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Golgary Persist into infinity




This is a persist deck for Legacy that I've been working on that is meant to abuse the ever living crap out of Melira, Sylvok Outcast. It's pretty simple, get Melira on the field with something that is able to sacrifice and something with persist. It's not nearly as difficult combo to pull off as you might think, since Birthing Pod and Green Sun's Zenith are decent tutors for this combination. Viscera Seer is also decent in some ways for the scry. The earliest 'win' you can pull off with this is turn three, which isn't half bad. I say 'win' because by turn three if you had, say Carrion Feeder Melira, Sylvok Outcast, and Kitchen Finks on the field it makes for a combo that can give you an insanely high amount of life, so high in fact that there is no way your opponent would be able to deal enough damage to you each turn before they milled themselves out (assuming you have more cards in your library than them and they don't run any cards that allow them to continually shuffle their graveyards back into their libraries.) Other than life total, there are three other ways to win using infinity. using the aforementioned sacrifice with Melira, you can use Murderous Redcap to wipe their board and also do an extremely high amount of damage directly to them. You could have the potential to swing with Carrion Feeder as with this combo he could become extremely large, assuming your opponent doesn't have habitual chump blockers or anything that's indestructible. With Altar of Dementia you could also mill someone to death while also pulling off another persist combo, essentially killing your opponent in two different ways. The Birds of Paradise are simply there for extra mana/sacrifice/chumping. The sideboard is full of artifact and enchantment removal for the cases that something that gets rid of graveyards shows up, because that would certainly be something that would shut things down for sure.

TL;DRInfinite life Infinite damage to opponent Infinitely large creature infinite mill

Any suggstions?


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

12 - 7 Uncommons

4 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.30
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