Golgari (post rotation)

Standard* SlowHandsZ


Puffinbar says... #1

I'm fairly new as well but I'll go ahead and share what I use for my deck (because I like it). Recently took out all of the cards that are rotating out which hurt my deck pretty good but it still functions well. The key to this deck lies in consistency and being creature heavy for scavenges through grisly salvage, and destruction when you need it. Also focuses on a balanced mana curve, you don't need super high mana drops because scavenging will give you power.

For monsters you have a huge amount of cost to bring all of them out, I would suggest leaning more toward a more even spread of the lower drops.Mosters that I run (organized in order by mana drop).

4x Slitherhead . Best chump blocker ever, and when it dies free scavenge, what more could you want from a 1 drop? Also amazing combo with Lotleth Troll.
2x Deathrite Shaman Good for when you toss mana into your graveyard by grisly salvage, and for manipulating the enemy's graveyard when you have extra mana.
4x Lotleth Troll You can use his first effect as an instant (corpsejack boosted too), he stays alive as long as you have one black mana, stellar card.
1x Scavenging Ooze (I plan to get more of these as they work with opponent's graveyard like deathrite.
2x Varolz, the Scar-Striped (anything is a scavenge and for lower costs than scavenge. Especially great for Desecration Demon).
4x Dreg Mangler He's a good card, fairly self explanitory.
2x Deadbridge Goliath Not just a big heavy hitter (5/5 for 4 is amazing), he is also an excellent scavenge target, especially with varolz and corpsejack combo (10/10 counter for 4 mana).
2x Desecration Demon Extremely low cost heavy hitting flier, his effect is the only drawback vs field swarm decks, but he boosts up, so if they run out of creatures...
3x Corpsejack Menace Bread and butter of the deck, good stats, 4 mana, and his effect is the core for your deck.
1x Vastwood hydra Since m14 has been out and I pulled these I have been experimenting with them since usually I will end up with a great deal of mana. Plus the counters still stay when he dies.


You have solid removal, but you will want to run some draw power/graveyarding in Grisly Salvage . This is core in my deck. Mulch is amazing but is rotating out. Also you will want to be creature heavy for scavenge targets.
Draw Power...
1x Jarad's Orders Fantastic, but I only keep one because of its high mana cost (can't summon the thing you bring).
4x Grisly Salvage Helps you move through your deck, increasing speed and consistency. Also provides scavenge targets that you dump into your graveyard.
All Purpose.
2x Golgari Charm I may be biased, but I face a selesnya token deck... so enchangments are annoying. But the real reason is that the global regenerate for 2 is really great for facing boardwipes, especially when regenerates usually run 1 or 2 mana for a single creature. Destruction PEW PEW.
1x Abrupt Decay You already have 3 so you're better than I am, this is just a card I haven't gotten more of yet, but I have replacements that do the trick.
2x Doom Blade Fantastic for big creatures (vs no black decks of course).
2x Putrefy .

For lands, they're fairly self explanatory, I run 23. Rogue's passage is interesting, I don't use it seems like it'd work great.

If you managed to read through the wall of text, I hope it gave you some ideas. Tried to explain everything a bit but if you would like me to elaborate just say so.

July 22, 2013 5:47 p.m.

SlowHandsZ says... #2

Thank you for the input. I really appreciate the help. I had completely ignored how good Slitherhead could be. Which is odd considering I love Doomed Traveler and they are pretty similar even though doomed is more powerful in my opinion. I'm still looking over your suggestions and will probably accept more. Some of your suggestions I already have in my deck though. Again thank you very very much for the help.

July 23, 2013 4:33 a.m.

parasitian says... #3

i would run more creatures. Also Kalonian Hydra is an awesome win-con, but he is expensive if price is an issue

July 23, 2013 4:38 a.m.

Rubot says... #4

I don't think you really need Bioshift or Ranger's Guile , and can be replaced by more helpful creatures. As always, however, depends on decks at FNM.

