Good luck blocking

Standard* SimpleFall

SCORE: 156 | 136 COMMENTS | 23116 VIEWS | IN 62 FOLDERS

backfire96 says... #1

hate to be this guy, but did you mean "pseudo flash" in the description? Also, i think this deck looks really solid

September 23, 2013 11:21 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #2

I actually looked up how to spell pseudo but I was just too far off for even Google to know what I was talking about. Hahah! Awesome thanks for the correction backfire96. :)

September 23, 2013 11:35 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #3

Thanks backfire96, showdoglq and artemis99 for the upvotes!

September 25, 2013 1:19 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #4

Thank you dollfacerach for the upvote! :)

September 26, 2013 10:56 a.m.

SimpleFall says... #5

Wow another upvote! Thanks Rick39! Does anyone have any ideas on how to improve the deck?

September 26, 2013 8:40 p.m.

jonathan11 says... #6

I like the deck, seems quite good.

September 27, 2013 6:32 a.m.

SimpleFall says... #7

I haven't gotten to play test it yet due to being so busy but I can't wait! Thanks for the upvote jonathan11! :)

September 27, 2013 7:40 a.m.

SimpleFall says... #8

Those votes are starting to pile up! Thanks brucejames! :)

September 27, 2013 3:23 p.m.

Dunethief says... #9

Maybe Kalonian Tusker for undercosted 3/3s? By the way, this is my dream deck.

September 29, 2013 1:48 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #10

Wow I've got a lot of people to thank. wraithlord1990, samworthy, akapro, Outriderblue, Dunethief, tbabb632, Fauxflare thank you all for the up-votes! Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this deck better?

September 29, 2013 7:38 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #11

Dunethief I thought about Kalonian Tusker but the turn two double green would be really hard to hit consistently. This deck is leaning more towards white because of Brave the Elements . Fleecemane Lion took his spot in this deck. Thank you for the suggestion! :)

September 29, 2013 7:40 p.m.

IzzetLawrence says... #12

I like this deck a lot man, nice build, Although I'm not really a fan of the Hydra in the sideboard, I'd rather have the Paladin over it.

September 29, 2013 9:05 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #13

I'm on the fence about Mistcutter Hydra also. He is mostly in there for the control match up to keep the damage flowing after a wrath. I do want to fit Fiendslayer Paladin in the sideboard but I'm not sure what to take out for it. It will probably be Witchstalker because of the double green requirements to cast. I will have to play test and see. Thank you for the up-vote and suggestions IzzetLawrence! :)

September 29, 2013 9:15 p.m.

IzzetLawrence says... #14

No problem, this deck really looks like a contender.

September 29, 2013 9:25 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #15

That's what I'm hoping for. :)

September 29, 2013 9:34 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #16

Give me your opinion's on these changes. -4x Soldier of the Pantheon for +2 Archangel of Thune and +2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride . I don't think I need to say anything about Archangel of Thune . Ajani, Caller of the Pride will be used for his -3 to get some major damage in and as a fog. Also he works really well with Fabled Hero . Ajani, Caller of the Pride +1 targeting Fabled Hero giving him two counters instead of just one and now he is a 4/4 double strike.

September 29, 2013 10:17 p.m.

Goody says... #17

You're wrong about Ajani, Caller of the Pride triggering Heroic. Heroic only triggers when you cast something that targets, not when you activate abilities that target. His +1 would only give one counter, it doesn't trigger Heroic as it's not a spell.

I like this deck, it's pretty similar to The Selesnya Paradox that I'm working on, and I might take some ideas from here. I'm still unsure of the usefulness of Unflinching Courage in my version so that may come out for some Soldier of the Pantheon s.

If you'd like to trigger Heroic more often, there is Gods Willing , but it doesn't seem quite as potent as Brave the Elements in this build. I'm not sure, you'd have to playtest; BtE is better for matchups against creature-heavy decks, but Gods Willing gives you more versatility against control because of the scry and control's boardwipes and kill spells. The only exception is Anger of the Gods , which BtE covers more nicely.

