Thanks for the suggestions, lagotripha!
Both are interesting options. If I had a Rhonas, it would surely be there as it works great with Servant and Bloodbraid. Bushwhacker does help a lot with giving all dudes haste for a very low cost, but I do not think it is super necessary.
This is just theory crafting for now. For example some questions I have for now:
- Hidden Herbalists are a great idea but there are only 4 fetches and 4 servants to trigger them. Is it possible they work well enough with just that?
- Is Collected Company or Atarka's Command necessary?
- How about Ghor-Clan Rampager?
- Is 4 bolts enough interaction?
- Sideboard for this deck?
- Is Fatal Push too ubiquotous to make this work?
But I like the idea of it for sure.
P.S. Another user on this site gave me the idea for this deck, but I have since made other comments and can no longer see who it is. I want to credit them with the idea, but my memory fails me. If you are reading this and looks like a deck that of yours that I have commented on, please PM me to properly credit you.
August 13, 2018 5:04 a.m.
lagotripha says... #3
I didn't have trouble triggering herbalists, so long as I kept my fetches when drawing them when I tested. The biggest issue was that lupine prototype was barely ever a creature, while the lack of card advantage was notable enough to make me worried about fatal push/thoughtsieze playsets. That said, push/seize can be offset by just hitting your opponent hard enough that they lose before their card advantage tools come online.
The big thing to look at for the deck is critical turn. Without the disruption tools that midrange typically runs, (which going a coco route would take you to) you either need a lot of resiliency or to be comboing out, and this deck doesn't want to do either. So looking to do more stuff quickly is where its at. Playing it like burn with AK is a major option, but it doesn't really make best use of getting a lot of creatures on the board for cheap- hence a bushwhacker strategy.
I'd give some thought to Thud- hasty galta followed by thud is game. 1 mana lava axe is good. Most of the time here it is aGoblin Grenade You could also run Shrapnel Blast, if you run another couple of artifacts like a Bomat Courier or whatever.
Rampager is basically a slightly bigger giant growth. If you're looking at a 2 mana combat trick Temur Battle Rage will outperform it. If you're looking at 4 drop creatures, goreclaw and bloodbraid fill most of those slots, so you will have trouble casting it.
The biggest things I'd be looking at testing would be value discard tools- I'd consider Molten Vortex to help offset getting flooded with land so prototype turns on. Insolent Neonate is also a neat option, offering card filtering and triggering herbalists if you are worried.
August 13, 2018 5:29 a.m.
Those are some great suggestions and I am super grateful for this much help with the deck! I will test out what has been suggest ASAP. Out of everything you mentioned, moving towards Thud sounds like a super awesome to finish the game.
This deck is in early prototyping, so I will test out everything suggested and see what sticks best!
August 13, 2018 10:03 a.m.
Talara's Battalion? Works well with burning tree and the hidden Herbalists
August 14, 2018 8:15 a.m.
If you do play any bushwhackers, play Goblin Bushwhacker. It's a better topdeck, and you can play it on turn one if you need to. Also, once you do make a sideboard, I strongly suggest playing a bunch of Magus of the Moons.
August 14, 2018 8:17 a.m.
Thanks for the comments, glad you like the deck ParadoxRift, hungry000, KumaLKS, Stillgone!
I have added an initial sideboard and included Magus of the Moon. For now, the mainboard is subject to changes with Prototype and herbalists being on the chopping block. Another also mention Thud as a finisher for the deck, what do you think about that?
August 14, 2018 9:55 a.m. Edited.
@Boza I would lean more towards instant speed, like Fling, or even better, Temur Battle Rage. Why? Because on the turn you want to finish the game up, it can be quite likely that you're attacking with your biggest creatures and the best target for your Thud might get blocked or removed. Battle Rage and Fling play around that in their own ways, with Battle Rage dealing the most damage through a (chump)blocker and Fling being a good counter to removal.
August 15, 2018 2:24 p.m.
to add to that, you're ussualy not starving for mana on the potential kill turn so the discount on Thud isn't all that relevant.
August 15, 2018 2:25 p.m.
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I have saved them in the Maybeboard for future testing!
I have also added Wayward Swordtooth as a possible three drop for the deck, from a user outside this site. It goes well with PRototype, emptying the hand faster and it is a possible threat that fits the theme of the deck - conditional overpowered creatures.