July 23, 2013 4:44 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #5

Puffinbar had some pretty good points, but I'd play Diabolic Tutor (M14) over Jarad's Orders . I recently made that change in my deck and it is so much better than Jarad's Orders . Speaking of him, Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord is an extremely good idea for this deck. Sacrifice your creatures, opponents lose life (and it gets around Riot Control and Fog and annoying crap like that), then use Varolz, the Scar-Striped to scavenge those creatures onto new ones. Desecration Demon and Wild Beastmaster are excellent targets for scavenge.

July 23, 2013 4:46 a.m.

SlowHandsZ says... #6

Thank you Puffinbar, rubot22, and vault9. I've made a few changes on your suggestions. Any other helpful tips would be much appreciated. I'm going to put this together and try it at FNM in two weeks. I can't do it this week because I have plans.

July 23, 2013 8:45 p.m.

Sawatzky says... #7

It is a slow deck, but it is fun to play test :) +1

July 23, 2013 9:39 p.m.

dream_cast says... #8

Replace Devour Flesh with Doom Blade perhaps?

July 24, 2013 7:25 a.m.

SlowHandsZ says... #9

Thank you for your suggestion but I would like to at least try Devour Flesh first because while it has the weakness of letting them choose which creature, I can also use our on one of mine to gain some health and then scavenge. I know that's not ideal but I would like to test it.

July 24, 2013 7:35 a.m.

paperhead says... #10

I think you can safely remove "Help please" from your deck name. This looks solid. My only suggestion was Doom Blade and somebody already covered that.
You are a little high on 4 costs an d low on 1 costs for my liking, but that's basically a preference thing and mostly depends on your playgroup (if they are douches, you need faster tempo, imo).

July 24, 2013 11:26 a.m.

vincentgalbo says... #11

You may want to reference Golgari Nation and Golgari Deathtouch Me. They are both pretty similar.

July 24, 2013 2:15 p.m.

There's a guy at my shop who runs Golgari with Diregraf Ghoul , Gravecrawler , Lotleth Troll, & Dreg Mangler , and I wouldn't say it's a Tier 1 deck but he is always near the top in FNM. Imho, Golgari needs to be fast and relentless, and your curve is a bit too high. I'd shave off one of each of your 4 drops (or pick one to cut) and add the Diregraf Ghouls (I might playtest the Gravecrawler with the decent amount of Zombies you have tho) to speed things up a bit. If you lower the curve a bit, you could cut out a couple removal spells to make room for more creatures (I'd go 2 Abrupt Decay 2 Devour Flesh 3 Putrefy), which is what the creatures in your deck need.

I'm not sure about Death's Presence since you're probably more worried about boardwipes than targeted removal, and the only way this card helps with that is to regenerate a Troll. I just feel like this deck should be winning by the time you can pay the cmc.

Rancor is also a must in this type of deck. Also, as someone who has tried Slitherhead competitively in a similar build, I can say you probably won't want 4 of those when all is said and done.

Other than that, love the Wild Beastmaster addition in this deck (there's another reason to add Rancor btw). He does some real work w/ Rancor in my White Boy Aggro (This Ain't No Compton Gangbang (Top 8 FNM)).

July 24, 2013 2:18 p.m.

vincentgalbo says... #13

My suggestions:

-/+ 1 Death's Presence (For consistency)

-1 Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord , he is awesome, but he doesn't really work super well when you're scavenging all your buddies. He is decent fodder for Lotleth Troll but not as fantastic as Slitherhead

I'd put the Abrupt Decay s in the sideboard for Doom Blade and Golgari Charm s

I'm not sold on the greatness of Scavenging Ooze . Well, yes I am. He is totally, super awesome. And he could disrupt your opponents graveyard and let you scavenge from there, but wouldn't you rather scavenge your own stuff for the scavenge cost generated from Varolz, the Scar-Striped ?

Vampire Nighthawk , just him. Always. So delicious.

When would you sideboard anything for Bioshift ? Just not sold on it.

July 24, 2013 2:25 p.m.

Puffinbar says... #14

I cry every time I say this, but unfortunately Vampire Nighthawk is rotating out, along with Rancor . =( Though if the people you play with don't mind they are absolutely amazing cards for a scavenge deck.

