Golgari Perfected

Standard Schmuckey

SCORE: 205 | 115 COMMENTS | 58407 VIEWS | IN 152 FOLDERS

KTMTG says... #1

I love it! +1 for sure. My blog is going to have a list like this soon I've been working on it for a while. Check it out if you have the free time at http://ktmtg.blogspot.ca/ and hopefully it is up soon

February 21, 2014 7:51 p.m.

FrostyJams says... #2

Really cool deck idea, best use of graveyard shenanigans in Standard I have seen in a long time. +1 I would take the suggestion from above and add 2 or 3 Gift of Orzhova and another land and just run 64 cards. I run 64 cards on all my decks and they always run smooth. Problem card for this deck is Fiendslayer Paladin , there is no way to get rid of him and I just sit there and buff him up until I win. I playtested against my mono white deck Gatos Blancos | New Take on Mono White and blocked attacks from your fatties all day. The flying and lifelink from Gift of Orzhova is something you could really use to put things over the top quickly without having to rely on drawing Whip of Erebos .

February 22, 2014 2:37 a.m.

RadiantAA says... #3

So inconsistent, needs more creatures honestly.

February 22, 2014 5:37 a.m.

FrostyJams says... #4

I would also replace the 2 extra Abrupt Decay in your SB with Devour Flesh to deal with Protection and Hexproof creatures. BTW if you edit your deck and change the [000] at the end of Nighthowler to [THS] the card picture will appear properly. Cheers

February 22, 2014 1:22 p.m.

+1 . Help me with my deck plz ->Kant stop Biora! (HELP PLZ)

February 22, 2014 3:57 p.m.

Dougystyle79 says... #6

+1... I threw your deck together and thought I'd test drive it at FNM last week. Sure I went 4-0, and that's all well and good... it's just the looks and reactions from everyone that I enjoyed the most. There's no better feeling than seeing your opponent look at you like a dog that's been shown a card trick for the first 3 turns until they see what you're self-milling. What's even better is the smile it puts on their face when they see what is unfolding... something new! Thank you so much for coming up with this concept :)

February 23, 2014 7:36 a.m.

Schmuckey says... #7

Hey all! Didn't really get the opportunity to play FNM this week. Play tested a lot, came with the conclusion to +1 Swamp and -1 Forest. Some match ups you get stuck getting clumped blocked at.

@Dougystyle79 yeah I was play testing around on Saturday and I had kids not believe what was happening. Played against a mill defender deck, biggest creatures ever!! Lol 23/23 elvish mystic.

Reaper of the wilds is an amazing card @Neoxtreem but I'd rather use the mana on other things than making him hexproof all the time because some games mana is tight.

@hy thoughtsieze is an amazing card! although it's really only viable against black and black variants. To thoughtsieze their duress or thoughtsieze. Tough I'm not sure what to remove..

@FrostyJams yeah Devour Flesh is nice for hexproof and Fiendslayer Paladin but Abrupt Decay is a much better sb card for MDB and u/b control.. Bigger enemies

I want to add either Herald of Torment for additional creature base and flying/bestow flying. Or Desecration Demon for the flying/creature base/ the ability for more creatures in graveyards/ Jarad's favorite target if he's getting tapped. Or Gift of Orzhova for flying/lifelink if I don't have the whip yet. Since I am self milling going to 65 shouldn't be a real issue. Adding more creatures and some land I think. If I can fit Sylvan Caryatid I would like to. What do you guys think?

February 23, 2014 2:06 p.m.

Domonator777 says... #8

Hey Schmuckey, would it be okay if you checked out My deck that needs suggestions. (Mana curve help) and see what changes could possibly be done?

February 23, 2014 7:34 p.m.

Sebweb says... #9

Interesting Golgari deck. From my experience a "Scavenge graveyard" beats a "non-scavenge graveyard" golgari deck. Just doesn't have the early game usually. Jarad and Nighthowler take a long time to be strong. Whereas you can put a Scavenging Ooze or a Lotleth Troll down second turn, you can start buffing them up right away. Although your deck looks quite good, I'm just worried about it's early game versus a red rush.

