Gone with the Windgrace *Primer*

Commander / EDH Phaetion


Sweeping Changes —July 26, 2018

More rounds of fixes have come to light as I tested the deck more.

-Dryad Arbor: I only added this to go with Green Sun's Zenith (now removed). When it became difficult to have both in there, this had to go. Don't worry, I have a gem in its place.

-The Mending of Dominaria: This was easily the worst of the self-mill cards, and the final ability is telegraphed to everyone.

-Skyshroud Claim: Before you go up in arms, I really only had four targets for the card. I mainly used this to seek out the Dual lands. Explosive Vegetation was also cut to further reduce the number of basic searchers.

-Ghirapur Orrery: I didn't like helping others so much, and the draw three is impossible to reach.

-The Painlands: Largely to deal with an oversight. I only added these for World Breaker, which the new inclusions consider as well.

-Krosan Grip: I got enough of the effect already. Time to add more urgently needed cards.

-Nissa, Vital Force: She was really here only for the emblem, and relied on her as a source of card draw. Otherwise, she was just a dead card.

-Sakura-Tribe Elder: I regret taking this out, so it'll most likely return, but it seemed to be a weaker option than what's already there.

-Amulet of Vigor: Someone pointed out that, other than Scapeshift, the card doesn't do much. Looking over the deck, I'm inclined to agree.

+Crop Rotation: I admit it was criminal to leave this out (and a few other cards--I haven't had much time to test recently), so I figured it better get in.

+Perlious Forays and Gaea's Blessing: With these two in the deck, I can enable all of the combos I listed in the primer. They had to be in there at almost every cost.

+Vesuva: To provide redundancy to the Scapeshift Combo. It might have other uses too.

+Wasteland and Dust Bowl: These are to go with Crucible of Worlds and the like. Note that Strip Mine isn't in to avoid being that guy.

+Creeping Renaissance: Get back all our lands to work with a few cards in the deck, like Borborygmos Enraged.

+Petrified Field: This land sacs itself and recurs a land, and I don't see this more often. How criminal.

+Aggressive Mining: This is a test. I want to see how well it works.

+Path of Discovery: Card draw and ramp. Worse-case scenario, you get to buff a creature. This is a pet card of mine for a reason.

+Centaur Vinecrasher: A self-recurring beater that's bound to never stop coming back. Trample helps it, too.

+Decimate: More spot removal never hurts, especially when said removal hits multiple targets.

With this, the mana curve crisis is over for now. But I still got a lot of stuff to add into the deck still.

UPDATE: I have built a ~$40-50 version of the deck. The link will be in the description. Nature's Vengeance (The C18 Jund Precon) is an outright fail, and I've gone out of my way to produce a list that I hope is much better than it, despite the lack of new cards (except Windgrace).

_Delta_ says... #1

Hey just a few ideas here I thought I would share, Creeping Renaissance would be a great way to put a ton of lands back into hand so you can discard them again to either Borborygmos Enraged, or Seismic Assault.

Also adding a land or two like Karplusan Forest could help you when it comes to ever paying the colourless cost on World Breaker's activated ability. Also while very unlikely to be done, you could consider I suppose adding Song of the Dryads to give a way to have forestwalk be a bit more relevant.

Then Dryad Arbor could be a possible land to add in, with Green Sun's Zenith in hand this can be an easy source of ramp. Deathrite Shaman I think could also be helpful here.

Cabal Coffers along with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth you could consider here as well for some extra mana to use for an Exsanguinate/Torment of Hailfire, you got Ulvenwald Hydra and Scapeshift as a way to find these. Crop Rotation would help with this plan also. In fact Prismatic Omen also works with Cabal Coffers.

I'm considering building such a deck also, but with a much cheaper mana base though! Anyways I hope some of this is of use to you.

July 24, 2018 6:13 p.m.

KongMing says... #2

Yo, you should change the name of the deck to Gone with the Windgrace. I made you some art, Lord Windgrace playing Rhett Butler from Gone With the Wind.

Rhett Windgrace

July 24, 2018 6:33 p.m.

KongMing says... #3

Also, Terrain Generator might be a handy card for when you have a bunch of extra lands into your hand.

July 24, 2018 6:38 p.m.

Kingtalk says... #4

Your mana ratios could use some work, otherwise looks fun!

July 24, 2018 7:29 p.m.

Phaetion says... #5

KongMing: That is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much! I changed the name accordingly. Now if only I knew how to put the picture as the featured card.

Kingtalk: I would love some advice here. I got so many cards to add but so little room. Any ideas?

Delta-117: I'll try to work to add these in, but like above, I got stuck trying to add a few other cards in.

Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated. :)

July 24, 2018 7:55 p.m. Edited.

Kingtalk says... #6

Phaetion well it's not so much about adding cards as much as editing your land base to more accurately provide the colors you need. If you look to the right of the page it'll show the ratios of which lands tap for what kind of mana and what colors nonland cards require to cast. Looks like this deck skews pretty heavily green, but only about 31.5% of your lands tap for green mana. It's probably not the biggest deal, and having more red and black mana ensure you can get your commander out, I'd just worry about not having the colors you need to cast your spells. Let me know what your thoughts are on this

July 24, 2018 8:37 p.m.

Phaetion says... #7

Kingtalk: I messed with the landbase (and now got extra colorless-producing duals to work with World Breaker). Any better?

July 24, 2018 9 p.m.

Kingtalk says... #8

Phaetion looks better for sure!

July 24, 2018 9:58 p.m.

Thomasin4413 says... #9

The combo with gitrog and skirge familiar uses the dredge land and gaea's blessing to repeatedly shuffle in your yard to make infinite mana

July 25, 2018 11:02 p.m.