July 24, 2013 4:36 p.m.

SlowHandsZ says... #15

Thank you all for the excellent suggestions. I will go over the deck later and cut/add some cards. Very busy with work and other things but I should be able to have it changed by tomorrow. Looking forward to any new suggestions.

July 24, 2013 5:04 p.m.

SlowHandsZ says... #16

I'm thinking of trying to squeeze 4x Elvish Mystic back into the deck. Do you guys think I should skip them for something different or would this be good? I thought I'd cut 1x Slitherhead , 1x Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord , 1x Desecration Demon , and 1x Corpsejack Menace . I also thought I would cut out Death's Presence and then 1x Putrefy , 1x Abrupt Decay , and 1x Devour Flesh for 2x Golgari Charm and 2x Grisly Salvage . I want to leave the Doom Blade in the sideboard for now because I would rather side it in against non black vs siding it out VS black. If that doesn't work for me then I'll swap it to main.

July 24, 2013 7:12 p.m.

Rubot says... #17

Most of your things are pretty cheap, the Mystic isn't really a necessity, more of a preference.

July 24, 2013 7:44 p.m.

SlowHandsZ says... #18

I think I've finally completed this deck and got it polished off. Any other suggestions would still be great though. I'll build this and test it next Friday. I'm unavailable this Friday. Please give any comments..like it..hate it..whatever. I love all suggestions. Thank you all for the great ideas and help so far.

July 25, 2013 12:07 a.m.

i dig it, what turn do you like to make your kill on preferrably?

also, my personal preference is to add things like Increasing Savagery to max out the ability of Corpsejack Menace

July 25, 2013 6:34 a.m.

SevenSeasAgo says... #20

Is Wild Beastmaster all that great? Also, with the +1/+1 counter theme, you could play Vastwood hydra or Kalonian Hydra .

July 25, 2013 11:19 a.m.

SevenSeasAgo says... #21

If you're playing Varolz as well, Deadbridge Goliath can actually be dangerous. He's an early big hitter and his scavenge is only 4 with Varolz on the field.

July 25, 2013 11:21 a.m.

cyber2 says... #22

very very good deck. I play tested it against my post rotation I won but barely. It went to turn 11 I won with a Debt to the Deathless with Crypt Ghast giving me the needed mana I had 3 life you had 7 before dropping the DTD. You had 2 Corpsejack Menace s one just came out and a Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord I had 2 Fiendslayer Paladin s and a Crypt Ghast dropped turn before win. It was very very close and could have went either way. You did get a Desecration Demon in opening hand and cast turn 4. Thank god for Ultimate Price you Abrupt Decay ed my High Priest of Penance I brought it back with Immortal Servitude and you Abrupt Decay ed again.it was a really good game just back and forth I will do it again and let you know. If you want to try here is my deck Blood Thief

July 25, 2013 3:06 p.m.

cyber2 says... #23

If I were you I would remove Golgari Charm maybe sideboard it and run some Savage Summoning that can lead to a swing with Desecration Demon or at least make them sac before they remove it it would also cause it to be 7/7 swing. You had 2 Golgari Charm s in hand the whole game 1 on open and one draw 3 with nothing to do with them the time you needed them for regen you didn't have the mana. None of my creatures had 1 toughness if played it would hurt us both so defeats the point. The only thing I really see that card being useful for is enchantment removal in which case sideboard at best.

July 25, 2013 3:13 p.m.

cyber2 says... #24

As to the mystic question I would run Gyre Sage instead maybe just 2 or so though but they will fit better with the theme and with your creatures they'll evolve pretty fast. And with the evolves that will be bunch's of mana lol.

July 25, 2013 3:16 p.m.

cyber2 says... #25

with Vraska the Unseen the unseen I would suggest packing a lot of removal and just hope there not holding a board wipe. the Rogue's Passage I see the idea behind it the problem is so will your opponents and they will remove the unblockable assassin.

July 25, 2013 3:24 p.m.

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