Golgari Perfected

Standard Schmuckey

SCORE: 205 | 115 COMMENTS | 58407 VIEWS | IN 152 FOLDERS

TurboTurley02 says... #1

wow this looks intense. im excited to see you actually build this if u do. it looks like it would be alot of fun. this is really thinking out side the box.

February 10, 2014 1:34 a.m.

RomadHooligan says... #2

duuuuuuuuuuuuude... this is fucking awesome! I legit giggled a bit when read through it haha.. I love the Satyr Wayfinder idea.. grab lands and build the up the Nighthowler !? Genius! the synergy is outta control.. only thing I can think you might wanna try is put some more removal into your sideboard for a counter to another aggressive deck.. as your win-con could easily just be one creature bestowed with the howler it would be nice to just clear a path for the ultimate swing to win, maybe pull the Hydras?.. +1 for sure either way though.. well fucking done! would you mind checking out my Un-clever Weenie Junk deck and throwing me some recommendations? Thanks if you do!

February 10, 2014 11:39 a.m.

OrzhovExtort says... #4

wow reanimation and aggro in one deck love it +1!!!!!

February 10, 2014 9:21 p.m.

Schmuckey says... #5

Thanks for the input :). play tested this at my local shop. played against MUD, MBD, and u/w heroic. dominated pretty hard. added more removal in the SB.

Such a fun deck to play! :)Luckily Deathrite Shaman is now banned in modern, went to the shop on modern day and all the modern players had him for sale :D

February 10, 2014 9:32 p.m.

ghash says... #6

I was a skeptic, especially on the land base but I play tested it and I love it! Good job man keep us posted on how this does!+1

February 11, 2014 12:02 a.m.

elderscar24 says... #7

what to you think about adding Lotleth Troll it would help adding creatures to your graveyard

February 11, 2014 1:06 a.m.

Schmuckey says... #9

Thanks ghash :) yeah the deathrite shaman is the ultimate piece to this golgari puzzle. almost always have a land to exile.

elderscar24 I already have enough to put plenty of creatures into the graveyard. Also what card would I discard? plus why not bestow a nighthowler on elvish mystic for 13/13 lol. Usually at turn 3 I'll have a Nemisis of Mortals, sometimes he's earns monstrosity on turn 3 aswell, a 10/10 coming hard at turn 4..

February 11, 2014 1:23 a.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #10

I would take out the commun for a larger creature base. Maybe boon sayter? Flash them in then attack and have Jared pop it. Plus the life link if whip is out

February 11, 2014 7:30 p.m.

Schmuckey says... #11

It's crucial to have a lot of graveyard cards. If you play test it and don't get them this deck is dead in the water.

February 11, 2014 8:14 p.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #13

How does this deck do at fnm?

February 16, 2014 11:45 p.m.

Schmuckey says... #14

Finally were back lol

FNM results

Game 1: 2-0 vs super friends. got things going before he could get his combo out

Game 2: 2-1 R/G monsters w/ both xenego's and domri. beat me first game with a Anger of the Gods that crippled me. second game I got a nemesis had of mortals 10/10 on turn 3. had to mulligan to 5 cards on game 3 but was still able to pull off the win. (one of the most intense games I have ever played)

Game 3: 1-2 u/w control. Did not have my sidieboard finished, had problems with board wipes. was able to take game 2 with a nemisis at 10/10 turn 3 and bestow a nighthowler turn 4 for the winning swing

Game 4: 2-1 MBD. pack rat got me game one, but I was able to slide away with game 3. thoughtsieze and duress are very dangerous against this deck.

Game 5: MRD 2-0 Once I got the whip out it was game over. Ash Zealot isn't a big problem when the whip is out. just mulligan until you get a whip lol

not a bad FNM IMO, just need work on my sideboard against control and any idea of a possible counter to thoughtsize or just put duress into sb for MBD.

also been talking to a few people and considered adding Herald of Torment to bestow on a large creature to go over the top or Gift of Orzhova in case I do not get the whip of erebos, i get some life link and able to fly over the top. also I am able to retrieve the enchantment with commune with the gods.

What is your guys thoughts of this addition or any other possible additions to the SB/MB?

February 17, 2014 1:22 a.m.

delta.n9ne says... #15

I love this deck...I am considering the use of some of what you have going on here. I am trying to improve my own deck, which uses the same theory but splashes red. I'm sure you will see why upon review.

