton of creatures, which aren't strong enough to attack easily without Ezuri, Renegade Leader. Running chord also lets you swap Burning-Tree Emissary could probably be cut for some Ezuri, Renegade Leader, and Narnam Renegade for Heritage Druid. This allows you to still have a possible turn 3 swing for 21 damage, while keeping lightning bolt at the ready.

Although red is a helpful color, relying on red for most of your sideboard spells (and not having an easy way to get red early in the game) can cause you to have sideboard answers flooded in hand. You only have 5 lands which can help you get red, meaning that many of your games can result in having no red. swapping destructive revelry for Fracturing Gust can help you against affinity. cutting atarka's command for Ghost Quarter and another Grafdigger's Cage. +1 :D

TL;DR: cutting burning tree emissary for Ezuri, Renegade Leader, and narnam renegade for Heritage Druid. destructive revelry for Fracturing Gust and Reclamation Sage, and atarka's command for Ghost Quarter and another Reclamation Sage

Also, if you want, here's my black green elves list!

June 13, 2017 10:33 p.m. Edited.

colton815 says... #19

IRNMN you only go back 2 months? gotta go a bit farther than that if you want your argument to mean anything buddy. seems to me you drew the line at 2 months cuz any more than that would prove my point. mono green elves are "non existent" my nuts.

June 14, 2017 12:09 a.m.

IRNMN says... #20

colton815 Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or stir up a confrontation. Mono green Elves is a perfectly strong deck with a long history of success in the modern format, I don't doubt that it does exist or has existed in the past. You seemed to be dismissive of splashing black in Elves, so I presented data showing that splashing other colors is very much the norm in competitive play. Last 2 months is just the default look back window on MTG top 8, I didn't select that date range to omit any data. If you want to look at the historical data yourself, feel free. Whether you want to recognize it or not, cards like Shaman of the Pack make Elves better in the current meta.

June 14, 2017 12:46 a.m.

colton815: I wanted to politely remind you that this website is meant to be a helpful, collaborative community, not one where you talk to others in a supercilious manner.

As an elf player myself, I most often see black green and white green builds, rather than mono green. The few Mono Green Builds I run into either have a different wincon, such as stealing lands with Gilt-Leaf Archdruid, or, a budget deck that cannot afford to run expensive dual lands.

Elves, with just mono green, is meant to be an aggressive deck, but it has fewer answers. Mono Green elves can lose everything to Lightning Bolt, or any quick removal. Adding white allows for Burrenton Forge-Tender. Adding black lets you have an alternative wincon in Shaman of the Pack, while running cards such as Thoughtseize. Blue lets you pay Beck / Call, which is essentially the same as mono green combo elves that ran Glimpse of Nature (which got banned early into modern).

June 14, 2017 12:58 a.m. Edited.

Bulldawg1310 says... #22

have you considered Chord of Calling?

July 15, 2017 5:59 p.m.

bartlettphoto says... #23

Bulldawg1310, I would like to have 2 in the deck, but I don't have any at the moment. May be on the short list for pickups.

July 16, 2017 9 a.m.

IRNMN says... #24

2-3 Stain the Mind is a great sideboard option vs combo, you can power it out on turn 3 like clockwork with convoke to ruin a combo player's day. They are also bulk rares and super easy to pick up. Love the changes!

July 16, 2017 8:56 p.m.

bartlettphoto says... #25

IRNMN Great idea! Thanks for the feedback!

July 18, 2017 11:25 a.m.

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