Good luck blocking

Standard* SimpleFall

SCORE: 156 | 136 COMMENTS | 23116 VIEWS | IN 62 FOLDERS

SimpleFall says... #1

How did my deck hold up against Wall of Frost ? I was scared to go against it because of how much it would slow my deck down. How did Soldier of the Pantheon hold up against you? Also if I were to take out land and put something in it would be Scavenging Ooze instead of Call of the Conclave .

September 30, 2013 12:27 a.m.

SimpleFall says... #4

Thank you kevinator, Noxinal and Cranthis for the up-votes! :)

September 30, 2013 12:32 a.m.

Super1s says... #5

Only real (maybe) suggestions I have are; think about side boarding the Smiters and maybe running some chants like 3 or so unflinching courage maybe some O ring or even some thought into topping out the curve with THUNE!!!!!! Lol but seriously it's a great looking deck. Mine will be a lot like this but more speed and chant oriented

September 30, 2013 12:36 a.m.

SimpleFall says... #6

Super1s what is Chant? We already discussed Archangel of Thune and she didn't make the draft.

September 30, 2013 12:44 a.m.

kevinator says... #7

Just played another game and we are 3-3 now :) It was crazy close; you had me at 4 life and Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver kept stealing your cheap mana creatures allowing me to live. I haven't drawn much of Wall of Frost against your deck, but when I have, it definitely messes you up. Although, Boon Satyr can pretty well solve that by scoring over 8 in power attached to another creature. Once again, Desecration Demon messed you up. Basically any creature with power and toughness over 5 will mess with your deck. Your two solutions are Boon Satyr enchant and Selesnya Charm . Not sure what else is out there that can help you and still work with your aggro theme. There were a couple of points where your green creatures worked as a disadvantage because you had them and Brave the Elements in hand. I couldn't help but think that at 4 life, if you had no green creatures, you would have won. Maybe Fiendslayer Paladin or Precinct Captain instead of Advent of the Wurm ? Tough call...

Good point about Scavenging Ooze definitely a better pick.

September 30, 2013 12:53 a.m.

SimpleFall says... #8

How are you playtesting out decks on here?

September 30, 2013 1:06 a.m.

kevinator says... #9

just open up two browser windows and click the playtest link for your deck and the deck you want to play against in the other browser. I try to be as honest as possible but I'm sure there is still bias.

September 30, 2013 1:11 a.m.

kevinator says... #10

Wow, had another amazing game against your deck... You got me down to 1 life real quick (Turn 5, 13 damage). Then Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver came in to save my hide by taking your cheap mana creatures and having your creatures kill themselves. That and an opportune Cyclonic Rift and some counter / removal spells turned the tide of the game. I think it was quite lucky on my part.

September 30, 2013 10 a.m.

SimpleFall says... #11

Thanks Alayjo95 for the up-vote! :)

September 30, 2013 10:19 a.m.

SimpleFall says... #12

kevinator you're lucky I didn't draw into a Brave the Elements . Hahah

September 30, 2013 10:20 a.m.

wishdragon says... #13

Man... this deck looks reeally solid! The only thing I think you could do is to cut down 2 Fabled Hero and add 2x Ajani, Caller of the Pride . The stars of your deck are Fleecemane Lion . Loxodon Smiter and the tokens of Voice of Resurgence . Honestly, I would boost them like crazy and ajani does it well. Exactly the same abilities of fabled hero, counters and double strike, and you get flying for free! imagine turn 2 Fleecemane Lion , turn 3 ajani + counter on fleecemane, turn 4 boon satyr + counter again and turn 5 is KO with double strike and Flying + Monstruosity! I think it's very solid! Don't get me wrong fabled hero is an awesome creature... but I have my reserves with creatures with 2 thoughness and double strike.

September 30, 2013 10:55 a.m.

Prodegy2 says... #14

Nice deck. I have build the same sort of deck but I also use Unflinching Courage to pump my creatures. This works very well with Fabled Hero and a monstrous Fleecemane Lion but pumps the other ones as well if you use it for them. I think it could be wise to at least sideboard two of those to get the final damage through and for the lifegain in certain matchups. What do you think of Boon Surprise ?

September 30, 2013 11:16 a.m.

Super1s says... #15

Sorry Chant= Enchantments. Only just started onto this website so don't remember how to hot link and all that lol.

September 30, 2013 12:54 p.m.

nickd1979 says... #16

+1 from me, my only suggestion being sideboard Gift of Immortality , I had a tough time against B/U sac effects at the last FNM.

September 30, 2013 1:18 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #17

wishdragon I think you might be right about taking 2 Fabled Hero out and putting 2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride in. Magma Jet is a thing. It will require play testing and hopefully I can get up with my friend and play test but our schedules have been full here lately. What does everyone think about Unflinching Courage ? I just don't want to get two-for-oned. Also, what does everyone think about replacing Fabled Hero with Fiendslayer Paladin ? nickd1979 I'm not sure how Gift of Immortality will play in this deck. I'll try it but I don't think it fits well with the theme of the deck. Thank you all for your suggestions, they are greatly appreciated!

September 30, 2013 3:37 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #18

Thank you yungxak, adventofthelevi and Prodegy2 for the up-votes! I'm sorry if I missed someone, it's getting hard to tell who is new on the up-vote list. I wish they were in order from when they voted. If I missed you thank you anyways and let me know so I can give you credit. :)

September 30, 2013 3:40 p.m.

wishdragon says... #19

Exactly! Not only Magma Jet ... but Lightning Strike too..even Shock ... take out fabled hero and you cannot do anything else about it... Fiendslayer Paladin is a better choice. But in another choices its a very good deck! One nice suggestion to be tested... use the spot 3 on your mana curve to pump up your creatures... 4x Loxodon Smiter 2xAjani, Caller of the Pride and 2xSpear of Heliod .See how it works.

September 30, 2013 4:03 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #20

I've actually thought about Spear of Heliod wishdragon. The only issue I have with taking out Fabled Hero and not adding any creatures in his place is the consistency of having a three drop creature. I will have to playtest but I will probably go with two Fiendslayer Paladin instead of the Spear of Heliod . Thanks for the up-vote wishdragon!

September 30, 2013 4:22 p.m.

IzzetLawrence says... #21

in my opinion.. Fiendslayer > Fabled Hero for this deck.

September 30, 2013 6:31 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #22

I'm starting to lean that way too IzzetLawrence.

September 30, 2013 6:45 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #23

Thank you becauseimalreadydead for the up-vote! :)

September 30, 2013 6:47 p.m.

SimpleFall says... #24

ImmortalCancer thank you for the up-vote!

September 30, 2013 7:07 p.m.

MrBlakeJ says... #25

Giant growth on fabled hero turn 4 With an unblockable hero is devastating

September 30, 2013 11:43 p.m.

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