Maybe you will get some ideas from mine as well. Would love your input over there on my page. The only suggestion I would make to your deck would be for Duress or Thoughtseize (mine lacks them right now), as discarding adds to their graveyard, but knowing what they have is useful by itself.

Crypt Incursion is awesome for life, and stops them from getting their things back when you burn their creatures out. I am a fan of Rescue from the Underworld and think you may get some fun out of that as well...especially when you purposely put it in your graveyard, then benefit from an ETB trigger such as Sepulchral Primordial .

Life, Death, Afterlife

February 17, 2014 1:47 a.m.

Tintin says... #16

Schmuckey. I like the flavour of the deck and you perked my interest regarding the mill vs self mill question you posted to my mill deck.

Now i'm no expert player and play testing against yourself is always a bit unrealistic but i found that land issues cause your deck to stall (black mana in particular) and both games due to self mill and my mill you simply ran out of cards. I think against anything other than a mill deck yours would ramped up and battered through.

February 17, 2014 9:16 a.m.

I've created a similar, more creature heavy Golgari Graveyard deck that works wonders during casual games, though I haven't been brave enough to try it at FNM yet.

Golgari Graveyard *Sneaky_Chicken version*

I'm ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with Satyr Wayfinder . I only wish he were a defender so that I could combo him with Gatecreeper Vine +Axebane Guardian +Trestle Troll for some insane mana ramping. I've strongly been considering pulling some creatures and my Wildwood Rebirth 's for Commune with the Gods too.

If you'd like to take a minute to look at my deck and give me some C&C I'd appreciate it :)

February 17, 2014 11:21 a.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #18

For your sideboard I recommend abrupt decay and most cutter. Also elixir of immortality against his mill deck. But abrupt will help you against control as added protection from d-sphere allowing you to keep your board presence. Also got garish charms will save your guys from that amazing card verdict. And mist cutter is simple, drop him when they're tapped out. The best time to drop him is right after their first verdict. After that it's just how you play. My suggestion is play like you normally would but hold a jarad, mistcutter, or nemesis. So if they do wipe you you'll have more threats to lob out.

February 17, 2014 11:31 a.m.

Dragonfish17 says... #19

Also congratulations for doing solid at fnm :)

February 17, 2014 11:35 a.m.

Schmuckey says... #20

Sneaky_Chicken I'm not to worried about getting creatures back from the graveyard, that is what the whip is for. A better card if you are going golgari is Treasured Find in case you need to get a crucial spell again, a creature, or an enchantment.

delta.n9ne I do need to add duress and or thoughtsiez to either sb or mb. My goal isn't to try to get rid of someones creatures in a graveyard unless its like Chandra's Phoenix I don't really worry too much about life due to the whip. although I do like Rescue from the Underworld . Though it is a costly spell and most likely the most expensive thing on the mana curve. It would be a useless card if I had drawn it in my beginning hand or had drawn it early.

Dragonfish17 I agree with you 100%, sometimes its tough to battle against those counter spells. the u/b control I was up against had a very strategic deck. lots of mono white control spells. Mistcutter was no match for him.

Considering adding Read the Bones

February 17, 2014 1:30 p.m.

delta.n9ne says... #21

Read the Bones is a super helpful card if you have the room for it, especially with this kind of deck.

I agree on the issue with drawing the Rescue early. When I do, I begin to plan ahead for what to use it on. Get more specific use out of Jarad's Orders .

February 17, 2014 1:44 p.m.

AndyReveler says... #22

my only question is, is 4 Commune with the Gods , 4 Grisly Salvage AND 3 Satyr Wayfinder really necessary? or do these cards balance out the low land number? that aside, i really like the deck.

February 17, 2014 10:28 p.m.

Schmuckey says... #23

yes they balance the land out, also putting land into the graveyard allowing Deathrite Shaman to exile them for any color mana. Also the deck struggles without at least 2 of the top 3 cards you mentioned in the starting hand

February 17, 2014 10:41 p.m.

tehbuskus says... #24

as a golgari lover, you automatically get a +1!


February 18, 2014 11:04 a.m.

Play tested. Much fun. Love it. +1

February 18, 2014 11:15 a.m.

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