Golgari Scavenge (Need Help)

Standard Ruglefrugal


420swed says... #1

i don't think you should run deathrite shaman it is far better in other formats i would change it out for some control.

January 5, 2014 10:53 p.m.

Ruglefrugal says... #2

420swed I feel that Deathrite Shaman gives me the ability to gain back life from the creatures that I don't scavenge or my opponents dead creatures or to take away their life if they try to burn me with instants or sorcery spells or from exiling my instants that I don't need to get back. Deathrite Shaman also allows me to narrow down what I will get back from Deadbridge Chant to something I might really need. I feel that Deathrite Shaman is something that works very well in this deck and helps me to outlast my opponent.

January 6, 2014 11:45 a.m.

WaveAmbassador says... #3

Deadbridge Goliath is a 5/5 for 4 and can scavenge late game.

January 9, 2014 5 p.m.

TendererBoat says... #4

Commune with the Gods is useful for this sort of deck. Another way to dump cards into the graveyard. On the theme of cheap 5/5's Nemesis of Mortals is going to cost sod all in this sort of a deck and can grow to be huge. Nighthowler is also good. I would think about Whip of Erebos as well, because if you accidently discard a creature through Grisly Salvage you can bring it back, if only for one turn. I also really rate Deathrite Shaman in these decks. I've seen him work wonders with the graveyard and gives you extra use of stuff in there that aren't creatures

January 9, 2014 5:32 p.m.

Ruglefrugal says... #5

JustMeHunter I really like the idea for using Deadbridge Goliath . Especially with Varolz, the Scar-Striped when I can scavenge him for four. Thanks for the suggestion but should I run 2 or 3 and if so, what should I take out?TendererBoat I feel like Grisly Salvage is better for this deck than Commune with the Gods since I don't run many enchanments. Also, what could I take out for it? I also feel that Whip of Erebos , Nighthowler and Nemesis of Mortals won't work because I'm exiling with scavenge and Deathrite Shaman . But thanks for the suggestion!

January 10, 2014 8:02 p.m.

Arorsthrar says... #6

You need some more removal. Devour Flesh is decent in the main board, and you could have Doom Blade side boarded for decks that don't run black. Also, Abrupt Decay is excellent removal, and I think you should run 2-3. Since Scavenge isn't all too fast, you need some removal to slow your opponent down. Corpsejack Menace could be a nice addition to this deck, as it works well with all of the counters. I also highly suggest one of the most commonly played golgari cards in standard right now, Reaper of the Wilds . She makes an excellent target for +1/+1 counters since she can have hex proof. And the scry ability is nice, while death touch makes your opponent think twice about blocking. Trestle Troll can definitely go out. Also, I agree with Deadbridge Goliath in this deck. And with your avg cmc at 2.62, you may want to run 22 land.

January 10, 2014 8:08 p.m.

marsil says... #7

i'd play Kalonian Tusker ideal to scavenge with Varolz, the Scar-Stripped actually from my perspective there is a choice either to play with varolz or with scavenge creatures without varolz ;)

January 26, 2014 1:08 p.m.

Innerdeadly says... #8

Any reason why you don't put in Abrupt Decay ?

January 28, 2014 2:18 p.m.

Ruglefrugal says... #9

Abrupt Decay is a little out of my price range right now. So until then, I run other removals.

January 29, 2014 5:54 p.m.

Arorsthrar says... #10

Have you ever though about splashing blue for Vorel of the Hull Clade ? It makes for a crazy Lotleth Troll and people at my FNM have gotten first splashing blue and building 100/100 Lotleth Troll . Or if not that then Kalonian Hydra . But thats expensive.

January 29, 2014 8:23 p.m.

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