This has been one of the most difficult decks to tune, and it has gone through a lot of iterations. I believe I finally present to you a deck that can do well in most casual pods and actually win some games (finally!).
The challenge that I've had building this deck is that it wants a lot of things. It wants fast mana and cheap haste enablers to get both commanders out and attacking ahead of curve. But Virtus, doesn't kill people outright, so then after you make 3 enemies at the table, you have to try to shift gears to finish people's remaining 19 life, which is something that the deck needs to be designed to do, in order to achieve.
The deck is inherently aggressive because of the design of the commanders. With the exception of running a suite of turn 1 ramp cards, the deck is allowed to focus entirely on the mid to late game with its deck list because the early game is covered by the two cards in your command zone. Almost without fail, the game plan will be to ramp on turn 1, cast virtus turn 2, cast gorm turn 3. Which means you're picking cards in the 99 to play turn 1 and skipping to cards that play turn 4+.
Archon of Cruelty Twilight Prophet Bolas's Citadel Protection Racket and Keen Duelist are allstars in this deck. These are both able to supply cards to keep the deck functioning and also can cause life loss which becomes very relavent after cutting an opponent's life total in half. Along a similar line of thought Painful Quandary provides card disadvantage for your opponents or life loss. These effects get very potent with a life loss doubler, and outright deadly with multiple life loss doublers in play. To further reduce life totals, the best of goad is also here in the form of Bloodthirsty Blade and Ghoulish Impetus this form of targeted removal forces your opponents to swing threats at one another which has the added bonus of getting blockers out of the way for you. Ghoulish Impetus also grants deathtouch which Gorm likes, making it situationally better to place on him and get a cheeky 2 for 1 with forced blocks.
The deck also features several large bodies to close out games. Maha, Its Feathers Night has synergy with Gorm by making his 2 power lethal against bodies that block him, while also being a big trampling flyer. Tyrannical Pitlord can grant evasion in the form of flying to an attacker (probably Virtus) while again being a big trampling flyer. Demonlord Belzenlok is a big flyer that grants card advantage in a deck that is about 50/50 on the 4+ CMC curve. Archfiend of Depravity has a large flying body, slows down decks looking to go wide, and helps the Gorm and Virtus combo work by preventing 3 or more blockers from sticking on board. Sorin Markov is an underrated commander card in general. It's second mode to set a life total to 10 is its primary reason for inclusion. If your life total is 20 and it becomes 10, that is a loss of life of 10, which makes Wound Reflection lethal in such a scenario. As a bonus, his first mode is removal or incidental life loss for an opponent and a bit of life gain for you. His ultimate likely only comes into play if you're up against control or stax, but it is a perfect ultimate against those kinds of decks. Control their turn and cast their Constant Mists without buying it back to end their loop of annoyance or better yet, cast every spell in their hand into Painful Quandary and make them unalive themselves.
Many decks with this commander pairing run many copies of equipment that make creatures unblockable. Relying on Virtus the Veiled too heavily will result in many games where an interaction heavy deck will completely lock you out. Not to mention that pumping too much emphasis on a 1/1 creature will result in an Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite turning the entire deck off. I do still run Brotherhood Regalia because it's the best of these effects.
Breach the Multiverse. Defense of the Heart, Last March of the Ents, Sepulchral Primordial, Tendershoot Dryad and Tooth and Nail are all effectively boardstates on a single card. Between having two commanders and several high CMC cards, the deck has a lot of "cardboard rectangle advantage". These are in the deck to help the deck recover from board wipes quickly or break a stalemate on a cluttered board. A large portion of the deck is mana acceleration to get the commanders out quickly and haste enablers to get them swinging quickly. The mana ramp makes casting the high CMC cards more feasible and the haste enablers make some of these cards particularly powerful, especially with damage doublers. These are the beaters included in the deck in order to take out the final life points that the commanders aren't equipped to address. Eldrazi Conscription conversely makes either of the commanders a game finishing threat.
The deck runs all the fetch lands possible and Prismatic Vista. This helps the deck color fix early, which is necessary to cast a green one drop ramp spell into Virtus turn 2 and then Gorm turn 3, which is the typical play pattern. It also supports Arbor Elf, Utopia Sprawl, and Deathrite Shaman putting a land into the graveyard and fetching a land with the forest type. Running both Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is a considerable boon for the deck. It migitates a lot of life loss from lands by giving the option to tap such lands as a swamp or forest instead. Also, there are more fetches in the deck than fetch targets, but this is no longer an issue if either of these lands are on the board. The deck is vulnerable to effects like Back to Basics and Blood Moon but the deck is also very aggressive in terms of life loss. Typically, if a player drops such an effect, the table groans and you can easily make a deal with the table to focus life loss on that player without obstruction from the rest of the table.