I wouldn't include Archangel of Thune in this deck. Your lifegain is almost nonexistent, and it would be the most expensive thing in this deck for a 3/4 body that does next to nothing the turn it comes out. I'd say you're better off focusing on aggro-ing them out.

Not sure what you'd take out for Ajani, Caller of the Pride either. See what doesn't perform and cut some of it, you have lots of playsets that could possibly be cut down

September 29, 2013 10:30 p.m.

IzzetLawrence says... #18

I'm pretty sure Ajani's ability doesn't trigger heroic because its not a spell being casted that targets Fabled Hero, and I actually would take out the Fabled Hero in general actually because you don't have too much activating his heroic ability. You should consider sideboarding Glare of Heresy(1W sorcery, exile target white permanent) for the mirror matches and to take care of Reckoners. If you do end up taking out the Fabled Heros, I would suggest adding Experiment ones, everything else you have can evolve it, however, since the exp. ones don't work with Brave the elements you can instead add Dryad militants. Or you can go with Elvish Mystics to ramp and get out Smiters on turn 2, but you have enough solid 2 drops that you might not need mystics in at all because they are virtually useless mid game. Just some suggestions, Hope this helped a bit.

September 29, 2013 10:36 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #19

I over looked the Heroic needing to be casted spells. Thanks! I'm still a fan of Fabled Hero for the interaction with him and Boon Satyr and Selesnya Charm . I like Dryad Militant but I think Soldier of the Pantheon is way better being that he has protection against a lot of the turn two removal. Glare of Heresy is a great sideboard card. I've had trouble against the Angel of Serenity builds. I don't like the Elvish Mystic in this deck since I have a nice curve of creatures and he will make me over commit into a wrath. How does Gods Willing help against wrath? I agree with Archangel of Thune not fitting in here. What do y'all think of Imposing Sovereign ?

September 29, 2013 11:06 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #20

Also, thanks for the up-vote and suggestions Goody! :)

September 29, 2013 11:07 p.m.

IzzetLawrence says... #21

The question with sovereign is what are you going to cut?

September 29, 2013 11:35 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #22

Isn't that always the question? Hahah. Play testing will answer that.

September 29, 2013 11:58 p.m.

Goody says... #23

Gods Willing doesn't help with wrath specifically, but it serves an identical role as Brave the Elements against decks with wraths. You'll find yourself only throwing down one or two threats at a time against those decks, as you don't want to overextend into a wrath; since the other deck won't have many creatures, Gods Willing will be just as useful as BtE, if not more so due to the scry and ability to target green dudes

Imposing Sovereign could be a sideboard card against aggro and midrange decks

September 30, 2013 12:08 a.m.

kevinator says... #24

This deck is great! I play tested it against my deck: I Scry When You Die and had some very entertaining matches.

I played a total of 5 games and it ended up you winning 3 of 5. My deck is control / midrange and the best thing you got going for you is well implemented aggro.

The Boon Satyr interactions are usually the games you win. That along with Fabled Hero , Loxodon Smiter and Advent of the Wurm make for some seriously scary creatures.

The games I won against you were the ones where you couldn't get enough creatures out and I removed them. When I get a Desecration Demon out it usually slows your game / ruins it. For one, you have no protection against flying, although Selesnya Charm takes care of Desecration Demon . Also, sacrificing your creatures to avoid damage basically screws up your whole strategy.

What would I change about your deck? Nothing. It works! It won't win every game, but you have a great chance. Don't go ruining it by getting creatures with high mana cost (i.e. Archangel of Thune )

I guess since your mana curve is so low, you could consider dropping 2 lands for Call of the Conclave but really, I think the deck is great as is! +1 nice!

September 30, 2013 12:14 a.m.

SimpleFall says... #25

I like the way you look at cards Goody. That gives me a whole new look on Gods Willing .

September 30, 2013 12:18 a.m.

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