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Golgari Midrange (post-BNG)

Standard* BG (Golgari) Midrange




Creature (2)

Enchantment (2)

Instant (2)

I'm a simple player. I like having creatures, and my opponent not having creatures. Green plays them, black removes them.

Early game is mostly disruption. Thoughtseize, Abrupt Decay, Hero's Downfall are the main plays, and hopefully a turn two Sylvan Caryatid to rustle aggro players and help stabilise my mana base. Ideally, this would be followed by Read the Bones to replenish my hand with a bit of scry so that I can be selective.

Mid game is when the creatures come. Dreg Mangler is a nice card I only recently started to appreciate. Helps early game with some late game potential as well. Courser of Kruphix is also a nice card because it adds stability. It's hard to burn and can hold off low drop creatures, but most importantly is its potential to drop lands, rather than play a card from your hand. Even if you have lands already, your opponent doesn't know that, and having a hand in black with open mana will make them sweat if they run creatures. Desecration Demon is another good card to play now, for obvious reasons.

Mid-late game you want to have 6 mana for a Reaper of the Wilds . A good card to have if you can keep the mana open for hexproof. A scary card to have if you manage to enchant it with Gift of Orzhova . Of course, gift works on other creatures too, it's just preferable to have it on something that won't get removed straight away. The lifelink is relevant, also with Courser of Kruphix, to help keep you out of the danger zone that all the life you were probably paying for your spells, let alone those of your opponent.

That's the general plan.

Drown in Sorrow is important as it sweeps just below Dreg Mangler and Sylvan Caryatid, killing many creatures in the current meta, such as weenies, elementals, Elvish Mystics, etc. You'll be subbing this in more often than not.

Mistcutter Hydra is a no-brainer against blue decks

Deadbridge Chant can keep your momentum rolling for longer games.

Golgari Charm is some good utility, hitting tokens, god weapons, Detention Sphere, Chained to the Rocks , and other prevalent enchantments.

Two Golgari Guildgate s were recently added to ensure a stable mana base.

This deck should become scarier come the next expansion, when GB receives its god and scryland. Hopefully some other interesting cards in its colours too - gorgons most likely.

I will be putting this together shortly. I'm currently considering Herald of Torment over Desecration Demon and Primeval Bounty over Deadbridge Chant. Possibly Dark Betrayal , although I feel I have enough mana for it to be unnecessary over a Hero's Downfall. I'm also considering throwing in some scrylands, but I don't think they're necessary either... so maybe.

Tips, comments and general feedback appreciated.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 2 Mythic Rares

18 - 5 Rares

10 - 2 Uncommons

11 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.69
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