Gone with the Windgrace *Primer*

Commander / EDH Phaetion


More Touches —Aug. 21, 2018

It's been a while since I touched the deck. I was having a lot of fun with the enchantresses (I even had a strong build with Kestia, the Cultivatorfoil but I digress). Because of this, I haven't built the deck irl yet (and because I already have a Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire deck that just won't go away). So the primer and the deck will uphold as a guide for those who wish to venture into the archetype.

Anyway, the fixes (edited with time):

-Aggressive Mining: Revisiting the deck made me think of how situational the card is. Off a Scapeshift or Splendid Reclamation it's strong. Otherwise it's not.

-Windgrace's Judgment: I'm sad to see this go, but I need to cut a 5-drop to make the curve stable.

+Dragonmaster Outcast: We get a dragon each upkeep in this deck, which is good.

+Beast Within: A staple that filled the void Judgment left. It hits only one target, though, but that's sometimes better.

Nembrothor says... #1

How about Rain of Filth?

August 2, 2018 7:47 a.m.

Phaetion says... #2

Nembrothor: Rain of Filth isn't a bad suggestion. I'm already running Squandered Resources, so it would provide a little redundancy. I'll consider it. Thanks.

August 2, 2018 8:35 a.m.

KhaosOmen says... #3

Deathrite Shaman would be a good addition

August 2, 2018 10:14 a.m.

griffstick says... #4

You could perhaps run snow covered lands. In favor of regular basic land and play Sunstone as another Constant Mistsof course there is Glacial Crevasses as well but isnt that good in three colors

August 2, 2018 11:41 a.m.