Gotta Catch 'em All! (UPDATE)

Casual* Cobthecobbler


Amnesiac_ says... #1

I put together one of these evolve decks and found Deadeye Navigator incredibly helpful. See evolution accelerated it might give you some ideas.

March 29, 2013 5:15 a.m.

DukeNicky says... #2

I love the name and the Prof. Oak reference +1 for that alone! ahahAlso it is a very nice build I never really gave much consideration to Simic colours before. Have you considered the utility land Alchemist's Refuge ? Being able to play anything at Instant speed for a round could be pretty amazing sauce. I believe Tamiyo, the Moon Sage deserves some consideration as well. I don't see much of a use for Glaring Spotlight Perhaps it would be best to consider some kind of draw or counter spell? Dissipate Divination ?

March 29, 2013 5:36 a.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #3

The only thing I don't like about Deadeye Navigator is that I'd much rather spend mana on swarming the field with big creatures, rather than make my already big creatures bigger. Don't get me wrong, I've considered him before and he has amazing potential in here, being able to flicker Thragtusk and trigger Evolve. It definitely has it's place here.

But when I have him, i'm just not going to be using him as often as I think I would. Most of my Early-Mid game is laying down creatures, and my late game is stabilizing my side of the field and making sure I don't lose any board presence.

I really like the idea, and thanks for the suggestion, but I'm not sure he's going to see playtime here very soon.

March 29, 2013 5:37 a.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #4

Hmm, you know, Alchemist's Refuge actually can be a pretty nasty trick. I see that finding use as a 2-of in here; being able to flash in creatures and trigger evolve in the middle of declaring blockers sounds real dirty, and I love it. Great suggestion, thanks.

I can dig playtesting Tamiyo as a 1-of, I might actually really like using her here.

As for my sideboard, it's just a really basic sideboard that I didn't give much thought to because I haven't tested this deck enough to know it's weaknesses. Glaring Spotlight is there for Sigarda, Host of Herons hate, because that card makes me so angry sometimes. I just want to be able to turn her into the frog that she is.

I do need draw power, but I don't want to mess with the synnergy this deck has, and instead of Divination , I'd prefer Think Twice as it has recurring use when I need it.

I tried Dissipate but I dont need to control anything here, as my mana should be used swarming my board.

-2 Forest

+2 Alchemist's Refuge

-1 Garruk, Primal Hunter

+1 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage

Thanks for the suggestions, always appreciated.

March 29, 2013 5:46 a.m.

lil_cheez says... #5

I'd hit +1 just because of the name, but I read the description an damn! This deck seem really fun to play!

I can't think of anything to suggest, but maybe sideboard Witchbane Orb against burn.

March 30, 2013 9:05 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #6

Well, thank you :)

And, Witchbane Orb is always in my sideboards lol, It's definitely going in there, I just don't know what else will to make the deck work well against other decks.

March 30, 2013 9:11 p.m.

lil_cheez says... #7

I remembered a nice card to Evolve! Ghostly Flicker !

March 30, 2013 9:16 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #8

I thought about that, but if I'm using that, I'd rather instead use Deadeye Navigator for the recurring use, but I've already talked myself out of it in an above comment lol but thanks

March 30, 2013 9:20 p.m.

You only have four Undying creatures. And Vorapede is a five drop. More Strangleroot Geist s over Shambleshark . Possibly Young Wolf or Stormbound Geist .

April 1, 2013 11:54 p.m.

gioppasup says... #10

+1 by me!!! I really love Simic decks!!!

April 2, 2013 4:41 a.m.

infectadec says... #11

I like the idea but you have to cut the fat and make it lean. To expand on what FluffyNinjastar said, I would make the deck a little more aggressive. Take out the Cloudfin Raptor or Experiment One , Gyre Sage , and Farseek . Drawing one of those later really hurts. They'll make room for Young Wolf and maybe some combat tricks. Wolfir Silverheart pairs nice with Master Biomancer , T4: Biomancer, T5: Wolfir at 10/10. He also synergizes really well with flash creatures, especially for surprise defense and undying lets you change targets. Your plays should be something like:

T1: Young Wolf
T2: Drop Expr1 and Cloudfin and swing in with wolf. If they block he'll come back a 2/2 and evolve both your creatures. Or swing with the wolf and if they trade flash in a Shambleshark at 3/2. Or drop a Strangleroot Geist and swing with both.
T3: Swing with 2 or 3 creatures and flash in Wolfir Avenger to evolve them either dealing more damage or killing what your opponent thought would trade.
T4: Drop the guildmage and remove a counter from any of your undying creatures and draw a card.
T5: Master Biomancer. Drop another beefed up 1 drop or Bioshift at the end of their turn to the Biomancer for a...

