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Golgari Graveyard (Casual Modern)

Modern BG (Golgari)



This a very enjoyable deck on the more casual side of things that I have been playing on MTGO for quite a while now and I have spent a lot of time tuning the list as new sets have been released as of Ikoria. My latest addition is Fiend Artisan that came out with Ikoria. This card is essentially a massively upgraded Boneyard Wurm. On turns 1-2, the main goal of the deck is to get as many creatures into the graveyard as possible with Stitcher's Supplier, Street Wraith, Glowspore Shaman, and Grisly Salvage. In subsequent turns large creatures can hit the board for extremely cheap mana costs. I was once able to drop Ghoultree on turn 2. Below I will go through my card choices.

4 Stitcher's Supplier This is a new card in M19 that has been amazing. It is the 1 drop the deck needed that can get creatures into the graveyard. I really can't say enough about how excellent this card has been.

4 Grisly Salvage This card is the best graveyard filling card in the deck, and it is a great late game draw for the creature tutor. This is one of the only non-creature cards in the deck but it is essential.

4 Glowspore Shaman I have been testing this card as a replacement for Satyr Wayfinder. The reason for this is the 3/1 body as opposed to 1/1, and it can still get you a land if you want it. I am still undecided if I will stick with this card, but for now it seems like an upgrade.

4 Street Wraith I view this card as a cantrip that also puts a creature in the graveyard. It increases the overall amount of creatures in the deck so I have a better chance to hit creatures when casting Grisly Salvage, Glowspore Shaman, and Stitcher's Supplier.

4 Splinterfright Mechanically this is the perfect card for this deck. He continually adds cards to the graveyard powering himself up and is the only creature with trample in the deck, making him a powerhouse. He is a casting priority on turn 3.

4 Boneyard Wurm This creature does a good Tarmogoyf impression and is just a cheap beater. Like Splinterfright, he will die if your graveyard is emptied, but gets more powerful as creatures are added.

4 Fiend Artisan This new card is a pretty amazing addition to this deck. The fact that it is a base 1/1 means that it wont die when your graveyard is exiled, and the ability added on may come in handy against removal or to sacrifice your Stitcher's Supplier. Removed Nemesis of Mortals to include this.

4 Ghoultree This card is definitely fun to drop on people for 1 mana. Can be done as early as turn 2 if you're lucky. Both Nemesis of Mortals and Ghoultree are of a similar style where their casting cost goes down because of the graveyard, rather than drawing their P/T from the yard. This means that while they are capped at 10/10, the will not die if your graveyard is wiped.

2 Shriekmaw Removal spell that counts as a creature in the graveyard

4 Necrotic Wound This is only other non-creature spell in the deck besides Grisly Salvage, and it is perfect because the way this deck operates straight up breaks it. Also know as 'Black to Exile' because most of the time it is literally Path to Exile with no drawback. The -X/-X can also get around indestructible which is awesome.


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #6 position overall 6 years ago
  • Achieved #2 position in Modern BG (Golgari) 5 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 2 Rares

24 - 3 Uncommons

0 - 10 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.82
Folders Excellent Primer, Favorites, Modern, cool modern, Ideas, Budget, My decks, 1, Modern Deck Options, Ideas
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