First thoughts on what I want to do with the deck, this is my first attempt at building a mono colored commander.

The Goal of the deck is to really have fun with ETB effects but also really utilizing Gonti's ability to find fun cards in your opponents decks to use. The deck has strong ways to increase the number of triggers on ETB effects and most of the cards in the deck have strong ETB effects on their own. The deck is also good at utilizing the graveyard to get triggers on effects. Hell's caretaker is an incredibly powerful card in the deck because you can use it to cycle different ETB triggers.

Blade of selves and Nim deathmantle allows for a really powerful combo when attatched to Gonti where you can get a lot of value out of gonti ETB triggers. This is useful because the deck doesnt have a ton of cards that really just win you the game. so utilizing the libraries of your opponents to find good ways to win creates lots of variation in how the deck plays every game making it super exciting to play. That being said the deck does have cards like torment of hailfire and rise of the dark realms which can quickly end the game. the 2 card combo of toxic deluge/mutilate plus rise of the dark realms can end the game if there are enough creatures in the graveyards for you to take.

Being mono black the deck doesnt have the best single target removal for artifacts and enchantments so controlling what creatures are on the board can be super impactful. ETB effects from ravenous chupacabra and the likes along with cards like dictate of erebos give lots of control over the state of the board.This can create the illusion at times of a more control style deck.

As Stated earlier the deck is in mono-Black which makes Gonti's ability to steal cards from your opponents library super important because that can help you find different responses to what your enemies are doing. This can help you pull the best cards from their deck but also help you find specific responses to what your opponents may be doing.

Crypt Ghast, Nirkana Revenant and Magus of the coffers offers major ramping to get you into some of your bigger spells much sooner and help set up some really big turns. Torment of Hailfire and Exsanguinate can take really good advantage of the mana ramp and can be win conditions if you have the mana base for those cards. Other win conditions for the Deck would be token generation from Cards like grave titan and open the graves. You also have a potential win condition by using Rise of the Dark Realms if used late enough after enough creatures have died. The deck has lots of ways to recur creatures so don't be afraid to let things go to the graveyard since there are plenty of ways to really utilize those cards still.

The deck has lots of potential to really affect the map but also to be really exciting because every game is going to play out very differently and lead to different ways for you to try and win. this deck will do its best against better decks because there will be more things for you to take from opposing decks that could really impact the game. Have fun with the deck and please post any and all suggestions to make the deck more fun and interactive.


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94% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.02
Tokens Copy Clone, Energy Reserve, Zombie 2/2 B
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