Gotta go fast (potential turn 1)

Modern* Gigi_Year


Nightdragon779 says... #1

Here's a cool combo with Kiln Fiend: Turn two Kiln Fiend, turn 3 Assault Strobe + Tainted Strike (and preferably Distortion Strike/Artful Dodge) for lethal. Too bad you're not playing black.

November 20, 2015 4:26 p.m.

dooomsdae says... #2

Paradise Mantle lets you tap your weird for mana to cast your cantrips while you pump him.

here's my rough draft of something similar, but much more casual. Spirit guide makes things much easier, for sure.


November 20, 2015 4:30 p.m.

Hcassel says... #3

I like it, +1 from me!Take a look at my RDW: Need for Speed. A key card in there that's super helpful for early-game wins is Hammerhand. It really helps push through damage, and gives a lot of effects for 1CMC.

November 20, 2015 4:32 p.m.

TheSurgeon says... #4

This is good, but you may want to consider some Apostle's Blessing or Mizzium Skin to protect against removal. I have a deck like this as well: Steamblast.
+1. I love glass cannons!

November 20, 2015 6:20 p.m.

Gigi_Year says... #6

@Nightdragon779: I do love me some infect. I'll have to consider making another hyper aggro infect deck based on that idea. Thanks for spawning more evil decks my friends have to face :P

@dooomsdae: I do like the idea of that. Blistercoil is kind of an extra creature for me, but that does sound like fun. However, with playtesting your deck, I found running out of cantrips and hitting a land draw wrecked the combo instantly, though I may have been too ambitious with how early I started trying to combo. I had 2 lands, Weird and Mantle, with a couple cantrips, so I tried to go off right away on turn 2 xP

@Hcassel: Thank you. I'm not sure how I like Hammerhand in this deck since it's not an instant or sorcery, but I do like the "target creature can't block this turn" tacked on because that would be an issue for me wanting to go off as soon as possible is if they play a creature turn 1, I have to hope I can bolt it, otherwise I have little to say about it. Because of that, I will consider it. It also does still trigger prowess on Swiftspear, as well.

@TheSurgeon: Yeah, this is about as fragile as I can get, so you're right, I may want to put in some protection. I'm definitely gonna try and find some room for Apostle's Blessing because it also double as pseudo unblockable for assuring the attack gets through, which in my earlier comment I stated is also an issue if I don't get magical Christmasland turn 1 awesome sauce.

What do you guys think about sideboard? Should I have a transformational sideboard that changes this into a more reasonable aggro deck, or just try and find cheap, efficient answers to the average meta that still suit the glass cannon ideal?

November 21, 2015 4:07 p.m.

lemmingllama says... #7

Instead of Blistercoil Weird, consider trying out Nivmagus Elemental. He can be much more potent since he gets bigger faster and stays large.

Also consider looking into Mutagenic Growth, that card is really good in these kinda of decks.

November 21, 2015 4:13 p.m.

Gigi_Year says... #8

@lemmingllama: It was a toss up between Nivmagus and Blistercoil. My problem with Nivmagus is that I usually want my spells to resolve, so right now I'm fine with a temporary boost on what is basically an extra creature in the deck as long as I can still cantrip, etc. I'll add it to the maybeboard, though, since I do love it against control. Also, you must have just looked at the deck right after I edited, I took out my 2 Mutagenic Growths for Apostle's Blessing to help with fighting non red removal and to add a pseudo-unblockable. I may try and squeeze it back in later, especially if I find Desperate Ritual to be less impressive in practice than in theory. Thanks for the suggestions!

November 21, 2015 4:18 p.m.

Gigi_Year says... #9

Added Noxious Revival to the maybeboard to consider for later. I feel it could be useful in helping string cantrips, getting back a crucial card, or disrupting the opponent with a junk card from their yard, so hopefully it works if I test it. What do you guys think?

November 21, 2015 4:28 p.m.

lemmingllama says... #10

@Gigi_Year Desperate Ritual is typically subpar to Simian Spirit Guide. So you may decide on cutting them.

Also the reason why I suggested both Nivmagus Elemental and Mutagenic Growth is that they either survive Lightning Bolt or get any creature to survive bolt. It is the most common removal spell in the format, so I would want some way to combat it.

