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G/R Quick Infect deck

Unknown Aggro


This is a quick win infect deck that I made after looking at many other infect decks. The goal of this deck is by having a creature able to attack by turn 2-3 and buff them up big on their initial attack. Even if the opponent has a card out that can block, I assume by turn three I will have at least 1 card that will give my creature trample (aka Rancor/colossal might) on top of his other low costing big buffs.

I know it is still a work in progress and would appreciate it if anyone could give me ideas of what cards I should replace or what cards I should add. Thanks!


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Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is Unknown legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

28 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.60
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