After some time spent analyzing modern burn lists, Jund burn seemed to me to be the most effective and efficient way to play burn with the current meta. This deck has access to two more lightning bolt effect cards, tons more creatures, and amazing sideboard options. Let's have a look.
The Bolts:
This deck runs bolts, for obvious reasons, as the best version of this deck, in my opinion, is sixteen mountains and forty-four lightning bolts.
Lightning Bolt
Bump in the Night
Rift Bolt
Lava Spike
Skull Crack
Gontis Machinations
The Creatures:
This deck runs some pretty sweet aggro creatures, however, burn decks for a long time have used too many cards like grim lavamancer which are too slow and don't contribute to the aggressive playstyle of burn.
Spike Jester
Monastery Swiftspear
Goblin Guide
Vexing devil
Eidolon on Maybe to see what it can replace, see what strategies and cards work best and worst for you, and then put in eidolon
Other Tech:
In mainboard this deck doesn't run a lot of non-burn/creature tech, however, I did see a list a while ago that ran a couple Claim to Fames, #johnny_redeemed on mtg goldfish, and I thought it might be interesting to give those a whirl, combining especially well with Vexing Devil. I also put Atarkas Comand here because it is both a bolt and a tech spell
Atarka's Comand
This sideboard is built for your bad matchups, i.e. Merfolk, Death and Taxes, Ad Nauseum, etc..
Destructive Revelry