Grave Robbery [Tariel EDH]

Commander / EDH TiredTofu


jan2692wal says... #1

have uou considered Cauldron Dance ?

November 23, 2012 1:20 a.m.

TiredTofu says... #2

That's actually an extraordinary combat trick. And it would play nicely with the board wipes that keep my graveyard stocked, and the various ETB effects on most of the creatures in this deck. Thanks, I'll definitely have do some testing with it.

November 23, 2012 1:59 a.m.

DanteBeleren says... #3

card:Debtors' Knell would be good. +1 here lol

November 23, 2012 2:12 a.m.

TiredTofu says... #4

I had card:Debtors' Knell in the original version of the deck, but I ended up taking it out for...

...Why would I take that out?


Consider it back in. >_>

November 23, 2012 3:09 a.m.

deathbygiraffe says... #5

Well, no Enlightened Tutor and Vampiric Tutor just makes me feel saddened... I try to include those in any black/white edh deck, just because they're that necessary. They're pretty expensive cards, but they're definitely worth the money. And useful in any EDH deck within their colors.

Angel of Despair is really good, especially if you have a way to use het multiple times (like reanimating her with card:Debtors' Knell every turn). And Vindicate is, well Vindicate . Expensive, but an awesome card to have and use.

Since you have Aggravated Assault and Godo, Bandit Warlord in here, why not consider Sword of Feast and Famine for infinite combat steps?

Is Eldrazi Monument really relevant in this deck? It seems counterproductive actually.

How Cabal Conditioning working in here so far? Maybe card:Myojin of Night's Reach could work just a tad better?

The Temple Bell also strikes me as a strange choice in the deck. Can't really put my finger on what it's supposed to do in here. Is it just a political card or is it your way of drawing more cards? 'cause card:Mind's Eye does that for you, and you alone.

Other good removal in these colors include: Return to Dust , Aftershock , Fumarole , Terminate , Wrecking Ball . And Condemn ,Oblation and Chaos Warp for generals.

November 24, 2012 10:23 p.m.

deathbygiraffe says... #6

Oh and perhaps card:Hanna's Custody could work for you. Your artifacts seem to be the true engine at work, and there aren't any ways to get them back from the grave, so protecting them might be worth trying. And custody (unlike Leonin Abunas doesn't get hit by your own baordwipes)

November 24, 2012 10:28 p.m.

comatoseeffect says... #7

I somehow think Flayer of the Hatebound would be hilarious in Reanimator.

November 25, 2012 12:16 a.m.

TiredTofu says... #8


Enlightened Tutor /Vampiric Tutor -- More tutors is always great. Currently, though, cost is the issue. They are high on my list, however.

Angel of Despair /Vindicate -- Honestly, with all of the boardwipes, targeted removal was low on my list of priorities. I'm not afraid of creatures at this point, so my big concern are enchantments like Rest in Peace and Leyline of the Void . More Vindicates are never a bad thing.

I don't use tuck effects for the same reason that I don't use mass land destruction, though. Both of those are frowned upon by my playgroup. If I wanted to be more competitive, they'd definitely be valid options.

Eldrazi Monument is an alternative to Darksteel Plate , but for all of your creatures, not just Tariel. The theory was that you could easily sacrifice the worst thing that you own, and replenish it with Tariel's ability once per turn, or more if you start to combo off. Plus with Thornbite Staff , the death from the sacrifice triggers the staff's untap again, so you're losing nothing.In testing, it hasn't been really needed, though, due to the number of equipment tutors already to grab Darksteel Plate .

Sword of Feast and Famine is definitely on my upgrade list. However, it only combos with Aggravated Assault , not Godo, Bandit Warlord , unless I'm missing something. Plus adding to the equipment toolbox is always a good choice.

I like the option of card:Myojin of Night's Reach over Cabal Conditioning . One mana more for the utility of keeping the ability (at instant speed) on a stick. My concern is the triple black cost, but at the 8CMC mark, it shouldn't be an issue.On a related note, that's why I have Temple Bell in as a temporary addition. I was looking for card draw to replace Promise of Power , as I was having a hard time hitting triple black on turn 5. Any suggestions for another non-creature based draw engine would be appreciated. card:Mind's Eye is a good option for that.

