A Sram, Senior Edificer/Puresteel Paladin combo deck that casts quite a few 0-drop artifacts, draws through most of the library, and uses Grapeshot's storm effect to end the game. I'm finally dabbling in formats other than Standard and Limited, and brewed this deck to try and get started in Modern/Legacy. While goldfishing the deck online, I found that a turn 3 kill is about average, with turn 2 unlikely (but not impossible), and a turn 4 kill virtually guaranteed.
The combo:
Turn 1: Land per turn (white). Pass turn.
Turn 2: Land per turn, casting either Sram, Senior Edificer or Puresteel Paladin. Pass turn.
Turn 3: Start casting artifacts from your hand for free, and taking advantage of the draw effect to replenish your hand. As soon as you draw into another Paladin or Sram, play the land per turn and cast it. Keep playing artifacts until you draw through your entire library*, then cast the Lotus Petals. By now, you should have a Storm Count of at least twenty. Crack two Petals them for a red mana, and cast Grapeshot. If your opponent counters it, crack another Lotus Petal for a blue and play Swan Song. Game, set, match, you now have no MtG friends.
*If you haven't drawn through your entire library, cast a Retract to bring all of the artifacts back to hand. Then, cast them again to increase your Storm count.
This is my first Modern/Legacy deck, so all feedback is appreciated. I originally wanted this to be a Modern deck, but a playset of Mox Opals was a little expensive, so I put in Lotus Petals and decided to go into Legacy instead. I still need quite a few of the cards in this deck, so feel free to take a look through my binder and offer a trade if you'd like-It would be very helpful!