Golgari Nation

Standard* dukanater


Saltybones says... #1

Golgari isn't necessarily my best area of knowledge but I can still throw out a few ideas since you are asking for advice. To me it seems you have a lot of ways to get cards in your graveyard, almost too many. Rot Farm Skeleton , Grisly Salvage , Drown in Filth , and Deadbridge Chant . I think Deadbridge and Rot Farm are the two best, then Drown in Filth because it gives the chance at removal.

I know how good Desecration Demon is and I would try to MB that if you can. Also consider Jarad's Orders . You can look for your Lotleth Troll s and throw something to scavenge in the graveyard. Or maybe you need a Corpsejack Menace or a Desecration Demon . Slitherhead combo well with the trolls as well but thats up to you.

I'm not personally a huge fan of Serene Remembrance but that is up to you. Gaze of Granite is another good removal. Brushstrider is really good with Varolz.

Someone else could post that all my suggestions are bogus but hey just felt like leaving a comment :P

I like it +1 from me

July 1, 2013 12:43 p.m.

dukanater says... #2

thank you saltybones i didnt even consider how useful Jarad's Orders would be for retrieval i dont think it was on my radar cause i dont own any but i defiantly agree i have to much removal i think Grisly Salvage is the worse of the 3

i found my self interested in Serene Remembrance cause im personally big on a gamble grab 3 awesome cards in my graveyard toss them in the deck and they may just show up they may not when i consider the odds of them not showing up it seems kinda pointless but my initial traction was just the gamble factor

thank you for your tips i think i have a better idea of what to change im gunna do some test games see what i think and update after

July 1, 2013 2:05 p.m.

Saltybones says... #3

No problem, glad my input was a little useful :p

July 1, 2013 2:17 p.m.

vincentgalbo says... #4


Check out my recent Golgari deck, Golgari Beaters. I focus on having the option to scavenge. The deck plays awesomely, and I'm always presented with tons of options. Sacrifice this, destroy that, scavenge this. Anyways, it's similar to yours except I focus mostly on deathtouch to discourage attackers while I beef up a Lotleth Troll , Vampire Nighthawk or Primal Huntbeast .

The only card I'm not too keen about is Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord . He seems like he would play nicely with everything, but he really doesn't. Scavenge typically works against him.

Also, you may want to beef up your removal. You don't seem to have any answer for air. Jace's Phantasm would wreck you.

July 2, 2013 9:12 a.m.

doctor_doom says... #5

It seems like its mostly built in Return to Ravnica block. Have you looked at many Innistrad block cards? I built a standard Golgari that used Gravecrawler quite a bit. He can be discarded to the Lotleth Troll and then summoned on the same turn. He's pretty great. Also a sac outlet for Varolz, the Scar-Striped , whom I'm not sure is a great standard card.

You can also use Woodland Cemetery to mana fix. Golgari has some of the best removal right now, so I would take advantage of that. Abrupt Decay is a fantastic card, a little pricey, but just perfect. It gets rid of permanents and can't be countered. Putrefy should be main board, unless you feel like the metagame in your area doesn't rely on a lot of creatures, but it'll get rid of Boros Reckoner easily.

If you're going to have more removal and sacrificing cards, you can also use Tragic Slip . That can get rid of big fatties.

Also Golgari Charm is a good sideboard card against mass destruction spells.

Rancor is also in standard still, so all green decks should take advantage of that.

July 2, 2013 9:25 a.m.

doctor_doom says... #6

This is my Standard Golgari deck if you wanted to take a look. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/golgari-aggression-std/

July 2, 2013 9:26 a.m.

dukanater says... #7

i agree vincentgalbo on the need for some anti air atm i made this so everything in it is standard and im waiting for the m14 cards so i can know whats staying i considered adding Vampire Nighthawk to my deck also cause hes probably the best 3 drop ever made but i was not sure if hes staying standard or not come m14 i also considered some kill spells on sideboard Doom Blade and stuff of that sort but again waiting to see what m14 is going to bring me for removal though iv been leaning toward Abrupt Decay but at 7$ ea im not sure i want to drop the money yet i probably will at eventually but i feel there is a cheaper alternative for the mean time

i have been strongly considering the exchange of Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord for Desecration Demon i feel that would give me a stronger core of creatures but if you can get a creature to a 10/10 or something and sac it for 3 with Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord bam 10 dmg to opponent that could be a game ender or even if you have 2 strong creatures and there low you turn around and attack and then blow 6 mana and Frisbee the killing blow id be sad to see him go but the odds of are against him because i can only have 1 out at a time so having more then 2 in the deck doesn't make sense making him a low chance of showing up for the fight bleh we shall see

July 2, 2013 9:29 a.m.

