Golgari evolutionary leap

Standard* Pwnaged


ObeseBanana says... #1

I just made a simic Evolutionary Leap deck and the mana base was the same but just the different colors.

August 25, 2015 11:46 p.m.

Dontknowgabe says... #2

Maybe 2x Palace Siege i know you have a lot of stuff that can come back as is it. However even if you don't choose Khans you can slowly drain your opponent while gaining life.

August 25, 2015 11:54 p.m.

Pwnaged says... #3

I mean, Simic Evolutionary leap doesnt sound too bad, but i think Bloodsoaked Champion, Fleshbag Marauder, and Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip are all just too good in this deck. Getting lilys ultimate off is surprisingly easy and is extremely strong in this deck. I mean, Fleshbag itself with the emblem is dumb as hell. Throw in Elvish visionary and you just straight win.

I do not think Palace Siege fits in this deck at all. The return from grave sucks, considering im playing Graveblade Marauder, bloodsoaked, and Deathmist Raptor return to the field anyways. The 2 health thing is cute, but isnt what this deck is looking for in any way. only thing that it will do is aggravate me when it pops up in a collected company

August 26, 2015 12:23 a.m.

cplvela0811 says... #4

Tasigur, the Golden Fang? I don't care what people say, he's a good creature.

August 30, 2015 12:04 p.m. Edited.

Pwnaged says... #5

Tasigur, the Golden Fang is definitely a sideboard card, especially in control matchups, where games are going to go longer. Mainboard though? I cant exactly see what i would cut, because everything else in the deck is really integral to be "Generally" Good against most decks. Adding him main would screw up Collected Company too much.

August 30, 2015 1:23 p.m.

+1 I like this deck but the synergy is kinda off. I'm just afraid of running CoCo and hitting fleshbag with a unflipped den protector or 0 cmc walker which could be just game crushing. I see the logic with lili, haruspex, fleshbag and getting value but the risk is really big.

I think 4 of visionary is too much, draws and pops for you in evo but it is still a 1/1 that has no presence. I like Rakshasa Deathdealer in this somewhere. Regen with evo at the end of their turn, finds a card, untap on yours. Value. Lili is out , she sparks. If haruspex, draw without really losing a body.

September 4, 2015 1:35 p.m.

Pwnaged says... #7

Hitting a Fleshbag Marauder off of Collected Company is always great. 9 times out of 10 you're casting collected company either mid combat, or at their endstep. so its going to get one of their opponents creatures. Even if we subtract Den Protector and Hangarback Walker from the Collected company math, we still end up with 21 creatures out of 60 cards. which is 2 per 6 cards, which mathematically is still fine to play collected company with. If i hit a hangarback walker + Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip, you bet im going to grab that hangarback with it, just so i can flip liliana.

Elvish Visionary is a true all-star in this deck. ive been playtesting it extensively now, and i have to say, in most matchups, i need the 1/1 cycling body. Digging for a card i need, being perfect sac fodder, and being an early blocker for those x/1s that red decks play, are all things i need. if i want Rakshasa Deathdealer the only time he would be good, is if i commit mana to him. he does nothing to warrant being sac'ed, because he is a 2/2 where his value comes from investing more mana, which is not what i want to be doing in the early stages of the game, where elvish visionary is meant to shine. every other creature in the deck enters the battlefield, does something (Or flips), Dies and does something, Or recurs from the graveyard. Rakshasa Deathdealer does none of those.

September 5, 2015 12:44 p.m.

Pwnaged says... #8

Also, Regen doesn't stop sacrificing.

September 5, 2015 12:47 p.m.

OneManArmy says... #9

Catacomb Sifter is a nice addition with BFZ. Provide early bodies against aggro, and also enable an immediate flip for liliana

September 13, 2015 9:05 p.m.

Pwnaged says... #10

catacomb sifter can't immediately flip liliana, a nontoken creature has to die to flip her, but yes, Catacomb sifter will probably make it in anyway.

September 13, 2015 9:18 p.m.

Fibbe says... #11

Wow, this deck actually looks reasonable... thank you for restoring my faith in people's deckbuilding abilities, and my sanity after the dredges... I would want more Grim Haruspex and more Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip, but I don't know what's cuttable other than Elvish Visionary which is excellent for streamlining a deck. anyways +1

September 19, 2015 1:44 a.m.

Pwnaged says... #12

Thanks a lot. Building decks is my thing. It has to have 2 rules. it Has to be fun, and it also has to take a tried and true strategy and turn it into something completely different. (In this case, a collected company deck)

If i had to cut ANY card. It would be hangarback walker (not the full 4, just 2) mostly, because if you hit it in a collected company, its bad unless you also hit a haruspex or liliana, and even that is meh.

If you need another card to cut, i would then recommend cutting 1 or 2 visionaries, because yes they round it out, but its highly mediocre. But i would really only cut them for another 2 drop, as not to disturb the curve.

September 19, 2015 1:56 a.m.

HyperSloth says... #13

Zulaport Cutthroat and Smothering Abomination would make great additions to this deck come when BFZ releases.

September 20, 2015 3:03 a.m.

Pwnaged says... #14

Zulaport cutthroat is a high possibility. There is a 99% chance it makes it in, just havent changed the list. And its not on tappedout yet.

Smothering Abomination is awful though. Firstly, it costs 4. Cant grab it with company. Secondly, its forced sacrifice. Forced sacrifice is bad unless you have forced creature generation, which we dont.

What might be added as a 1 of in the deck, is Drana, Liberator of Malakir she is just super strong overall

September 20, 2015 1:52 p.m.

Pwnaged says... #15

Deck updated with bfz.

September 29, 2015 10:21 p.m.

Jeebus333 says... #16

wow this looks great +1 I'd love to see how it plays. I have a more budget friendly golgari deck I am working on that uses some similar cards. any tips?

there once was a husk from nantuko... Playtest

Standard* Jeebus333


September 30, 2015 2:21 a.m.

Geoffrey1 says... #17

Have you tested the Sulti Emissary? In a deck like this he seems SUPER value. +1

October 1, 2015 12:49 a.m.

Pwnaged says... #18

Went 4-1 at fnm. Deck is staying. Split with the top 4.

From Beyond is a better card than i expected and i feel like i need one maindeck, 1 side. More on that update later

October 3, 2015 3:27 a.m.

Umbreomancer says... #19

Why not splash in blue so you can run Bring to Light to search out Liliana or Fleshbag. Also From Beyond is a good idea as a one-of as fodder for Evolutionary Leap or Hangarback Walker

October 19, 2015 9:06 p.m.

DukeofSam says... #20

How well does the Nissa work in this deck? I'm playing a very similar list but with 4 nantuko husks, I feel like I have too many cards that want to sacrifice other things; So i'm looking for something to replace a few husks with.

January 28, 2016 2:44 a.m.

Gammafire1128 says... #21

This deck is sexy. Period.

March 2, 2016 9:37 p.m.

Pwnaged says... #22

The deck was fun for sure.

Since i created this deck, Oath was released. In oath of the gatewatch, not much for green black was added.

Id make room for Sylvan Advocate Hissing Quagmire and Matter Reshaper

Im not playing this deck anymore, (Dont even have it together) but i still think it feels valid if you updated it. Im currently playing 4 Color (Not red) bring to light control. (Which is still fun as shit)

March 3, 2016 1:22 a.m.

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