Edit: Noxious Revival is a great way to retrieve dead creatures when they eat removal. I'd say it would be a good sideboard card.

November 21, 2015 4:33 p.m. Edited.

Hcassel says... #11

All true. Good luck!

November 21, 2015 10:07 p.m.

Gigi_Year says... #12

@lemmingllama All good points. I decided to drop Desperate Ritual and focus on just the simians, though I will miss having 6 mana accelerators, so hopefully it doesn't botch the glass cannon, too much.

And I do see you point with Mutagenic Growth, but it will also keep my Blistercoil Weird alive since casting the instant will give him an additional +1/+1, and I don't have to exile it. I'm still considering Nivmagus because the boost is temporary for everything else. I may settle on a 2/2 split to see if that works in the future.

Also, I agree about Noxious Revival also being good at creature retrieval, which is important in an effectively 12 creature deck. Added 2 to become the beginning of my sideboard. Thanks for the help! Please let me know if you have any other suggestions, especially for sideboard construction.

November 22, 2015 12:51 p.m.

Gigi_Year says... #13

I'm thinking of adding Tainted Strike like Nightdragon779 suggested earlier. What could I stand to take out to add it in? I'll adjust the mana base accordingly once I do.

November 24, 2015 6:12 a.m.

Adameus2012 says... #14

No love for Artful Dodge? Sure, you have to pay for it but it can trigger prowess twice, and whatever is swinging through can't be blocked. Also allows you to save Apostles blessings/mutagenic growths, etc. to protect swinging creatures, instead of giving something pro black to swing through, only to have them path it.

November 28, 2015 5:52 p.m.

Adameus2012 says... #15

Also, infect seems like the more powerful option in your deck. You can only run 4 tainted strikes and every other infect enabler that I know of sucks. I would try to find some room for a few vector asps. I also wonder if something like madcap skills could have a home in here? It would trigger prowess as well as give it an evasion ability and the bonus is permanent. Any of these changes also make blistercoil weird worse in the deck (or less necessary)

November 28, 2015 5:58 p.m.

Gigi_Year says... #16

Adameus2012: Yeah, I might try and get some Distortion Strike into the deck for unblockable as after testing, I've found getting through is tough sometimes. I did get a couple of turn 2 wins, but if I don't win that fast, it becomes grindy. I didn't always lose, so that's a plus.

Also, I am probably going to up the Tainted Strike as in testing, it was the most potent way for me to win. My problem with Vector Asp is that it has to use a buff to get bigger, whereas I can Gitaxian Probe and everything else gets bigger. I have been unimpressed with Blistercoil, but as of right now I don't have the replacement I want. If Spellskite keeps running around like I saw on untap, then I will do a complete flop of Blistercoil Weird and Nivmagus Elemental. Spellskite and discard were the two big issues for the deck, and I haven't found the right solution for discard yet.

Also, I want to avoid any non creature spells that aren't instants and sorceries, because the big boy, Kiln Fiend relies on the noncreatures being all Izzet-y.

I do appreciate the suggestions!

November 28, 2015 8:49 p.m.

Adameus2012 says... #17

THANK YOU!!!! I was trying to remember the name distortion strike for like an hour and could not think of it for the life of me. Prey's vengeance would be great too. I would say emerge unscathed as well but you don't run enough white to consistently cast it turn 2 when it's needed, and the rest of the deck seems pretty solid to change too much. Also faithless looting came to mind, as it could be a prowess/kiln fiend trigger, and would let you dig into more spells that could be immediately used. The flashback on it would also improve your chances in games that had to go past turn 3 immensely.

November 29, 2015 9:15 a.m.

Gigi_Year says... #18

I would actually consider Faithless Looting because I've been (somehow) having a decent amount issues of having too many lands, so being able to pitch them for actual cards is nice. I don't know how it happens with only 17 lands, six of which are fetches. It's weird :P

November 29, 2015 9:24 a.m.

Adameus2012 says... #19

Was playing a birthing pod, kessig wolf run deck back in scars block. Was running TWO mountains. I lost at least a few games because sometimes I would get both in opening hand, mulligan, and see both of them again. So I feel your pain lol.

November 29, 2015 11:12 a.m.

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