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Commander / EDH hoardofnotions


PlattBonnay says... #1

Does sol ring not come in under the budget?

June 30, 2017 9:56 a.m.

hoardofnotions says... #2

It could, but is there cooler stuff that doesn't get played much that i could add instead of another goodstuff inclusion? Granted I'm probably going to run Sol Ring, but i could add Pongify for about the same price$

June 30, 2017 10:10 a.m.

Wolfrage76 says... #3

Pact of Negation? Useful 0 drop, but you gotta pay the tax next turn.

June 30, 2017 10:17 a.m.

hoardofnotions says... #4

Wolfrage76 thanks for the suggestion and upvote but it's kinda hard to run a Pact of Negation when the total budget is $50 lol.

June 30, 2017 10:21 a.m.

Wolfrage76 says... #5

I always forget how much it costs hahahaha sorry about that :D

June 30, 2017 11:10 a.m.

hoardofnotions says... #6


I'm trying to optimize my list and would like to bounce some ideas of you all and see if you have any opinons as well.

Sudden Demise. Is this card better than Fall of the Titans or Comet Storm? I think i like the instant speed options of the other two.

is Arcane Denial worth it's price$ tag? or should i just run Deprive or Delay for hard counters or even go for some soft counters like Mana Leak, Miscalculation or Logic Knot

Whir of Invention is only hitting mana rocks, Tormod's Crypt, Elixir of Immortality and Aetherflux Reservoir. I'm not really a storm deck so really breaking the reservoir is kinda hard but it's a good polictical tool i think (hope) lol.

Rise from the Tides puts a target on my head if i don't flash it out with Quicken, still worth it? or should i run somthing like Diluvian Primordial?

Would adding Cackling Counterpart for a copy of Young Pyromancer or Docent of Perfection be too cute?

should i take out a one mana cantrip like Mental Note for Impulse? Impulse is a stronger effect but costs more making it harder to combine with another spell to draw a card with jori

Retraced Image is cool cause you can reveal a land a put it into play, making it a ramp spell kinda like a mana rock. so with that in mind is it better than a actual mana rock? like Star Compass or Fellwar Stone?

Jilt or Into the Roil? if i'm running primarily against other budget decks i think jilt is better because there will be more X/2's running around, agaisnt the general field though drawing extra cards can't be too bad

Psychic Spiral I think could be hillarious, maybe i run that as a secondary(teriary) wincon instead of Aetherflux Reservoir

If anyone has more cool ideas I'm definitly open to exploring new areas, thanks for any input!!!

June 30, 2017 11:13 a.m.

PlattBonnay says... #7

Im not sure where you are getting your prices from, but the alliances printing of Arcane Denial is significantly cheaper than the commander reprint, that might be worth looking into.

June 30, 2017 3:17 p.m.

hoardofnotions says... #8

PlattBonnay Thanks!!!

June 30, 2017 3:30 p.m.

hosshughes says... #9

Looks great! Here's a few suggestions: The new Enigma Drake can be a great beater. Think Twice and Gitaxian Probe are favorite cantrips. Thought Vessel would be helpful with all the cards you're drawing. Goblin Electromancer ends up working like a reusable mana rock and Guttersnipe could be another win con if you can storm enough late game.

July 4, 2017 5:30 p.m.

hosshughes Thanks for looking!

do you think Enigma Drake or Spellheart Chimera is better?

I think Oona's Grace is a better Think Twice, how about you?

Gitaxian Probe is kinda $pricey$, and Peek is an instant.

Thought Vessel and Reliquary Tower are cards i really want to add

I just added Jace's Sanctum and it put in work today. Do you think the enchantment is better than the cheaper creature?

I'm really not aiming at storming off in one turn, do you think hitting the table multiple times with Guttersnipe and bringing attention to myself is worth the damage I deal?

July 4, 2017 8:47 p.m.

Ashmed says... #11

I'm liking this deck very much! Would you consider running a Learn from the Past for recursion?

I would also always recommend an Isochron Scepter for any spellslinger deck. Not sure if that falls under your budget though?

I also recommend an Arcane Lighthouse to help with any hexproofed opponents, Snap for an effectively free bounce and Mizzium Skin for another small layer of protection.

Also Lat-Nam's Legacy is a very under appreciated card which has helped me out more often than not. If you get it early you can shuffle in a high costing card, if it's later game you can send away an unnecessary land.

Hope these ideas help! Thinking about making a similar deck now I've seen this!!

July 5, 2017 4:58 a.m.

hosshughes says... #12

Though I think the ones you already have in are better (with the exception of Oona's Grace, I like Think Twice better), I think it's great to run cards that are essentially multiples of each other as long as they are worth it. For instance, my Chainer deck runs Fleshbag Marauder, Merciless Executioner and, until only recently, Slum Reaper because my playgroup doesn't go wide very much with their creatures so asking them to sac one is a big deal. If a card fits the needs of the deck, multiples are usually a good thing. If it's not worth having multiples of, is it really worth having in the first place? As for Guttersnipe, it wouldn't be a giant threat in my game until it was too late, but everybody's playgroup is different.

July 5, 2017 11:08 a.m.

Ashmed Thanks, and I have some card choice debates to start with you!

Learn from the Past or Mnemonic Nexus? learn draws a card which is good, nexus is graveyard hate and recursion in one. both instant which i really like. Both are 4 drops which i seem to be getting a lot of now.

Isochron Scepter is great! I would need to adjust the budget to run it though. Maybe when i get bored of Turnabout I'll swap in the scepter.

