Golgari v5 Reaniwhip

Standard zandadoum

SCORE: 78 | 161 COMMENTS | 31653 VIEWS | IN 32 FOLDERS Top 8: 10/18

Heirdeux says... #1

Great deck! I recently uploaded my The Aggresive Golgari Modern deck that could use a playset of Predator Ooze or Strangleroot Geist the next time it sees some action.

I don't know what you would take out, but a card that really worked for me was Ambush Viper because of not only the deathtouch, but also its Flash ability. You could easily take out a threat with a playset of these guys.

May 21, 2013 5:16 a.m.

zandadoum says... #2

Yeah that's the main problem about any new card: what to take out. Maybe in a future I could sideboard them against Vampire Nighthawk against those pesky hex proof decks. Problem is they are either unblockable or have protection against creatures.

May 21, 2013 8:23 a.m.

Jarrheadd0 says... #3

I think you'd have a lot of luck putting a zombie package in here. Something like 4x Gravecrawler and 4x Lotleth Troll in place of 3x Farseek , 3x Desecration Demon , and 2x Golgari Charm . That package really speeds everything up, and Lotleth Troll presents a very hard-to-remove threat.

May 30, 2013 3:35 a.m.

Jarrheadd0 says... #4

There's also no reason to run Evolving Wilds . Replace them with 2x Forest and 2x Swamp.

May 30, 2013 3:36 a.m.

zandadoum says... #5


thx for your comments, i also appretiate that you made suggestions on what to actually replace.

let me answer your points:

  • Gravecrawler is around 5eu here right now and even if I buy them online I am afraid that by the time they arrive, the block will have cycled out, haha.

  • I actually removed Lotleth Troll on purpose. after 5 month having him, he just wasn't cutting it. always some -1/-1 on him or some removal right after summoning him or whatever. he never lasted long in any game and I'd rather cast my creatures than saccing them to the troll. Strangleroot Geist on the other hand works much better for me in this deck. I do have another golgari deck with more GY and counter mechanics and the troll is sitting there working just fine, but I don't hink he fits well into this deck ;)

  • the Golgari Charm is there to act as Disenchant or to be switched out for my sideboard. I use it nearly every game so I don't really think I could replace it

  • the Evolving Wilds are there to combo with Deathrite Shaman in early turns. you'll not see it as i cleaned up comments recently, but I had mana problems, thus this combo and the Farseek

  • I got some new cards into my sideboard and my plan was to test switching out Farseek for Shimian Specter for example, against control or slower decks.

Anyways, in short: I had more or less considered all the options already and I can't wait for tomorrow to see the results of my latest changes.

I like both Gravecrawler and Lotleth Troll but I feel they don't fit into this specific deck, but better into this one

May 30, 2013 4:05 a.m.

IzexD says... #6

It looks really cool mate

June 1, 2013 8:08 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #7

-4 Evolving Wilds +4 Golgari Guildgate . Should be a no-brainer. You are running a 2 color deck; evolving wilds can only let you search for a basic land, and it comes into play tapped. drawing a guildgate in place of it comes into play tapped AND gives you both of your colors.Looks fun, good luck!

June 1, 2013 10:55 p.m.

IzexD says... #8

Oh and if you wanted to bust out some money I would get duels/shocks and make the best of those but other than that it looks awesome.

June 2, 2013 1:21 a.m.

IzexD says... #9

Nvm -_- I take that one back

June 2, 2013 1:21 a.m.

zandadoum says... #10


the Evolving Wilds are there on purpose, to be used by Deathrite Shaman :)

June 2, 2013 2:45 a.m.

mrrockitt says... #11

Good deck, love the match reports!

June 3, 2013 12:30 p.m.

zandadoum says... #12


thx for your comment ;) I won't be able to FNM this week (Muse concert) but I'll certainly keep the reports coming if I know some1 reads them ;)

also, new cards on the way, i am working on some modifications on the deck which I thin kwill work nicely.

June 3, 2013 12:53 p.m.

mrrockitt says... #13

Thanks :)

But I would not want you to put too much effort into it if it's only me reading them :)

Enjoy the Muse concert, I am jealous!

