VarietyBlack says... #2
Hey, Boza! Glad to see you're still tinkering with this one. Any thoughts on Pelt Collector or Experiment One as 1-drops for this list? Dropping 4 power creatures consistently seems like it could make them big in a hurry.
October 9, 2018 4:58 p.m.
VarietyBlack - the pelt collector/experiment one is a different deck all together and does not blend in with this one. Plus, they are both payoffs for playing a few large creatures and do not care if they stick around. The payoff in this deck is said large creatures.
Going turn 1 Magus into turn 2 Emissary+Goreclaw+Myr Superion and having 12 power on turn 2 is what this deck is about.
I did make a couple of changes - I dropped one mountain for one forest as after testing green mana is crucial and getting stuck a mountain-only hand sucks. Additionally, both the Wayward Swordtooth were dropped out in favor of 1 more Rhonas and 1 more bolt, as per the suggestion of cxcharlie, replacing the SB Bolt with a fourth Relic of Progenitus. Though I am still hesitant to add another land. The deck really does not like it when it draws more than 4 lands, nor does it ever need them.
October 10, 2018 2:46 a.m.
Is there a reason for the 2-2 fetchland split than just 4 Wooded Foothills? Also, do you get empty-handed enough for Lupine Prototype?
November 17, 2018 10:26 a.m.
Pabs4444, there is no reason for the split, other than these are the fetches I actually have that can get green or red. Usually the deck gets empty handed by turn 5, unless I draw too many lands (hardly ever with so few) or have 2 or more giantbaiting in hand. I will look to reduce the giant baiting to 3 to include another land to reduce the possibility of that happenning.
Giantbaiting is a decent card that utilizes the mana dorks well, however, I never want to see a second one, thus 3 is a good number of them.
November 19, 2018 4:47 a.m.
antacidbrn says... #6
This is what I was looking for! Ideas. I am working on a Myr Superion list now. Love, Love the Magus of the Vineyard!
My only concern is why take out Hidden Herbalists? I feel like Goreclaw might be a little slow tempo wise and Herbalists are Burning-Tree Emissary #5-8.
February 17, 2020 3:39 p.m.
antacidbrn says... #7
Once Upon a Time, would allow you to chop out 2x lands and improve the overall consistency of this deck!
I know because I have been playtesting Myr Superion Zoo builds and that is the best spell, in fact it almost single handedly enables the deck.
February 17, 2020 11:31 p.m.
antacidbrn, I only have 4 fetches, many more are needed to enable herbalists. Goreclaw literally makes Superion and Lupine free, gives 6 mana towards Ghalta, provides Rhonas with trample in addition to its deathtouch, Temur battle rage becomes turned on with it only. It is not uncommon to go t1 Magus, t2 land + Goreclaw + 2X Myr Superion/Lupine.
Ouat I will try in place of the giantbaiting - I feel like outside of the free cast, it is not spectacular, but lets see.
Boza says... #1
cxcharlie, Rushsilver thanks a lot for giving the deck a whirl! I am currently in the process of acquiring some of the newest cards for the deck (GRN prerelease and new cards have also put a cap on my ability to contribute to the deck for now). I do not share the sentiments about Giantbaiting as it is a good hit off bloodbraid and enables the enablers such as magus and emissary to put in more work than simple mana, but I will have to check it for myself.
I am keeping everything in mind and will make changes as soon as possible. This deck feels more and more complete everyday.
Thank you!
October 2, 2018 3:44 a.m.