Got your back man!

Standard trianofthedark


ityrawr says... #1

I have a similar deck on my page, which I've changed many, many times. The best and most general advice I could give; put in those burning trees, you have plenty of 2-drops you can combo off. Take out those Spire Tracer s, I think there are plenty of other 1-drops that can help you more. Ghor-Clan Rampager s are, unfortunately, pretty much the only bloodrush that's worth it. Lastly, put in some burn. Gruul aggro doesn't have much answer to getting overwhelmed on the field, so you need burn to clean up the field. Remember, take all advice with a grain of salt; it IS still your deck.

P.S. Madcap Skills is awesome!

September 23, 2013 5:43 a.m.

trianofthedark says... #2

Thanks, I use to run more burn, but it was in the form of Clan Defiance . I'm waiting for Lightning Strike to come in. And yeah, I think I'll be taking Burning-Tree Emissary back in. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks again.

September 23, 2013 6:10 a.m.

ityrawr says... #3

I just recently took out clan defiance. It's a good card for versatility, but the base 2 on top of X is just too much for quick aggros

September 23, 2013 7:52 p.m.

shawnzeedyk says... #4

seem to weak to removal doom blade or what ever then all your blood rush is for nothing

September 26, 2013 12:59 a.m.

shawnzeedyk says... #5

seems too weak to removal doom blade or what ever then all your blood rush is for nothing

September 26, 2013 1:01 a.m.

ityrawr says... #6

Suggest maybe -4 Giant Growth or -3, for +3/4 Ranger's Guile ? giant growth is usually a dead draw vs lots of chumps.

September 26, 2013 3:50 a.m.

trianofthedark says... #7

Thanks ityrawr, just the suggestion I needed. As pointed out by shawnzeedyk, cards like Doom Blade keeps killing my bloodrushed creatures.

September 26, 2013 4:13 a.m.

jchudz says... #8

i feel like this deck could use some Boon Satyr s as a combat trick/permanent boost to Wild Beastmaster

October 10, 2013 1:21 a.m.

trianofthedark says... #9

Thanks jchudz, I'll try Boon Satyr out, but being 5cmc, he may be a bit slow. But a 3cmc to cast creature he comes out big early and still be effective when he comes out late.

Thanks again.

October 10, 2013 2:27 a.m.

Spootyone says... #10

I've taken a look. I think there are some changes you can make to make this better. As already mentioned, Boon Satyr is a great card for this deck simply because of it's versatility. Wasteland Viper , bloodrushed and combined with any trampling creature is a good combo, since you only have to deal one damage to the creature, with the rest trampling over. I think you could replace Briarpack Alpha though. You're pretty much getting the same thing for about the same mana, but with more versatility and power.

I'd also (if you can get them) add in some Stomping Ground as well as Domri Rade , the latter of which could replace Signal the Clans and is honestly a must for a deck like this. Jus' sayin' lol.

You mentioned you were interested in checking out my articles. Well, the latest one is up! :) Showdown #5

October 17, 2013 5:15 p.m.

Thanks for the reply Spootyone. I'll definitely put Domri Rade in, if I can find some. I'm thinking of adding Nylea, God of the Hunt to give everyone trample, and a constant pump spell for Wild Beastmaster . I'm currently testing Boon Satyr as suggested by jchudz, swapping him for Briarpack Alpha .

Thanks again guys, I'll let you know what happens.

October 18, 2013 4:13 a.m.

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