Golgari v5 Reaniwhip

Standard zandadoum

SCORE: 78 | 161 COMMENTS | 31653 VIEWS | IN 32 FOLDERS Top 8: 10/18

mrbloo1848 says... #1

FAM just doesn't roll off the tongue as well as FNM, huh.

We don't have that many players over where I play at, either. Since it's a Swiss tournament, if it's between 17-32 players, we have 5 rounds (We usually have around 30 players every week). We rarely have a 6-rounder or a 4-rounder (the latter being over early summer where everyone went home). It's weird how you get 30+ players and only going for 4 rounds (you usually go for 4 when there are 9-16 players). Might be some different tournament system that you guys use.

June 15, 2013 4:47 p.m.

vejiita says... #2

Essence Harvest instead of Jarad, works perfect :)

June 16, 2013 8:50 a.m.

zandadoum says... #3

hmmm Vejita that's not a bad idea...

thing is, with just a few creatures in the GY, jarad can also block like a big boy. i'll consider Essence Harvest for future changes ;)

June 16, 2013 9:49 a.m.

vejiita says... #4

You may also consider putting Vraska the Unseen - it has the same CMC as Garruk, but much better shifted (3G for Garruk may be painful?) - Vraska is a great removal for opponent's planeswalker.


check out mine old Golgari aggro, it may give You some ideas :)

June 16, 2013 1:59 p.m.

bcoots says... #5

I am looking to build a competitive deck for online play. If you look here: http://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=5118

You'll see the Top MTGO Standard Daily winners. How do you feel this deck would hold up against those decks? I am looking to get semi-competitive on there and this deck really tickles my fancy.

June 16, 2013 4:03 p.m.

zandadoum says... #6


I used Vraska for a long time, but was too slow, specially now that I have Abrupt Decay I don't really need her anymore. I have plenty of removal and I can easily kill planeswalkers just by hitting them with trample or flying ;)


I do pretty well against reanimator usually, specially thx to Deathrite Shaman and sideboarding Appetite for Brains however if i start too slow and they start too fast, things can get ugly fast, specially if they get an early Acidic Slime and target my lands and then start to blink it with the angel...

against bant hexproof i have good chances. again, i do have sideboard for it. but if they get a Geist of Saint Traft in turn 2 and i don't have the proper hand... i am screwed.

anyways, if you're starting on MTGO now, i would just make some cheap deck and wait until rotation hits in october.

June 16, 2013 7:29 p.m.

bcoots says... #7

Oh I'm not "new" to MTGO, just getting back into it since Darksteel / Mirrodin days...

Good thing about MTGO... cards aren't near as expensive there as they are in real life.

June 16, 2013 8:24 p.m.

zandadoum says... #8

Vejita i have been talking to a friend (the "brains" in my team xD) and we agree that it's gonna be worth a try.

so, next FNM I will

i had Essence Harvest on my maybeboard some time ago, when i didn't consider any direct damage stuff... lately i thought that i needed Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord for when my Desecration Demon are getting too controlled... but i think that Essence Harvest is gonna do the job quicker and i even get HP too.

so, thx for reminding me of this great card. will see how it works this friday. if it works out well i might squeeze a 3rd copy into the deck.

also: i am gonna see if there is something even better than Essence Harvest , as it's a common card and maybe there is some rare that could work even better. i'll see.

June 17, 2013 9:04 a.m.

bcoots says... #9

OK, since I am "new" back to MTGO I went through just looking around. I was wondering some of your thoughts on some of the cards I seen in certain CMC slots vs. what's in the deck now. Like I said, I'm new to this, so don't hate on me... just going to try to build a deck and see where I end up. I'd hate to just rip your deck off.

  • 1 Slot Deathrite Shaman stays. Period.
  • 2 Slot Strangleroot Geist 2/1 Haste with Undying.

    Other cards I seen in the 2CMC slot that caught my attention.

    Ulvenwald Tracker (Althought he's just a 1 drop)I could see how having the control aspect of your Thragtusk or Desecration Demon fighting a certain creature could come in handy. Or even a Vampire Nighthawk for that matter.

    Gyre Sage - I could see where this could be beneficial, but it might be a little slow and not provide the greatest ramp, but do you need ramp really?

    Thrill-Kill Assassin - Deathtouch and could unleash him. Or not and use him as a defender until something more beefy comes into play.

  • 3 Slot Vampire Nighthawk & Dreg Mangler - At 3CMC Vampire Nighthawk might be one of the best black cards around. Dreg Mangler could find a replacement? I dunno.

    Predator Ooze came to mind, but at 3GGG it may not be reliable enough to make the cut, slow as well.

    Renegade Krasis - He may be a better option, would like to hear your thoughts on that one, although he don't really fit the theme I guess.

  • 4 Slot - I love Desecration Demon
  • 5 Slot - Either you love Thragtusk or hate him, I love him.
  • As far as a Essence Harvest goes, could you get more out of a card like Mark of the Vampire on a Thragtusk or a Desecration Demon or even a Vampire Nighthawk than you would out of a Essence Harvest ? I mean.. an 8/8 Flying, Lifelink, on what, turn 5 if you hit it right, demands attention.

    June 17, 2013 12:25 p.m.

    zandadoum says... #10

    ooook, lotsa questions, hehe. lemme see.