Midrange decks like this are always nice because they can deal with aggro with your own threats and a lot of 2-for-1's but also deal enough damage before control decks are able to stabilize. Also take out 1-2 Rapid Hybridization s for 2 Rancor s. T1:Young Wolf , T2: Enchant with 2 Rancor s is hilarious.

April 8, 2013 3:40 p.m.

MonkeyDerp says... #12

your curve is just... bad... you have almost nothing to do on t1 then 14 on t4. i feel like Shambleshark and Farseek should be Cloudfin Raptor s. make your deck abit more consistent of 4 of's, namely Zameck Guildmage .

April 8, 2013 6:01 p.m.

dbrannon says... #13

I'm surprised Forced Adaptation isn't here. It could be used like the elemental stones in Pokemon. Elusive Krasis could also do well

April 8, 2013 10:18 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #14

Young Wolf is a no because of the simple fact it doesn't evolve my creatures when it enters, only when it dies, and that's only on turn two. infectadec, you're suggesting I change the entire theme of the deck; or rather the entire thing altogether. I don't want to drop any Rap. Hybrids because they're the only source of removal I have if I need it. Rancor I considered but Im still trying to figure out what goes out for it.

MonkeyDerp I have 5 one drop creatures, and Raptor is in here... So, I'm not sure what you're getting at? My curve is fine.

Forced Adaptation is good but there's too much black in standard and too much kill for the creature to get big enough to make an impact.

April 8, 2013 10:34 p.m.

dbrannon says... #15

alright man this deck was so good not only did i give you +1, but i made a deck similar that, keeps your idea, but incorperates my vision of what i had for your deck. tell me what you think. evolve ftw

April 9, 2013 12:57 a.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #16

Awesome, thanks. I'll check it out :)

April 9, 2013 5:42 a.m.

Nice simic build, the synergy is great. Crowned Ceratok is a possible sideboard card.
It ruins anybody that loves to chump block. +1 from me.

April 16, 2013 5:06 a.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #18

I play him as much as possible in limited, and I really like him and want to put him here, problem is that I have nothing I want to take out for him.

April 16, 2013 5:13 a.m.

dbrannon says... #19

Hey man i made this new deck that i need some input on and i would appreciate yours. liliana for the win

April 16, 2013 12:17 p.m.

Dragonis89 says... #20

i give you a +1 just for the name lol

April 16, 2013 5:18 p.m.

dan246892 says... #21

You might want to use Gyre Sage with Increasing Savagery to get a lot of counters and alot of mana really fast so you can get out your big creatures even with these cards you put 5 counters on Gyre Sage with Increasing Savagery then tap Gyre Sage for 5 mana and then pay 2 mana to use Increasing Savagery on any creature you want.

April 22, 2013 7:42 p.m.

Grimmlol says... #22

+1 but Simic Charm does not safe your creatures against boardwipes. Hexproof means that they cant be targeted - boardwipes dont target them as they usually say "all creatures". What you would need for the protection would be something to make them indestructible. Just wanted to point that out to you.

Like the deck :D

May 1, 2013 10:58 a.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #23

I... have nothing to say to that. I have no idea what I was on to even write that in the description... I know better, but I'm not exactly sure why I put that in there -__- Thank you, it's been corrected.

And, thank you for the +1!

May 7, 2013 5:59 a.m.

Demarge says... #24

After 3 matches of playtesting I've noted some problems with the deck.

Bioshift while being a handy little spell when you got a biomancer out or you want an undying dude to live through a sweeper it doesn't do anything while you have only one guy out and it doesn't further your board state. It can be fun as a 1-2 of, but it would be better as more creatures or maybe even some cheap counterspells.

having 4 colorless lands hurts your 6, 2 cmc creatures with their heavy color costs (not to mention Plasm Capture . Also having only 22 land is a bad idea in a deck running 13 spells at or above 4 cmc. Maybe cut the Bioshift s for Arbor Elf s.

Now as for your sideboard I can only see Witchbane Orb staying as I can't think of why you'd swap out 13 spells that pump your dudes or remove creatures for 13 spells that pump your dudes or remove your creatures in any matchup, I also don't see a time that you'll cut a single creature to have more of these pump spells.

Some sideboard suggestions:

Invisible Stalker to have a hard to kill guy against control.

Ground Seal /Tormod's Crypt because you need something against reanimator.

Naturalize bant aura's got stronger some of this effect will help.

Then you might want to fill the rest with some spells that deal with control.

May 14, 2013 9:13 a.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #25

What were your matchups?

In every game I've played I have never:

  • Had only one creature out on the field at a time
  • Not found a use for bioshift. It can target your opponents creatures, so if they have an insane amounts of counters and swing, move the counters from an attacking creature to a non-attacking creature. (Just an idea) It also helps me out when I decide to block, they never know if they're actually trading or not. It's very useful as a 4-of.

What decks did you playtest against?

May 14, 2013 9:35 a.m.

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