Have you considered Nylea, God of the Hunt or Charging Badger for trample?
February 18, 2014 2:26 p.m.
Drown in Filth . You've got enough other mulch cards that you're going to have lands in your graveyard, so this is decent removal. Replace Ultimate Price with them. Yes, Deathrite Shaman makes it a little less useful, but I feel like Drown in Filth has a good place in this deck.
February 18, 2014 3:13 p.m.
@dpeworch I do like Nylea alot! I'm going to try and get her tonight and playtest her
@orzamil I've been on the line of what to do about Drown in Filth I'm going to play test him tonight in replace of the 2 ultimate prices. I would ease off deathrite shaman if I know they are playing gods.
February 18, 2014 4:21 p.m.
MomsLoveMe says... #5
+1 from me, Extremely fun to play! Well balanced mainboard/sideboard, too.
February 18, 2014 8:10 p.m.
paesano2000 says... #6
People who like this might like the Mike Cannon budget version that is easier on your wallet.
February 18, 2014 10:01 p.m.
Thanks for making a really good deck in standard that only costs around 100 dollars to make from scratch, I think this deck is awesome, and finally a reason to play Jarad! :D
February 19, 2014 12:29 a.m.
Felixlives says... #8
A friend of mine runs a similar deck but vs my golgari deck he gets chewed up. I play deathrite and scavenging ooze and just wipe out his gy making my creatures bigger gaining me life while making his smaller. Im curious how you would do in a counter matchup. What would you side in? I go full golgari charms against him so i can destroy his nighthowlers and regenerate my creatures. My newest golgari deck isnt on TO but i think golgari is getting better and better botg wasnt that great for us but hopefully the next set kicks it up a notch.
February 19, 2014 1:13 a.m.
Been working on a similar deck, I am impressed with the low land count, that means more fuel. However, overall the creature size are not big enough imo, especially matching-up with GR monster, burns, etc. 23 creature mainboard seems too little to run 4x Nighthowler . Currently, I am running lesser removals mainboard, but more aggressive creatures such as Dreg Mangler , Lotleth Troll , as well as Varolz, the Scar-Striped as sideboard.
Additionally, how's Deadbridge Chant working for you so far?
February 19, 2014 6:30 a.m.
CaptainCaveman says... #10
I loved this deck so much that i decided to give it a shot at my own build. Of 4 variations i came up with i seem to enjoy this last build best. Trial and error works wonders. Anyways @Schmuckey thanks for the inspiration. Check mine out Golgari Marred and tell me what you think. :D
February 19, 2014 12:58 p.m.
Pterozacktyl says... #11
+1. I run a very similar deck which is a little more creature-heavy. It's always fun to swing at somebody with a nemesis then have them realize they lose the game because you can just sack them to Jarad for ten more damage on the same turn...
Besides, no one has graveyard hate right now. Scavenging Ooze ? Meet Abrupt Decay . And nobody sides Rakdos Charm .
February 19, 2014 1:09 p.m.
Last night TNM results
Drown in Filth - never really had land in my graveyard, with the lower lands deathrite shaman is exiling lands left and right. Whenever I had it I needed that ultimate price or doom blade. Kind of hindered me but oh well.
Game1- 1-2 u/b control - went to game 3 and I couldn't draw a mistcutter if my life dependent on it.
Game2- 2-0 Red wins - pretty easy win, game one I had one drops for days. He dropped an anger of the gods, turn 4 monsterious nemesis of mortals, turn 5 bestow nighthowler. Red tends to want to burn you if they don't know what your are doing.
Game3- 2-0 Bant aggro - my creatures got way too big fast and he could never get Kiora out, and he couldn't stop the overwhelming power.
Game4 - 1-2 R/G Devo monsters - very tough back and forth game. I think he cheated because he sideboarded a Scavenging Ooze game 3 and not game 2. Well let's just say the ooze is a good matchup against this deck.
Game5 - 2-1 Golgari aggro - game one scavanging ooze slaughtered me game one. I side boarded needle, chant, and dark betrayl. Muligan to 6 both games to ensure I had a needle. And was able to get deadbridge chant which completely changed the game. I was able to get a shadow born and nighthowler from the random draws. He didn't have deathrite Shaman thankfully.
I would love to play a mirror match and I'm not sure how I would play it. I only sb in deadbridge chant against MBD and golgari.
@bangholeo yes r/g is a bitch. I kinda want to add thoughtsieze for that matchup and for MBD. Yes I could be running more creatures. Only creature I would add is herold of torment I'd just bestow him. Bestowing in this deck is great against kill spells. I love having the ability to control the board with some spells.
Games that I have struggled on are when I don't get any mulch cards or my whip. I am on the edge into adding a 3rd whip. But I def do not want to be stuck with 2 in hand. I wish troll was discard a card not only a creature.
Ultimate price vs drown in filth vs doom blade - meta has changed, doom blade may be more efficient now.
February 19, 2014 1:20 p.m.
love your deck. i was borderline between something similar to this but ended up with more of a control deck. i gave you credit for helping me finally decide on whats in my deck also. check it out Golgari Wins
February 19, 2014 1:46 p.m.
iplayBANJO says... #15
Very cool deck. I've been looking for help with a standard Golgari deck for my sister since it's her favorite color combo and I've been smashing her decks with my BUG Inspired Combo deck for the last few weeks. I almost don't want to let her know about this, since I'm pretty certain this will crush my deck. It might not matter though since Deathrite Shaman might be a little more expensive than she would be comfortable with and it seems to be irreplaceable.
