Got Gods?

Commander / EDH* neosapien


neosapien says... #1

If anyone has any ideas on would cards would be vital for something like this that would be great. Haven't made a rainbow deck like this before.

April 13, 2017 2:44 a.m.

neosapien says... #2

could throw in planeswalkers and make it commander as well

April 13, 2017 2:45 a.m.

MenacingBunny says... #3

This deck really wants Cascading Cataracts.

April 14, 2017 12:30 a.m.

neosapien says... #5

They came out with 15 Gods in the first block, bound to come out with plenty more making devotion less and less of an issue once I have more choices.

April 15, 2017 8:45 a.m.

ChaseMVPMTG says... #6

dude this is a sweet deck! I think making this into a commander deck could be awesome though. +1 for sure

April 30, 2017 11:32 a.m.

Naksu says... #7

This sure looks fun!

May 9, 2017 2:14 a.m.

Maelkoth says... #8

Vizier of the Menagerie would be good to fix any mana problems

May 12, 2017 10:38 a.m.

neosapien says... #9

I'm trying to stick with hybrid and gold creatures to increase devotion to gods, tho I know the deck doesn't necessarily have to trigger devotions to make it good. I have a list of cards I just put in the maybe board I'm thinking about switching in. Thanks tho!

May 12, 2017 11 a.m.

Karzalar says... #10

Hmm. I see what you're trying to pull, but I'd say you'd better try going with enchantments rather than weak two-drops creatures. It's up to your personal choice, though.

On the theme of gods :

Urza's Incubator each god costs 2 less.

Reaper King / Karona, False God / Chromanticore for devotion.

Shard Convergence, Farseek, Nature's Lore for nonbasic land fetching.

Prismatic Omen for color fixing.

Conqueror's Flail / Dragonlord Dromoka for people to not mess with you on your turn.

May 14, 2017 1:15 p.m.

neosapien says... #11

Alright, I took most those suggestions thanks for the help! I've still don't have the cards for this so I can't test it so any more suggestions would be appreciated, I'm sure there are plenty of good commander cards I would want that I just don't know about

May 15, 2017 7:50 p.m.

neosapien says... #12

Looking for interesting artifact/enchantment removal atm

May 15, 2017 7:59 p.m.

Love 5 color gods lists. Tighten up the bombz. Here's my list. Hope it helps.

June 21, 2017 12:32 p.m.

neosapien says... #14

Thanks, looking at that actually helped a lot in finding cards that are simply good in the commander format. Waiting for the last 3 gods so I got cheatyface proxies in there atm lol. I haven't done any testing with this so I'll have to figure out how many bombz to take out tho I do agree. thanks again for comment

June 21, 2017 6:58 p.m.

Cut Eladamri's Call and Cromat. Definetly add one of the following as they are overpowered with indestructible on your side: Survival of the Fittest, Heat Stroke, Lethal Vapors, Obliterate.

June 25, 2017 7:32 p.m.

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