Just how many various Racks does a deck like this need? I know 'tradition' was somewhere from 4-8, but in the games I lose it's very often failing to draw any/enough Racks that ends up costing me the game (occasionally it's not enough Discard vs One Ring decks lol). I like the new Bandit's Talent since it offers a discard effect stapled to a Rack (and it's not stapled to a PW like Dr EasyToKill), but I don't like that it's stuck at only 2 damage, that's a VERY slow clock, and it only works when they have a tiny hand. I guess the question atm is if I want to replace Quest for the Nihil Stone with either a 3rd Bandit's Talent (for the increased versatility), for a Raven's Crime for the cheap repeatable discard effect that can get rid of an extra land if I'm using Ensnaring Bridge, or a Nether Spirit for the hell of it. I like Raven's Crime and another Bandit's Talent more, but I have times when I'd like a recursive 2/2, I only have 8 cards that interact badly with it in the list.
The other question is whether this deck should look at 1 or more Mishra's Factory? Yeah I need Black mana REALLY BADLY, but if I only run 2 of them SURELY I won't draw in my opener very often? That said I know what my luck is like lol, so that's why I'm very hesitant. Factories are good blockers in a deck like this, and they are technically a clock in games where I lack a Bridge. Maybe this will have to be a 'test it and see' kind of thing?
Edit: I'll probably take them back out, but I'm going to try out some Factories in this list (in place of some Swamps). I might have to switch out Geth's Verdict for something that's just 1B, but when I was looking my Pox deck is WAY more dependent on Black mana, and it leaned very hard on it's 4 Factories to close games. One of the weird things about Mishra's Factory is that the card gets better if you have more than 1 out, so there is a considerable incentive to make it a x4, so I figured I might as well go all in if I'm going to use them at all!
Edit: Huh, maybe Liliana's Caress would be great in here as 'back up' Racks that work on a different angle? They're not as good as a true Rack vs most decks, so it'd probably be x1 mainboard max, but it seems like a neat sideboard solution to decks that draw a LOT of cards, and I can't clean them out to force damage; Caress will hurt them every time they discard, regardless of their hand size, and this deck CAN count on making people discard cards during stalemates caused by the opponent drawing cards, and me having Ensnaring Bridge out.