I attended my local MTG last night but lost 1-2 with my Spirit deck due to a serious lack of mana against two different very fast Boros decks! Beat the Gruul player though ;)

June 4, 2013 5:27 a.m.

macaroniman says... #14

Hey! I noticed you have Liliana in the maybeboard. Have you tried her with Blood Scrivener ? She also synergizes well with Varolz, the Scar-Striped . Just some suggestions. Good luck mate.

June 6, 2013 5:38 p.m.

zandadoum says... #15


somehow tappedout didn't notfify me of your reply, sorry for the delay.

anyways, the thing about liliana: i am buying 3 (should arrive tomorrow) lilianas for my next golgari deck, which is much more graveyard based than this one. the other deck halso has a few varolz ofc.

however varolz is not something i want in this deck, however i am gonna try liliana out to see what happens, no i don't really think she fits into this deck too well.

June 7, 2013 12:38 p.m.

zandadoum says... #16

new update, got #1 in a small tourney ;)

June 8, 2013 5:16 p.m.

DaGabester says... #17

you know that a playset is 4 right?

June 8, 2013 7:33 p.m.

zandadoum says... #19

your point is? I said I got a sweet deal on some playsets. That doesn't mean I have to put all 4 into the deck... duh~

June 9, 2013 2:54 a.m.

DaGabester says... #20

thragfags should always be put in groups of 4, cause they always save ur life

June 9, 2013 3:33 a.m.

zandadoum says... #21

I don't need 4x Thragtusk , because I have cheaper ways of gaining life, as in Deathrite Shaman and Vampire Nighthawk (with Rancor even)

June 9, 2013 3:40 a.m.

mrbloo1848 says... #22

I usually would recommend you to try 1-2 Deadbridge Chant in the sideboard against control and midrange matchups, but your average CMC is lower than most midrange decks so you won't get as much value out of it. It's always an option though. You end up either drawing an extra card or getting a creature on the board every turn. Most control decks don't know to take the card into account when sideboarding and they usually don't pack anything to interact with it. Also, since more than a third of your creatures have haste, you can swing with them in the same turn.

Also, Garruk Relentless  Flip is an attractive option even as a one-of but it would mean removing one Garruk, Primal Hunter so you don't run into awkward situation where you curve into him one after another (that is, until the new Legend rule kicks in).

Also, have you considered Geralf's Messenger ? He puts huge pressure on your opponent and gives you ridiculous amount of reach, and his BBB cost is a breeze to pull off with your deck. He also likes having Rancor . The golgari deck I played last week kicked my ass with him.

June 15, 2013 4 p.m.

zandadoum says... #23

Hey thx mrbloo1848 thx for your comments.

Your suggestions are quite good and welcome, however at this moment I don't think I'll invest in anymore cards that go out of STD this october, as I just spend 105EUR on 3 Lilianas that I'll basically only sideboard :P

I have my next deck in the planning, you can see it here: Don Quijote vs Mill (still a work in progress) but as you see, it's gonna be based around Deadbridge Chant

Right now there isn't enough control in my local meta to sideboard for it, but I'll certainly consider it as a possible sideboard ;)

June 15, 2013 4:09 p.m.

mrbloo1848 says... #24

It's great against midrange as well. Your local meta seems to be lighter compared to mine. My local meta is brutal and full of mainstream archetypes and netdecks, save a few players with thrown-together lists so the lists I make have to be able to deal with pretty much everything. I haven't had the misfortune to run into a back-to-back Bant Hexproof and Junk Reanimator matchups yet, but I feel that it will happen eventually.

Granted, I do understand your not wanting to invest into any cards that are rotating (I am doing the same too by trying to trade them away and for the newer cards) and you can definitely make do without them.

For no apparent reason, seeing/knowing that Europeans also play MTG too feels so weird to me (despite all the Euro-language cards), hehe

June 15, 2013 4:26 p.m.

zandadoum says... #25

well, I am quite jelous about you guys overseas, because here in Barcelona, a great metropolitan city... the main FNM event in the biggest store never gets over 40 players, whileas in the states, even the smallest town event seems to have always like 50+ people (seeing as many reports have 5 rounds while we have 4 rounds max.)

also, you guys actually play friday NIGHT magic... while we play friday AFTERNOON magic xDDD

June 15, 2013 4:32 p.m.

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