    • Ulvenwald Tracker cries for combo ;) cheap combo too ;) as in this: Ulvenwald Tracker + Predator Ooze that is linked with a Nightshade Peddler and see your enemy cry. other than that he could work with a tapped Desecration Demon

    • Gyre Sage is one of my favourite cards, yet does not really fit into my current deck. geez there is so many great stuff out there i wish would work, but sometimes it just doesn't. teamed together with a Corpsejack Menace the sage is the bomb to release huge Primordial Hydra for example, which also benefits from the corpsejack. but as said, that's another deck completely different from mine.

    • Thrill-Kill Assassin don't really like him, would rather take Deadly Recluse for a better defense

    • i think you should use 4x Strangleroot Geist (2 drop, haste, undying, WTFWIN xD) 4x Dreg Mangler (3 drop, haste, scavenge which can put counters on your..... 4x Vampire Nighthawk one of the best black STD cards right now.

    • i removed Predator Ooze due it's slowlyness and because every1 and his cat plays Tragic Slip around here. unless you do the above mentioned combo, i'd not use the ooze

    • Renegade Krasis is again a nice card, but not for this deck. maybe you would be more interested in building a deck more orientated on counters, in which case you would need Corpsejack Menace and probably Varolz, the Scar-Striped

    • yepp, 3 demons, and 3 pigs should be enough ;)

    • Mark of the Vampire is not really necesary and doesn't quite fit. remember that my deck has 4x Vampire Nighthawk and 3x Rancor ... never forget about Rancor haha. Essence Harvest is to be used when my adversay thinks he can keep my Desecration Demon tapped forever. or just as emergency life gain even if i just have a 3/3 token. also remember, Essence Harvest doesn't target anything, which means that if in response they remove my biggest creature, the harvest will still work as long as i have another creature on the field.

    well i hope i helped.

    June 17, 2013 1:02 p.m.

    zandadoum says... #11

    PS: when i downloaded MTGO, i uninstalled it after 30 minutes.search for the new BETA CLIENT on their web, it is much better.

    June 17, 2013 1:03 p.m.

    bcoots says... #12

    What's your rhoughts on Ground Seal vs. Reanimator

    June 18, 2013 4:32 p.m.

    bcoots says... #13

    I guess my question is: What do you think about putting in Ground Seal instead of the Liliana's since 1. I ain't dropping the coin for her and 2. I face a lot of reanimator online.

    June 18, 2013 4:51 p.m.

    zandadoum says... #14

    Ground Seal is a very solid sideboard vs. reanimator, tho i still do prefer my Deathrite Shaman for versatilty

    June 18, 2013 4:56 p.m.

    bcoots says... #15

    I thought about sideboarding two Ground Seal and then a 4th Deathrite Shaman in place of the Liliana's... what do you think?

    June 18, 2013 7:58 p.m.

    zandadoum says... #16

    sounds ok. but lilianas are removal, while ground seal and shamans are for something else... so it should not really be "instead of the lilianas"

    if you don't use lilianas, you need some sort of removals. ground seal and shamans are for different purpose

    June 19, 2013 2:36 a.m.

    zandadoum says... #17

    bcoots what i suggest is that you create that MTGO deck here on tappedout, so you can receive more feedback and discussion.

    June 19, 2013 4:09 a.m.

    Vejita says... #18

    Ha ha. I was wondering why I've been getting notifications. There's Vejita and then there's vejiita.

    June 19, 2013 4:54 a.m.

    zandadoum says... #19

    oops, sorry man ;)

    June 19, 2013 6:31 a.m.

    bcoots says... #20

    Have you considered running Wolfir Silverheart over Thragtusk or maybe even seeing about trading it for something else. I know it's 5CMC, but being the type deck this is, it mihgt be worth a playtest or something?

    June 19, 2013 12:07 p.m.

    zandadoum says... #21


    please create your deck here on this site and let's move this discussion there. this is not a general chat, this is supposed to be a discussion around my deck.

    gonna have to cleanup comments after this weeks FNM

    June 20, 2013 2:16 a.m.

    bcoots says... #22

    Well my last comment was about your deck. I asked if you had considered putting in Wolfir Silverheart instead of Thragtusk ...

    June 20, 2013 9:30 a.m.

    zandadoum says... #23

    ah well, i thought you were still going about your deck, hehe.

    no, Thragtusk is the superior option because it only requires 1 green and has much better value for all the abilities it has.

    Wolfir Silverheart might become an option once Thragtusk cycles out, but as we don't know ywt what new cards we'll see by then, i don't want to think about that yet

    June 20, 2013 10:05 a.m.

    vejiita says... #24

    I suppose Wolfir would break up your balanced CMC.

    What comes to my mind - Golgari Charm is very universal and helped me many times (ench there? np! couple of weak humans? np! or arbor elfs? break his/her mana base hardly! want attack me with all creatures? np, I will regen them and give the hard hit back while 'u no defend'!

    June 20, 2013 2:29 p.m.

    vejiita says... #25

    oh and more... I got very similar deck while starting with my golgari deck.. believe me, , having 3CMC both GG and BB will often hurt you, if you really want to be 'hasty' with creatures. I am not saying to drop one of them - but you should think what would you do in such a situation (happened to me a lot of times during FMNs)

    June 20, 2013 2:33 p.m.

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