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Grand Arbeater Augustin IV(outdated)

Commander / EDH Combo Competitive Control Counters


This is the list I used in the cEDH tournament.

(It's also bit outdated,Metalworker never really did anything, and I missed Merchant Scroll and the new list is here:

http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/my-cockatrice-list-for-gaaiv/update/ )

Underneath some pseudo relevant things I wrote long time ago.

This is my Grand Arbiter Augustin IV EDH deck, it's quite competitive and i have had good record with it. It has bunch of tutors and is a nightmare to play for a newer player. It has 2(,5) wincons, Helm of Obedience+Rest in Peace Combo and Sensei's Divining Top+Rings of BrightHeart+Basalt Monolith. In a pinch it can go for beatdown or just for just plain old "win with value plan". It has a Back to Basics subplan to lock up players with multicolored manabase. I play as few nonbasics as possible.

This is the basic setup for the deck, and depending on the group its possible to cut down higher cmc cost for cheaper interaction.

Flex Slots and pet cards: Dig, Preordain,Council's Judgement

I play these cards because i don't want to run symmetrical Stax cards like Winter Orb or Sphere of Resistance. Containment Priest/Grand Abolisher/Glen Elendra Archmage could work but Humility is one of the strongest cards in the deck, and i don't feel like those cards are strong enough with Humility doing so much work for me.Simply put, many of those "good enough" cards just haven't been printed yet. I feel like the cards that im running are the options best suited for my deckbuild and play style.

T1 Godhand win would be something like this: Island, Mana Crypt, Grim Monolith, Mox Opal, Power Artifact, Stoke. Draw deck, win. The 8. card could be Pact of Negation.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

46 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.48
Tokens Bird 2/2 U
Folders Take Note, Control, EDH Inspiration
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