February 20, 2014 1:44 a.m.
Thoughts on replacing Ultimate Price with Bile Blight ?
February 20, 2014 2:20 a.m.
Unravel the Aether is better than Fade into Antiquity , I think. Exiling is better than shuffling back, yes, but instant speed and lower mana cost makes the former more versatile.
Vraska the Unseen may deserve a spot, too.
February 20, 2014 7:07 a.m.
dude9914 I am curious, does Bile Blight work for tokens? I'm not sure whether e.g. Merfolk is their name.
February 20, 2014 7:26 a.m.
It does, so long as they have the same name. In effect Bile Blight would be able to deal with Pack Rat at 2x, Mutavault , Burning-Tree Emissary chains, and Elspeth tokens when you need to clear the way for the win.
On the flip side, Ultimate Price is better at dealing with Desecration Demon and Stormbreath Dragon .
February 20, 2014 10:33 a.m.
@iplayBANJO deathrite shaman can be a bit pricey, but since his ban from modern he has fallen to about $12. Still pricey but alot cheaper than other cards and it's the most expensive card in this deck.
@dominguez unravel the aether does look like the perfect fit! I tend to only use this spell against R/G because domri/xenegos god becomes an overwhelming force. and the instant speed will destroy his combo before it even happens.
@dude9914 yeah I've been on the fence with this. I feel Bile Blight It's a great SB card for MBD and any red or green devotion. for black it can replace 2x hero's downfalll and the two ultimate prices swap for dark betrayal.
Had some suggestions to add vraska, I just have no idea what to replace for her. someone told me to add a swamp, forest, 1 more whip of erebos, and 2x vraska. Bringing the deck total to 65.. I'm not sure if I want a 65 card deck..
February 20, 2014 1:03 p.m.
MonoBlackFury says... #21
I really really like the idea of this deck. focuses much more on the graveyard than any other prior build. My only criticism is that this seems like a "shock and awe" deck. You're right in saying that no one will know what you're doing, but if you take this thing to standard more than once, Itll get wiped. These kinds of decks only work when everyone has either forgotten that they are viable or just hasn't seen the potential. Most of the decks I expect to see in BNG STD run or splash white, save for monochrome devotion. You already have a rough time with azorius control, what happens when U/W, R/W, and mono white all start running rest in peace in the sideboard? It is only one card that throws a hitch in this deck but its a low drop, easily cast card that everyone has a playset of by now.
I also wanted to say that in the current meta we see alot of enchantments (especially in heroic/bestow aggro). It might be good to at least sideboard the other 2 golgari charms in place of something that isnt really necessary like gaze of granite.
But with all that said, I really do like the deck and I love the focus on graveyard and self mill. I myself play golgari in standard, but a much more battlefield aggro form with lots of spot removal and some tricks. I'd say i win a good 8/10 games with it, the losses being to control most of the time. I'd love to pit this deck against mine ;) might have a friend build it and try it out. +1, great deck, make more.
February 20, 2014 8:11 p.m.
Play tested u/b control extensively today and came to a more consistent sideboard. I -2 Putrefy and +2 Abrupt Decay and had the tough decision into removing -1 Dark Betrayal and -1 Gaze of Granite to +2 Golgari Charm . This additions I was able to beat u/b at a more consistent rate. Considering you probably won't take game 1..
@MonoBlackFury yes there are some strong counters to be played against in this deck, the biggest enemy is Rakdos Charm but I have yet to see one in play. Scavenging Ooze is a bastard, and Rest in Peace I'm not too worried about. The place I go to for FNM gets between 40-60 players. I don't think people will sideboard just for little old me.. but then again lol and plus there are now enough elements in the sideboard to combat these counters. The idea of adding more golgari charms to the sb was a great suggestion!
Thanks everyone for the +1's! LONG LIVE GOLGARI :)
February 21, 2014 2:35 a.m.
@Schmuckey This is my type of deck, props man! Few questions though:
I only have two copies of Deathrite Shaman
at the moment. What would you suggest I fill those two slots with until I obtain the other two?
I also have two copies of Thoughtseize
that I really want to add to the deck, but I'm unsure of what to remove. Would doing -2 Commune with the Gods
and +2 Thoughtseize
take away too much self-mill? What about -2 Ultimate Price
and +2 Thoughtseize
+1 and Thanks :).
February 21, 2014 3:18 a.m.
Have you considered adding Reaper of the Wilds ? It might not fit your graveyard based strategy too well, but still it's a very strong card that works with creature destruction and sacrificing.Maybe -1 Nighthowler for this?
February 21, 2014 5:35 a.m.
hesuskrist says... #25
hey man, i thought i had come up with a really good golgari Sylvan Primordial whippin, deadbridge chantin, Skarrg Goliath stompy deck since BOTG and have really enjoyed that. But i have been playing with this deck for a couple days now and really like it. It simply abuses deathrite. I actually felt compelled to comment because i just won a really fun match with this deck against a modern artifacts deck. needless to say they flooded the field after my initial attacks. with multiple 12/12s coming at me ud think it was game but i chumped with deathrites and kept using the second ability to ping down for the win. Boy i was certainly impressed. bravo +1
Schmuckey says... #1
Thanks everyone for the upvotes! Playing TNM (Tuesday) at the shop tonight. Will let you guys know how it goes.
February 18, 2014 1:26 p.m.