pie chart

Golgari Graveyard Rock

Modern* BG (Golgari) Tokens



Game Plan

This deck is intended for the highschool/university student who's friends play casual magic competitively. The decks you and your friends build cost between $20 and $150 dollars, all funded through part time jobs/allowance. Your friend group uses cards from modern and onwards, though no one will own a deck with a card costing more than $5 unless they found Ugin, the Spirit Dragon in a lucky pack, after which you all identify them as the guy who plays Ugin. Maybe one friend will mess around sometimes and throw in a commander only card.

The deck aims to mimic b/g rock lists, though the control side is a lot worse. Mill yourself while using Fiend Artisan to hit face in. There is no real card draw in this deck, however Fiend Artisan can pod out majority of this deck's creatures for 4 mana or less.

Fiend Artisan: Phenomenal for casuals, although it apparently is trash in modern.
Stitcher's Supplier: There's literally no faster option for self-mill at 1 mana. Body is optimal sacrifice material for Fiend Artisan as well.

Satyr Wayfinder: Some people have opted to swap Glowspore Shaman in for this card as well, but the slower land draw is not worth 2 more points in attack.

Spider Spawning: One of my favourite cards ever made. Will stabilize against 90% of aggro decks when cast, blocking fliers and threatening to kill. And if the first swarm doesn't do it, the flashback will.

Gnaw to the Bone: Emergency life gain. One of it tends to be enough, but you could try 2 if your friends are heavy on the burn.

Kessig Cagebreakers: I've played this card so many times I know it can absolutely end games.

Duress: If you run a rock like deck, you need discard. There's obviously a better card, but it's out of my budget.

Traverse the Ulvenwald: Turn 1 its a land drop. Turn 4 its grab whatever problem solver you need.

Rotting Rats: In multiplayer hitting everyone is beneficial. Being able to cast it from the graveyard and sac the body makes it surprisingly efficient.

Soul of Innistrad: If it hits the board your opponent must deal with it or lose. If it hits the graveyard you still get a powerful effect.

Eternal Witness: Literally play anything a second time. Get it back with Soul of Innistrad to fetch non-creature cards.

Masked Vandal: The only card I saw worth playing from Kaldheim (well Tergrid caught my eye too). The exile effect can deal with a lot of indestructibles.

Plague Engineer: A lot of decks run this guy in the sideboard. Since my friends play without a sideboard, I mainboard him in. This card's only dead match up is against control or combo decks that run a few durable creatures.

Necrotic Wound: -x/-x means it can kill indestuctibles. You just need to mill enough.

Golgari Charm: Budget replacement for Abrupt Decay and Assassin's Trophy. With so many modes, you can make this work for a lot of situations if you're smart.

Murderous Rider: Only downside is that it goes to the bottom of the deck when it dies rather than the graveyard, but its the most effective "creature thats also a kill card".

Necroplasm: It recurs itself while milling the graveyard, and with careful timing, you can ensure it doesn't kill the guys you need. Decks with mana curves at 3 or less are basically shut down by this thing.

Pernicious Deed: The best board clear g/b can offer.

Sarulf, Realm Eater: Very similar to Pernicious Deed, except it has the option to punch face. You can get it with Soul of Innistrad and Traverse the Ulvenwald as well, but the upkeep restriction is rather painful.

Woodland Cemetery: Literally the best budget dual land for g/b at around 5 dollars.

Darkbore Pathway  : Basically a better land.

Ghost Quarter: This can probably be swapped out for forests/swamps if you see no need. The land loss isn't too bad either thanks to Skull Prophet and Satyr Wayfinder.


I have nothing defending against graveyard destruction, but if you're really playing to win with something competitive and graveyard heavy you should look at reanimator deck lists.


Whatever substitutions you make, you want to keep the creature count at above 26 or use more delirium cards if you go below. There's a few ways to cheat in creature types, but I've found these strategies to slow you down. For this deck to be effective, it needs Stitcher's Supplier, Satyr Wayfinder, and Fiend Artisan.