Also, I really like card:Hanna's Custody. I'll definitely have to pick that up.

Thank you for your thoughtful, helpful analysis, deathbygiraffe. I've made a number of the updates you mentioned under the "Cards to Consider" section.

@comatoseeffectUnfortunately, Flayer of the Hatebound won't do well in this deck. Very few creatures enter the battlefield from your graveyard in this deck. All of them enter the battlefield from your opponent's graveyards, rendering this card useless.

November 25, 2012 1:58 a.m.

comatoseeffect says... #9

Well then, perhaps Avatar of Woe would be more in keeping with the deck's strategy?

November 25, 2012 2:44 a.m.

TiredTofu says... #10

Actually, I do really like Avatar of Woe in most black decks, particularly since Avatar of Woe combos with Thornbite Staff . However, I decided to cut her, since all of the boardwipes we have on this deck make her pinpoint removal less necessary. Well, and the fact that those same board wipes kill her.

November 25, 2012 3 a.m.

Kage192 says... #11

Might I suggest Sun Titan

November 25, 2012 8:48 p.m.

Shield of Kaldra is also an option (its a worse Darksteel Plate in this case, but still). And Avacyn, Angel of Hope of course...

Karmic Justice is another thing you could playtest. Though it totally depends on the players you're up against... It won't do you much good against mono blue for instance...

November 25, 2012 8:58 p.m.

TiredTofu says... #13


I considered Sun Titan , but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I didn't have enough targets for it to hit. I have maybe 7-8 permanents in that low CMC range that I've seen in the graveyard regularly. He'll probably be added if I start to see more artifact destruction in my local meta, though.


I considered Shield of Kaldra , but as you pointed out, in this current deck, it'd basically be a strictly worse Darksteel Plate . Avacyn is another good option for indestructibility, and it's an option I'll keep in mind. Initially I dismissed it since another person I regularly play against runs her, but death via legend rule is a decent way to reenable board wipes effective against that player again. I've been leaning on card:Black Sun's Zenith to protect me from that her, but backup plan is always good.

Karmic Justice is interesting, but I think basically all it would do in my local meta is allow me to snipe some lands. I might test it, but I think there are better options for the deck.

November 25, 2012 10:13 p.m.

wreckedd says... #14

Have you considered Sheoldred, Whispering One ?

November 27, 2012 7 a.m.

TiredTofu says... #15

I did, actually. She's a great card, but I don't think she quite fits the feeling of this deck. The surplus of board wipes in this build means that her sacrifice ability is less helpful than in many other decks, and I don't really have many really good targets for her to reanimate, unfortunately.

In general, I'm also trying to keep my creature count low, since I'll be wanting to ensure that I can safely cast my board wipes without losing too much tempo/card advantage. The creatures I do have are either early drops I wouldn't mind losing to a board wipe, win-cons, or creatures with ETB/LTB/Graveyard effects.

Still, thank you for the suggestion, wreckedd.

November 27, 2012 2:33 p.m.

Kage192 says... #16

I was counting you have 21 targets for Sun Titan just saying

November 27, 2012 5:23 p.m.

jan2692wal says... #17

he also said that he has 7-8 cards that actually regularly hit the graveyard, but if his playgroup starts to change then Sun Titan might be more viable.

November 27, 2012 5:35 p.m.

RobT says... #18

Love your deck Tofu. Built my own a few weeks ago. Added more equipment and some discard effects to help get creatures in graveyards.

Would like some suggestions if you have time Voltron Angels

How is Living Death working out so far?? Seems like it would make a good early board sweeper but late game it might give more advantage to your opponents.

Your deck really needs a Sword of Feast and Famine !! It totally rocks with Aggravated Assault and Aurelia, the Warleader

February 26, 2013 11:56 p.m.

TiredTofu says... #19

Thanks, RobT. I'm on lunch, so I'll have to be brief.

Living Death is a card I'm testing. Theoretically, though, I like it. Sure, it can help your opponents, but it offers creature recursion for you as well. Here's the trick, though. This can be used to craft people's graveyards. Let's say that someone drops Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite onto the battlefield. Next turn, you can cast Living Death. Suddenly, everybody's board is repopulated, and one of the only things in the graveyard is Norn, ripe to be plucked by Tariel for your own personal use.

