Golgari Nighthowler

Standard SgtBogo


ownageban says... #1

Where is Lotleth Troll its to good not to be included

January 13, 2014 7:54 p.m.

SgtBogo says... #2

@ ownageban I do think it is a good individual card, however, I don't think it would work in this deck. Sure a 2/1 trample with cheap regen is good but I think his discard ability would heavily conflict with Jarad (who is a very big part of this deck). I think sacking big creatures for big damage is more effective than essentially sacking cheap creatures for a single counter.

January 13, 2014 8:03 p.m.

ownageban says... #3

Lotleth trolls ability synergizes with jarad?

January 13, 2014 8:08 p.m.

SgtBogo says... #4

@ ownageban Well yes it does make him stronger but that's not what I was talking about. If I have Jarad out I'm definitely using his ability to sac creatures every chance I get, usually I use him to sac an Elvish Mystic bestowed with a Nighthowler for big damage and then I can still sac the Nighthowler for more damage. I feel that Lotleth Troll would be ultimately ignored because his ability would be so overshadowed by Jarad's. As I said, turning creatures into damage is better than turning creatures into counters.

January 13, 2014 11:33 p.m.

iG3rg says... #5

This is a similar deck compared to my deck Deathtouch Win based around Nighthowler, Jarad, and Nemesis of Mortals. It seems to me that is quick enough to build, but not quick enough to build up your graveyard.

January 14, 2014 8:13 a.m.

mousedogbird says... #6

Hello there @Sgtbogo, I too play with Nighthowler and Nemesis of Mortals . I recently won an FNM undefeated with my deck.

You can check it out here: Phoenix Corpse

I seems like we both had a similar idea; Thought I'd share my take.

January 14, 2014 10:47 a.m.

xStark27 says... #7

Great idea with the double sac of a creature with Nighthowler bestowed on it! +1

January 18, 2014 9:05 p.m.

kmcree says... #8

I playtested this deck against mine:

Just a Little ESPERiment (3-1 at FNM) Playtest

Standard kmcree

SCORE: 24 | 14 COMMENTS | 3636 VIEWS

A few thoughts:

1) You are very vulnerable to removal. I Thoughtseize d a jarad and a nighthowler and Detention Sphere d another howler. One way around this might be throwing in a couple Witchstalker or Mistcutter Hydra in a sideboard to act as bestow targets for the howlers.

2) You seem to have trouble finishing. Unless you get a howler and jarad out together, I'm not sure how you get enough damage through. I would second the above suggestion of Lotleth Troll for his trample. Could be another nice target for bestowing howler. Mistcutter Hydra could also help here, as could a big body like Kalonian Hydra . The Nemesis of Mortals wasn't especially helpful without trample. Maybe look for either other big bodies or a way to give him trample?

3) You don't have much to deal with opposing threats. Since you have access to black this should be easy to correct. Maybe consider a removal package with something like Hero's Downfall or a combination of Doom Blade with Dark Betrayal sided, along with some hand disruption like Thoughtseize or Duress as a cheaper alternative.

Anyway, hope some of this helps! Feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions on my deck.

January 18, 2014 9:27 p.m.

SgtBogo says... #9

I definitely agree with being too open to removal, so I added in a playlet of Witchstalker in place of Deathrite Shaman . He's just too damn expensive, plus the fact that I'm pretty confident in my mana ramping as it is.

Mistcutter Hydra does have protection from blue and is a good card overall, but I don't think it would work here. The only case I really like to include him is if there is some realistic method of getting him out as a 10/10 and with my very small mana base (mostly reliant on dorks) it's not feasible. I think that sticking to Jarad, Nemesis of Mortals , Nighthowler , and Desecration Demon will work just fine. I'm usually cutting through my deck like crazy so I can always just bring back a Jarad, and there's very good odds for me to pull something to sac for big damage.

Definitely agreed, 4 Doom Blade added. Also side boarded Putrefy for 2 Thoughtseize .

January 18, 2014 10:15 p.m.

Hy says... #10

Have you considered Deathrite Shaman or Lotleth Troll ? Maybe take out two Doom Blade and Predator's Rapport for four more creatures to benefit Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord ?

January 28, 2014 8:29 p.m.

SgtBogo says... #11

@ hy I'm not so big on Lotleth Troll , I kinda wanna save all the sacking for Jarad. But I would love a playlet of Deathrite Shaman , provided I had the funds... A playset of him could cost around $50 and that is just ridiculous. Sadly not too many people around me are willing to trade him off either, so I'm kinda stuck without him.

January 29, 2014 8:16 p.m.

Josmiah says... #12

I personnaly think Grisly Salvage would be more appropriate than Commune with the Gods , not only do you have no enchantment in your deck, but also, it would allow you to get a land card, which Commune with the Gods wouldnt allow you to.

February 2, 2014 6:20 p.m.

SgtBogo says... #13

@ Josmiah I already have a playset of Grisly Salvage though... I wish I could have more but sadly cannot, so I have Commune with the Gods and Drown in Filth (Drown in Filth also helps to be a little bit of removal too). And I do agree with Commune with the Gods not being as effective due to lack of enchantments but there isn't really any other option for cutting through the deck.

February 3, 2014 9:01 p.m.

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