Raveler says... #8

Nice deck I run a similar-ish one, I would definately recomend moving Desecration Demon into main, at the moment most of your creatures are small and your deck is kinda susceptible to anti-graveyard counter measures, one well timed Rakdos Charm or Crypt Incursion and you'll be in a fair bit of trouble so you'll need a non-graveyard game winner just in case. With Varolz on your side you might also incorporating a few green Gruul cards like Slaughterhorn I find the bloodrush --> scavenge combo quite effective (plus your opponent might not expect bloodrushers in a golgari deck)other than that like Saltybones said look for cards with good power compared to CMC such as Crowned Ceratok which will give most of your creatures trample.

Anyways hope this helps and best of luckAnother area which needs work is your side deck, rather than potential cards your side deck should include cards designed to deal with specific decks which may give you trouble very aggressively. I'll give some suggestions: Skylasher to deal with blue counter/control decks, Crypt Incursion & Cremate to deal with reanimators and other golgari decks, Gaze of Granite to deal with token decks, and always include a Naturalize or two in case a deck uses enchatments (imagine if someone drops a Rest in Peace on you)

July 2, 2013 9:38 a.m.

dukanater says... #9

thx for suggestions doctor_doom but im trying to keep it RTR forwards with the expectation of the old block instradd and such phasing out soon and us getting M14

July 2, 2013 9:38 a.m.

dukanater says... #10

whoa thank you Raveler the side board ideas are excellent =D

July 2, 2013 9:45 a.m.

vincentgalbo says... #11

Instead of Naturalize , I would recommend including a combination of Golgari Charm and Putrefy . Very flexible cards!

July 2, 2013 10:05 a.m.

Raveler says... #12

good point by vincentgalbo, I completely forgot about the 2nd ability of Golgari Charm

July 2, 2013 10:21 a.m.

vincentgalbo says... #13

Thanks Raveler.

Also, a cheaper and more deadly alternative against an air force is Deadly Recluse . Which works well to deter air attacks VS any color (although Skylasher is definitely better vs blue). The Golgari Charm can keep them alive for another turn if you need it too.

July 2, 2013 10:35 a.m.

TheBeerGuard says... #14

Honestly I think Drown in Filth is kind of a wasted slot in this deck. I get that it gets cool stuff in your grave yard but i honestly think that with all the other cards in your deck that do this pretty effectively already. The other thing to take into account is that not only are you going to be putting creatures into your graveyard but your opponent as well. Removal spells and just trades in combat are going to send plenty of your threats to the yard anyways. I would definitely swap it out for hard removal like Abrupt Decay or Putrefy . This will be an answer to those pesky flyers.

July 2, 2013 11:38 a.m.

dukanater says... #15

all very good tips i have to sit down and swap some stuff around and see how it plays thank you all so much

July 2, 2013 12:08 p.m.

zandadoum says... #16


maybe you want to take a look at my deck Golgari Hasty v4 it has served me quite well last few month (cualifying at least top#4-8 in FNM, got me in eightfinals in a GPT and place 1st and 2nd in a few STD tourneys)

if you have some extra time, maybe you'll wanna read all my reports there. possibly gives you some ideas about which cards to use.

nevertheless, my golgari deck is theme is very different from yours. i do have something a more similar to your one: Don Quijote vs Mill this is still proptotype and is being build without the innistrad block that cycles out in october

July 2, 2013 1:07 p.m.

Get rid of the rot farm skeleton, and drop the land count to 24. I can't offer much more advice than that. That way you can run corpsejack menace AND Desecration demon. Best of both worlds.

July 2, 2013 1:58 p.m.

Krayhaft says... #18

What is the purpose of Deathrite Shaman MB? He's great SB as utility hate vs control and aggro, but by himself he's not that reliable. Are you using him for mana ramp? Move him to SB and replace him with 4x Arbor Elf .

