Shieldbearer says... #2
Thanks silverwolf5o. Removed Stormrider Rig added more warriors to try and help Graveblade
July 31, 2015 3:02 p.m.
majorminar says... #3
You should consider mainboarding some removal. Instead of Feat of Resistance You could try Valorous Stance, it can protect your dudes and remove their stuff. You might also consider an anthem effect like Obelisk of Urd. From experience you are going to be a sad camper when someone casts a Drown in Sorrow or an Anger of the Gods.
July 31, 2015 3:12 p.m.
Shieldbearer says... #4
majorminar I am avoiding cards that will rotate soon, but I can agree that something like Languish will mess with me. But you're right playtesting has shown I need mainboard removal.
silverwolf5o says... #1
I recommend sticking to the warrior archtype, Blood-Chin Rager can make it easier to get grave blade through, Arashin Foremost could make him, if he isn't blocked, deal twice as much damage. Blood-Chin Fanatic can make it really easy to get some creatures in the make your green creatures warriors i'd move Den Protector from maybe to main, and there are plenty of other green warriors like Abzan Kin-Guard.
July 29, 2015 10:56 a.m.