February 23, 2014 7:44 p.m.

dsathskrye says... #10

I was running almost ths exact deck since theros release. The bng satyr is excellent because its adding to that creature count. Hoowever. You want 4x loteth. It has that discard ability as instant speed. So llets say u have lotlleth bestowed with howller and 2 creatures in hand and 2 in the yard. Soo to get the extra dmg or kill the blocker you can discard the two creatures giiving him +2/+2 and now you have 2 more in the yard making nighthoower bigger. So for 0 mana u just got an extra 4 p/t . Also regen for only one black! Diid you miss trample? That is oone of this decks major issues. They can just chumpblock not with lotlith! Its meant to be. Rethink iit some more or retest yooull come ouver to the darkside. Personally would be cUtting or sIding the ultimate prices. Im not sure If 2 or 3 jarad is the right number. His power and mainl y aability. Iis a game winner. Hope ths.helps. run lotleth. Youll thankk us all later seriously

February 23, 2014 9:42 p.m.

Calavon says... #11

No thoughtseize?

February 23, 2014 10:27 p.m.

dpeworch says... #12

Champion of Stray Souls would be fun in this deck, whipping Shadowborn Demon back and forth every other turn. Its CMC and ability costs might be too expensive though...

February 23, 2014 11:24 p.m.

Try adding Undercity Informer for self mill and if you want to mill your opponent.

February 24, 2014 12:04 a.m.

NOLAFrog says... #14

Standard reanimator, and it actually looks solid. +1

February 24, 2014 12:45 a.m.

FrostyJams says... #15

I wouldn't bother with Herald of Torment , I don't think that he would make much of an impact. Desecration Demon is always a bad ass, but I still think that Gift of Orzhova is the best choice. You want a card that supports and speeds your win con each time you play it. When you have a 10/10 Howler out that is being blocked constantly and now he can fly and give you life, the game is over in two turns or less. I do think you could use more creatures to support the self mill, but I don't think that mana is a problem so I would skip Sylvan Caryatid . I would try 3 Gift of Orzhova and 2 Desecration Demon and see how it runs.

February 24, 2014 2:23 a.m.

@Schmuckey 7th iteration of your inspiration Golgari Demon Recursion

February 24, 2014 2:34 a.m.

Schmuckey says... #17

@Sebweb red rush is no match when you get nemesis out early and have equal chump blockers.

@FrostyJams love the idea of adding 2x desecration demon and 3x gift of orzhova and play test that deck at 65. I'm worried about the draws with so little lands.

February 24, 2014 1:43 p.m.

w_gra says... #18

This deck is awesome man. I played against a deck like this before and it was super fun. I talked to the guy who made it and compared notes (I was playing Golgari Aggro at the time) and since then I've wanted to make the deck, and seeing as BOTG just came out, what better time than now! I used this as a template and made this deck:


Let me know what you guys think, I made some minor changes but I think it'll still be great. Thanks a lot for the inspiration!

February 24, 2014 10:16 p.m.

Neoxtreem says... #19

@Schmuckey I thought about building a Golgari deck similar to this since I saw it in one of the major Theros tournaments last year.This week most of the cards will be delivered so next week I should be able to bring it to my local FNM :) Could you explain how Nemesis of Mortals can be played turn 2? Don't you need turn 2 for a self mill spell because you won't have creatures in your graveyard?I am probably just missing a critical point here, maybe you can help me.

February 25, 2014 5:36 a.m.

Calavon says... #20

Swan song and dispel ruin you

February 25, 2014 5:51 a.m.

Calavon says... #21

Sorry that's not entirely how I meant it to sound.. just you have a lot of instants and a one Mana counter takes out a fifth of your deck

February 25, 2014 5:55 a.m.

Sebweb says... #22

Well it is an interesting deck non the less. Also Calavon I think any deck can get screwed up by a lot of counter spells. I think ill give this deck a try, I'm guessing this format will be a lot better once Journey into Nyx comes out. Those mid-early game Nemesis of Mortals really help. It would be very interesting to see this deck to be pitted against a scavenge type golgari deck like mine: Deadly Golgari Midrange

February 25, 2014 6:38 p.m.

@Sebweb i looked at your Deadly Golgari Midrange and yes it would be interesting. Deathrite Shaman + Scavenging Ooze could be downright disastrous for this deck.

February 25, 2014 9:11 p.m.

Sebweb says... #24

yeah from the simple fact that I could exile things from HIS graveyard, would make his Nemesis of Mortals hard to bring out

February 25, 2014 9:16 p.m.

hamiam says... #25

Great deck +1

February 27, 2014 12:49 a.m.

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