Boneyard Wurm: Can replace Fiend Artistan, but this deck goes from competitive-casual to casual-casual. Still keeps the spirit of the deck.

Vessel of Nascency: Extremely slow but can replace Stitcher's Supplier. The enchantment type also benefits delirium.

Barrier of Bones: Another Stitcher's Supplie option. Mill 1 (or don't) and hold off the aggro.

Shriekmaw: Can replace Murderous Rider. I've played with it a lot and while its good and fills in the graveyard, not hitting black creatures makes him a dead card in some matchups, and at sorcery speed you can't do any mind games to trick your opponent into doing something else. Also in 2021, planeswalker removal is sorta required.

Discard Cards: Almost all 1 mana discard cards can replace Duress. 2 mana options behave a lot worse, but if you pick one make sure it hits all nonland cards. If you're looking for creature options, Cabal Therapist is bad, Pilfering Imp is alright.


Deathrite Shaman: $5 is within budget, but it can't put in immediate work in formats without fetchlands (which is probably why its banned in modern and legacy). Other use cases are alright.

Sakura-Tribe Elder: At 2 mana its clogging the 2 drop slot. Block and sack is useful though.

card:Death Prophet: 3 different options for how to use it, but it's extremely slow.

Elvish Mystic: Forget the self mill and just ramp.

Self Mill

Grisly Salvage: Instant speed and can choose a land or a creature. Can be used as a combat trick to pump anything you're swinging with at the last second. Huge downside with it not being a creature.

Mulch: You'll draw all the lands, but its sorcery speed and can't get you a creature when you really need it. In the best case scenario (assuming you're going first with 2 lands in hand and not drawing any lands, and cast Mulch on your 2nd turn) playing Mulch has a 82.6% chance of showing you one or more lands and a 42.8% chance of showing you 2 or more lands. I'd rather take the satyr when Mulch's upside is worse than a coin flip.

Glowspore Shaman: 3/1 statline is great and fix your next draw into any land. Mill fast, but draw slow. Better than it looks if your deck runs lands with a wide variety of special effects. This one doesn't.


Splinterfright: On average it's a 2/2 by turn 3. Any turn after that and he's a game ending threat. Not enough utility for me.

Deathmist Raptor: One raptor can bring back the entire pack. It is probably the best budget friendly, immediately into the battlefield, self recurring creature in the game. Run around 6 other morph cards (Den Protector, Bane of the Living, and Grim Haruspex are worth looking into) and I think you'll have a competent morph shell.

Rakshasa Deathdealer: Very flexible cards tend to be good, and this one is budget friendly. It has no graveyard synergies, which makes it better against people who will exile your graveyard.

Wreath of Geists: Enormous buff for 1 mana that makes your opponent weary of your 1/1s. Not being a creature hurts and the body needs trample to truly shine.

Rancor: Turn anything into something that can punch face. Really good on Fiend Artisan.


Ghastly Conscription: Absolute meme finisher. Sure you could put in a card that would actually win on the spot if you're in the position to cast this, but in a casual environment this is the card they'll remember you for.

card:Ghouletree: Good card that has some safety against graveyard exiles. 10/10 in stats even for 5 mana is really good.

Molderhulk: This is only better than Ghoultree if you're running a ton of lands with special effects.

Nemesis of Mortals: Some people have found success with this thing so I won't call it bad, but I don't think its worth running over Ghoultree.

Doom Whisperer: This is an incredible card. Surveiling can fix your draws and pump graveyard scaling threats to end the game. The card has a notable price tag, and Kessig Cagebreakers tends to do its job better.

Ishkanah, Grafwidow: Shuts down aggro. With Spider Spawning you can threaten to drain someone of their entire life total. You may not have delirium triggered by turn 5, which makes her unreliable.

Tasigur, the Golden Fang: He's useful and you can delve to reduce the cost, but he interferes with delirium.

Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord: A 4 mana Splinterfright/Fiend Artisan/Boneyard Wurm. His only upside is his garbage recursion ability and the ability to sac something to hurt someone, which is only useful if your playgroup has someone who makes swinging through difficult.

Izoni, Thousand-Eyed: On entry swarms the board. And then sacrifice anything for life gain and card draw. I prefer Soul of Innistrad since that card can interact with the graveyard better at 6 mana, but Fiend Artisan can make any ETB creatures work.


Creeping Renaissance: Late game when everyone's top decking and drawing lands you can flash this back to draw 7 creatures. 7 mana is too much though.

Nyx Weaver: I've run this for a long time, but its body isn't useful enough. Good with Delirium.

Tireless Tracker: Card draw and a beater in one. It just costs $5 and isn't as good without fetch lands.

Collective Brutality: Discard a bunch of creatures from hand to pump while pulling off a wide variety of effects. Its a good card, but I think it favours reanimator and delirium strategies more.


Garruk Wildspeaker: he's just a solid planeswalker and a worthwhile investment for his $5 price tag. Has no real synergies with this deck besides doing green things.

Garruk, Cursed Huntsman: I really like this card's effects. But I think he's 1 mana too expensive to be any good. His -3 really should've let him destroy a nonland permanent.

Liliana, Waker of the Dead: Graveyard synergies, but making yourself discard isn't that good in this deck.

Liliana, Death's Majesty: Incredible graveyard synergy, despite not being black and green. I haven't tried her out long enough to know if she's good.

Nissa of Shadowed Boughs: Really tried to make her work but her synergies aren't great. She's "practically" 3 mana, but using your lands to fight is a risky strategy if they get killed since this deck doesn't win on turn 4 or 5 normally. Her ultimate is also less useful than Liliana, Death's Majesty's second ability due to the land restriction. If you run cards like Sakura-Tribe Elder she might be better.

Board Clears

Bane of the Living: Kills itself if it morphs for 3 or more, but it is a board clear on a creature that doesn't cost 7 mana. Pernicious Deed tends to be better in a lot of cases. If your deck runs a morph package, you can get some great mind games.


Ravenous Chupacabra: I haven't tested this out because of the 4 mana price tag. However, it might be worth trying just because its ETB plays nice with Fiend Artisan.

Wicked Wolf: I mean its a 3/3, but without the food synergy just run Ravenous Chupacabra.

Sever the Bloodline: The only kill spell that can be cast from the graveyard. I have tried running one copy of this just as an emergency button. Its use case tends to not show up very often.

Eat to Extinction: Exiling might be useful in the right matchup, but between Necrotic Wound and Murderous Rider there's no creature or planeswalker threat you can't deal with. Sever the Bloodline is better in most cases.

Fatal Push: Costs like a dollar each and is used by a wide variety of decks. Could easily give this a go.


Castle Locthwain: Good card draw engine for late game, but the swamp requirements make it better for people with swamp forests like Overgrown Tomb.


Cauldron Familiar and Witch's Oven seem tempting to play just because of graveyard shenanigans. From here you'll want:

1) Gilded Goose for ramp

2) Savvy Hunter and Trail of Crumbs

4) Bake into a Pie and Wicked Wolf for removal

6) Deathless Knight and Feasting Troll King for more graveyard synergy

The food shell offers no mill, even though it keeps you alive for a long time. Deathless Knight and Feasting Troll King are also too inefficient as graveyard payoffs (and to me seem more like limited bombs).

Enchantment Creatures

Nighthowler, Nyx Weaver, and Commune with the Gods look like they work well with the graveyard and delirium. Other creatures you might considering include Nightmare Shepherd, Gravebreaker Lamia, Aphemia, the Cacophony and Courser of Kruphix.

In practice, Commune with the Gods has screwed me over due to not fixing my land draws like Satyr Wayfinder has. Nyx Weaver is a super slow card and not a strong beater (the free Treasured Find is worthless in a deck with no silver bullets). If you add these cards in, you probably have the intention of making way for delirium cards too, and now you're tight on card space.