Also, cut down on the lands. 23-24 should be fine, with your curve.

July 2, 2013 3:06 p.m.

-Fulcrum says... #19

I would put the Golgari Charm s in the mainboard. I run a Golgari deck too, but it's a different strategy: counter multiplication. One thing I love about the Golgari Charm is. that it can prevent boardwipes. I find it to be extremely useful because of that, as well as destroying enchantments. I've always mainboarded it, but it's up to you.

July 2, 2013 3:54 p.m.

Viaggro says... #20

Arbor Elf would work put like 4 of those in trust me it a 1 drop that can untap a Forest so you can use it again great for early game! also think about Craterhoof Behemoth and Primordial Hydra Beautiful cards Craterhoof has haste and its a late game card which means you should have a ample amount of creatures out for that big "X/X" counter. Now the Hydra is a great Ramping Card whith its counters doubling each turn it gets quite overwhelming may I add trust me soon enough you will double your opponets health. i feel like Vampire Nighthawk would be a better choice it has a lifelink and deathtouch. Also some Rancor would be nice. for instants Putrefy and Abrupt Decay oh and Ulvenwald Tracker is great because you can make things fight each other. for lands i would suggest Overgrown Tomb and Woodland Cemetery and thats about it lol these are just suggestions just throwing it out there bud. haha 1 up!

July 2, 2013 8:43 p.m.

Viaggro says... #21

not ramping countering card sorry

July 2, 2013 8:43 p.m.

paulmorphy44 says... #22

Not sure how I feel about the 3 Jarad's Orders ... I ran those for a while but for a four mana sorcery I feel that doesn't give any immediate threats or board presence i'm not sure how i feel. I might consider readding the Grisly Salvage over Jarad's Orders I ran them so a little bit but found them to be too slow and not a big enough impact. Also not sure about Deadbridge Chant ... Personally I second Viaggro with the Primordial Hydra and Ulvenwald Tracker .. I'm also a big fan of Vorapede and Predator Ooze with maybe the idea of Deadly Allure for scary creatures.. Even if you put it in your graveyard with Grisly Salvage you can always flash it back. 1 up!

July 3, 2013 12:51 a.m.

dukanater says... #23

thank you all good suggestions i considered Primordial Hydra and Vampire Nighthawk viaggro but im not sure if there phasing out in October and im trying to build the deck with that phase change in mind this is going to be my golgari deck for next block so much more changes will come but i was trying to exclude anything thats phasing out so im more prepared and making changes to this deck will be easier i dont see much in m14 thought that looks like its going to be grate for this deck im hope the print Vampire Nighthawk again id love to use him in place of like Dreg Mangler or probably Corpsejack Menace

July 3, 2013 7:57 a.m.

vincentgalbo says... #24

If you were to replace a creature with Vampire Nighthawk I wouldn't recommend Dreg Mangler or Corpsejack Menace . That's a deadly combination right there, especially with the Lotleth Troll .

Turn 2: Drop your Lotleth Troll if you're not afraid of removal.

Turn 3: Drop your Vampire Nighthawk

Turn 4: Drop your Corpsejack Menace

Turn 5: Discard your Dreg Mangler for two counters on your Lotleth Troll and scavenge it onto Vampire Nighthawk for a 8/9 flying, deathtouch, lifelink bad ass.

Granted, I have those cards and I never play that way. I usually play slower and less aggressive as this style of deck is so flexible. I usually keep a swamp open to regen my Lotleth Troll (turn 3). And since Vampire Nighthawk is so badass he is typically the target of some removal. Also, I usually drop my Dreg Mangler with the hope that I can do some damage and get him in the graveyard.

July 3, 2013 8:47 a.m.

dukanater says... #25

i feel like im moving away slowly from the scavage style of play now tho with these changes it feels like im putting stuff into the grave yard but enless i have Varolz, the Scar-Striped in play i dont rly have much scavage and then its just all fuel for Deathrite Shaman granted i try and use my opponents cards and not touch myn of course i dont know i think im going to keep it the way it is till i hit the local FNM with it and see how i do

July 3, 2013 8:55 a.m.

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