Also, it's a sacrifice effect, so it gets around indestructible creatures, which is a great thing to have in your toolbox. Bonus Trick: If you have a Sac Outlet, you can sacrifice all of your creatures while Living Death is on the stack, and they'll come back into play out of your graveyard, making this a 1-sided boardwipe that reanimates your graveyard and retriggers your creature's ETB/LTB effects. Kinda silly, really.

As for the Sword of Feast and Famine, I really probably should add it. I just don't like the OPness of the Sword + Aggravated Assault Combo. Infinite combat phases in a two-card combo is a little aggressive for casual EDH. But still, it has awesome synergy with everything else in the deck, so I'll have to strongly consider it.

February 27, 2013 4 p.m.

TiredTofu says... #20

After a little more thought, I'm just going to cut Living Death. It's a really fun card, but realistically, it's more likely to sit in hand than actually be useful.

I did however, make some cuts and I finally added the Sunforger package, which I'm really excited to try out. As always, suggestions are more than welcome!

February 28, 2013 11:51 p.m.

sphagan says... #21

I liked your list and started working with it and tweaking it a few months back. It ended up with a lot of similarities, but being less all in on the Tariel, Reckoner of Souls plan.

Cards that give me what I feel is more options are:Sheoldred, Whispering OneFaith's Reward (amazing with all the sweepers, I also run Cataclysm and Armageddon which you acknowledged were not right for your meta.)Geth, Lord of the VaultGoblin Bombardment (you cut it from an earlier version I think)Loyal RetainersReveillarkNecrotic Ooze (at various times I run this with Anger, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and Mogg Fanatic for a Buried Alive win combo, but it just depends on how serious I think the tables are going to be. It is still very good with the activated abilities in the deck)Sepulchral PrimordialDark ImpostorMother of Runes

I run less sweepers, but still have about 7.
Love the list and following along with it, keep up the good work.

March 21, 2013 5:06 p.m.

TiredTofu says... #22

I'll have to find space for Faith's Reward. It's a silly good card and tutorable w/ Sunforger. Somehow I neglected to consider that you could just hardcast it after your own wipes. That's going straight in.

I'm leaning away from targeted opponent GY reanimation as a personal style choice. I just love the element of random chance in this deck, and the targeted revival . The element of chance involved with a "Will I hit the Spearbreaker Behemoth in his graveyard or the Dungrove Elder?"-style moment always gives me a good chuckle whenever it happens.

As for Necrotic Ooze and other combos, this is probably another meta call on my part. We shy away from infinite combos, especially instant kill ones, as a rule of thumb. I like the combo, but if I end up playing combo in EDH, I'd personally shy away from ones that include cards what have little to no value outside of the combo (like Mogg Fanatic & Goblin Bombardment). In this case, the deck's big combo is just a happy coincidence, since it only uses card that I'd play in the deck as a singleton anyway--even without the combo. (And if I want to be mean and play a really mean, competitive deck, I'll pull out my Krenko deck. So, I have a backup plan!)

There's a few other options you've suggested that I like too, and I'll add them to the cards I'm considering for now. I only get to play a few games a week of EDH, though, so it may be a bit before I'm able to pick them up and test them out. I do say though, that I'm trying to lower my curve a bit. I've been getting stranded with multiple high cost cards in hand recently.

Anyway, I'd be interested to see your list at some point, if you don't mind. I'm definitely guilty of playing a very commander-centric strategy, and that's something I hope to move away from in the future. I must say, though, you've piqued my curiosity!

March 21, 2013 9:56 p.m.

sphagan says... #23

My list. Now that I have aggrivated in there I want to re-add Rector.

May 5, 2013 1:42 a.m.

Sainted says... #24

personally this is one of the most unique EDH decks Ive ever seen. I have owned a Tariel for a couple years and was never sure how to use her.. . . .like really man it was a treat to look at this deck.

June 1, 2013 11:59 p.m.

TiredTofu says... #25

Well, I'm not quite sure what to say, ApocryphalSaint, but that's a huge compliment. I've put a lot of work into the deck, and it's an awesome feeling of validation to know that someone else is appreciating that effort.

Thanks for the comment, it really brightened up my day!

June 2, 2013 1:37 a.m.

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