I am thinking for the first update I would do -4 herbalist + 3 swordtooth + 1 rhonas. Reason being bloodbraid elf in addition to few ways to trigger revolt. BBE has several "misses" - magus, servant, emissary and herbalist are 16 less-than-spectacular BBE hits. I want to lower that number.
August 16, 2018 3:07 a.m.
VarietyBlack says... #14
Hey there, Boza! Any thoughts on Carnage Tyrant and/or Thrun, the Last Troll for the sideboard? Some great ways to get around counters, and they're a 4-drop and a 2-drop respectively with Goreclaw on the board.
August 18, 2018 12:02 p.m.
VarietyBlack, thanks for the suggestion! 1-2 Thrun, the Last Troll could make the deck for sure, either in the SB or even 1 mainboard, depending on the meta and further testing. Sideboard is very random and not based on any testing of the deck. The mainboard being fleshed out is my current focus.
The big dino is a bit too expensive sans goreclaw, so I doubt it will make an appereance. As much as this is a Goreclaw deck, it has to function properly without the namesake card.
August 19, 2018 3:59 a.m.
ParadoxRift says... #16
Hey again! Coming back because I see this sweet list is still being worked on :D
Those big hexproof dudes would definitely be cool against removal-heavy decks in the side.
I notice that at the time of this comment, you have 6 sideboard options for removing artifacts with the 3 Ancient Grudge and 3 Natural State. I would say pick one of those and play 3-4 to allow more options to make the sideboard. If the decks you are worried about rely heavily on enchantments, play Natural State - but most decks in modern that the card would be good against are artifact-based and I think 3-4 Ancient Grudge would be better.
If you only have 3 Lightning Bolts in the main, consider having a fourth one in the sideboard to bring in against decks that need their creatures killed at all costs (think storm, tribal decks with lords like elves & merfolks, infect...).
Finally, with such a graveyard-heavy meta, I would recommend Surgical Extraction (if it's within your budget) as a 3rd graveyard hate piece. It's great at shutting down combo decks as well as making Snapcaster Mage sad and being a turn 0 answer to the Vengevine nut draw. Otherwise a third Relic of Progenitus might be enough.
This is all just my opinion though, so whaddaya think?
August 19, 2018 7:55 p.m.
Thanks for the help, ParadoxRift and VarietyBlack!
I have made changes to the SB and main board respectively. I want some opinions on them. I think the SB looks much better this way; I found the cool card Guttural Response and I thought it merited an inclusion to fight blue control with what blue control does best.
I am still unsure of the mainboard, needs some more testing, but Rhonas and Rage should help immensely.
August 20, 2018 3:28 a.m. Edited.
Also, thanks to you guys, this deck became quite popular:
"Achieved position #16 on Aug. 15, 2018, 8:02 p.m."
Thanks a bunch guys!
August 21, 2018 3:33 a.m.
Aragon_Neotrix says... #20
Great deck except it needs at least 2 more land
Was constantly stuck on under 3 Land and only once was the deck able to function with that little land due to the hand being very lucky
I'd take out Wayward or Lupine for land personally
August 27, 2018 9:41 a.m.
Aragon_Neotrix, thanks for the comment!
Land balance is tough in this deck - you really have no situation where you want a fifth land ever, you do not want even a fourth unless I have a Bloodbraid Elf. However, you do not want too many lands because of Prototype hating lands stuck in your hand, all the while Wayward Swordtooth loves those extra lands.
So, it is a delicate balance. I am willing to try an extra land, possibly in place of 1 Bloodbraid, since 4 has proven a bit much, will keep it in mind for the next update.
August 28, 2018 2:35 a.m.
Thanks a lot for the excitement guys:
"Achieved position #9 on Aug. 23, 2018, 8:03 p.m."
We broke into the top ten! Conditionalcreatures.dek is the real deal!
August 31, 2018 6:49 a.m.
Rushsilver says... #23
19 Lands is way too few for your curve; 21-22 would be good. Also, giantbaiting is pretty bad. A 4th bolt wouldnt hurt either.
September 7, 2018 1:01 p.m.
I playtested this a few times and it feels like giantbaiting is rarely ever a good card. I think 4 collected companies would fit in far better
September 17, 2018 11:54 a.m.
Also I think Rhonas puts in work especially since it pretty rarely isn't a creature in this deck. I prefer drawing it over goreclaw
lagotripha says... #1
Rhonas the Indomitable? Reckless Bushwhacker?
August 13, 2018 4:31 a.m.