Grim Flayer, Traverse the Ulvenwald, and Ishkanah, Grafwidow are the only good delirium cards, and Ishkanah is a one of most of the time. With Uro's ban I don't even know if Sultai Delirium will still be good. Grim Flayer was in this deck for a long time, but the 2/2 gets blocked too easily.

As for the other delirium cards, Pick the Brain is okay but at 3 mana needs to be played in control. Autumnal Gloom  , Deathcap Cultivator, Gnarlwood Dryad, Mournwillow, Soul Swallower, Crop Sigil, and Whispers of Emrakul are all bad in constructed.

Mindwrack Demon gets a special mention for how bad it is. 4 mana for a 4/5 demon is on the low end of what demons at 4 mana can do. Spawn of Mayhem and Desecration Demon are so much better and cost around $1 each, and for 1 mana and $4 more you have absolute monsters like Doom Whisperer. Sure he mills you for four on ETB, but you have 1 and 2 drops that do the same, so you're just paying 4 mana for that somewhat efficient body. To top it all off, his delirium isn't even a buff.


Any ultra budget dual land that enters the battlefield tapped is no good for aggro. Temple of Malady is the best option and its no good. Actual rock lists might run Treetop Village or even Hissing Quagmire, but they also run the best discard and removal spells so that a 3/3 monkey can rip someone's face off undisturbed. The zendikar modal lands are not worth it besides the monster that is Agadeem, the Undercrypt  . They're all better in commander.

Some Results

Scorched Earth: A land destruction deck I've beaten 4-1 without sideboards (obviously Nihil Spellbomb makes this matchup impossible). I find this deck to be pretty strong (and at $400 dollars my god) but due to my decks many ways of fetching lands, unless I get burned down this strategy isn't very effective.

deck:turn-3-ullamog: This deck is a ramp oriented combo that can drop enormous threats and win very quickly. A very good friend of mine's deck. Went about 18-15 after numerous matches, with Ugin being a huge counter to this deck's low curve.

Hurricane: A combo deck that kills everyone on turn 4. Stalemates every single time.

Rakdos Aggro: An out of standard r/b aggro deck. 7-3 in playtests. The deck can have some insane blowouts with Rotting Regisaur, but if you can stall to turn 5 and swarm in some spiders you can't lose.

GW REANIMATOR: A g/w reanimator deck that abuses Vesperlark or Eldritch Evolution to cheat something out. In my playtests I've won 3-7 with no sideboards. Discard effects are bad against this deck.

Angel/Cleric Tribe: Plays all the best mono white angels and the clerics in that are useful. Lost 1-4 against this deck. Its creatures are too bulky and I don't have enough removal to deal with the tokens. I'm not too sure if this deck would be considered aggro or midrange.

Maskwood Contract: A mardu transmogify combo deck that either fetches out a decent demon or a really scary dinosaur. I went 4-4. You have a lot of ways to deal with the tokens, and killing the transmogify target tends to be easy since most of the deck's tokens are 1/1s. The deck's backup plan of fulfilling Liliana's Contract never happened in my playtests.

Double Negative: Token swarming -1/-1 counter combo deck. If this deck gets up Nest of Scarabs, it can go exponential with the tokens via black sun's zenith. I won 3-0 as Necroplasm, Plague Engineer, and Pernicious Deed can hard counter this deck's combo. Would love to build this deck with budget lands.


Updates Add

Added basically a compendium of all my experimentations with this deck to make it play well. Hopefully anyone who stumbles upon this will have all their questions answered about playing a fun deck around cheap graveyard shenanigans.


95% Casual


Date added 9 years
Last updated 3 years
Exclude colors WUR
Splash colors BG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

13 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 64
Avg. CMC 2.39
Tokens Blood, Human 2/2 G, Insect 1/1 BG, Insect 1/1 G, On an Adventure, Spider 1/2 G, Treasure, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders Source Decks, Golgari Shenanigans
Ignored suggestions
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