I hope to deal with hexproof creatures with my mass bounce nonsense, like AEtherize and Evacuation

I had Snap in the first build of the deck, i swapped it for Into the Roil. hitting any nonland permanent was the big upgrade i think

Mizzium Skin seems out of place, I don't need my commander to live to do well. A lot of the other creatures are virtual copies of others so any one piece isn't vital, unlike your talrand deck I assume.

Lat-Nam's Legacy looks amazing! just need to find a cut for it. I guess i could take out Frantic Search, I'm not to sure...


I agree that running multiples of good cards is a smart move, I guess I'm just not sold on Enigma Drake yet. the deck has played pretty well with the token angle, also Runechanter's Pike turns any creature into a drake.

Guttersnipe is a really good card, I just don't know what to cut for it. Right now i have 19 cards that aren't instants or sorceries. Taking any out is hard, that's why i like asking folks for help. I'm too attached to all the little trickery nonsense to really think hard about cutting them.

I could probably create a sideboard to test out new ideas and create different gameplans. Like cut the Whir of Invention, Aetherflux Reservoir and the Elixir of Immortality for Enigma Drake, Spellheart Chimera and either Mnemonic Nexus or Learn from the Past. Learn something from those cards and see how they play different.

July 7, 2017 3:43 p.m.

MoGoose831 says... #14

Foil in a deck with this much card draw is essentially on power with Force of Will...

This looks like a lot of fun great budget build!

July 28, 2017 3:34 a.m.

Beebles says... #15


Looks like a fun deck! Well done to stick with the budget.

There aren't any obvious omissions coming to mind as I browse the deck (and I'm not familiar with this kind of budget), but you could consider these cards: Muddle the Mixture, Insidious Will, Mizzix of the Izmagnus and Melek, Izzet Paragon.

Thanks again for looking at my list.

GL & HF!

August 6, 2017 9:35 a.m.

MoGoose831 thanks for the comment! I'm having lots of fun playing this deck.

I've been playing Foil and have been really impressed with it.

Beebles thanks for the suggestions! Do you have any ideas for cuts?

I think I like Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius more than Melek, Izzet Paragon in my deck because I can guarantee at least one card out of the Dragon if I delay playing it until 8 mana. I haven't played with melek though so let me know how it's been for you?

August 7, 2017 9:17 p.m.

Razulghul says... #17

Hey there, I'm not great with budget lists but I have a few cards to consider:

Mystic Speculation - always love drawing this card, so much value.

Recoup - I'm not sure if you are running enough sorcery spells for this maybe Past in Flames, Shreds of Sanity or Mystic Retrieval instead?

Increasing Vengeance - best spell doubler on a budget imo.

That's about all I can think of atm, hopefully it helps.

August 14, 2017 5:04 p.m.

Thanks for taking a look!

Mystic Retrieval might be better than Pull from the Deep, thanks for the suggestion!

I kinda like the Mystic Speculation, do you have any ideas for a cut?

I'm not sure what spell I'd be copying that'd be worth running Increasing Vengeance for. The double red might be hard some percent of the time as well. My deck is mostly mono-blue. It can be hard drawing cards with Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius sometimes.

August 14, 2017 5:22 p.m.

Razulghul says... #19

Mmm how is Oona's Grace working for you? I think Mystic Speculation might be a strict upgrade, putting unwanted lands and such on the bottom of the deck.

August 14, 2017 6:58 p.m.

I really like Oona's Grace! It helps fuel delve, turns lands into spells late game, is repeatable and most importantly is an instant to help trigger jori en on other peoples turns. Another minor thing is it makes bigger tokens with Metallurgic Summonings

August 14, 2017 7:13 p.m.

Razulghul says... #21

Hmm well you probably know better than me honestly, are you able to pay the buyback on Capsize reliably?

August 14, 2017 7:45 p.m.

Razulghul says... #22

August 14, 2017 7:51 p.m.

Capsize is great and I am normally playing the buyback on it.

Whispers of the muse is mostly instant speed draw card, and helps trigger jori en.

I could try to swap if for Mystic Speculation, but then I'd have to look at the budget as well. Granted I'm running Sol Ring and that's on the top of list for most $expensive$ cards in the deck and is easily replaceable with another mana rock. So I have some wiggle I the budget.

After talking it out with you I might keep the speculation on the sidelines for now though

August 14, 2017 8:17 p.m.

Podkomorka says... #24

Hello again! I'm on mobile currently so my help might be minimal for now.

I do not like Forbid. It's way too much of a disadvantage.

I think you can cut back on a lot of instants by adding this mini combo. Run Archaeomancer/Mnemonic Wall/Scrivener and Ghostly Flicker/Displace in order to get cast triggers repeatedly. You then can even run a mini ETB package with creatures such as AEther Adept, Mulldrifter, Ingot Chewer, and Faultgrinder.

Also you can use Vedalken AEthermage to grab Talrand, Sky Summoner.

Maybe that could be a direction to take.

August 14, 2017 9:08 p.m. Edited.

Thanks for stopping by Podkomorka and the upvote!

What do you like over Forbid?

I like the archaeomancer ghostly flicker combo, I could even add Peregrine Drake for infinite mana as well. I'm going to keep your suggestions in mind when i eventually swap up the deck, though for right now i like the izzet token strategy.

Vedalken AEthermage could also grab Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius and Archaeomancer. I like it! Now to find room for it

August 15, 2017 3:43 a.m.

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