
Creature (4)

Artifact (3)

Instant (4)

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to make a landfall deck that relies on dumping lands into the graveyard to get them back with Splendid Reclamation.

Since I can't afford a playset of Elvish Reclaimer nor Scapeshift, I'd like to know the following:

-Which $5 or less cards can be used to make this deck better? -Should I scrap this idea of milling lands for something more conventional, like drawing and playing additional lands?

I do not like milling myself because I like to play my sorceries and instants. In this version of my deck, there's no way to get them back from the graveyard.

My goal is to get 3 wins or more in an FNM.

Card choice explanations:

1 cost cards:

  • Dragonmaster Outcast: This is a payoff card if I get extra lands through Reclamation. I know it's very weak at first and prone to removal, but Akoum Hellhound and Scythe Leopard do not have the landfall buff permanently, i.e. no +1/+1 counters. However, that would be broken.
  • Scute Mob: Same thing as Outcast but it goes tall instead of wide.
  • Lava Dart: Synergizes with the idea of this deck, so I think that it's worth considering. Is it worth running over lightning bolt? I mean I definitely don't want to run both because it'd be a waste of space to have 8 removal cards. I mean in lava dart's defense 1 damage gets rid of Ragavan...?
  • Enter the Unknown: I don't like giving my opponents information, but I also like the idea of ramping on turn 2, plus the +1/+1 counter can make my units survive.

2 cost cards:

  • Brushfire Elemental: I was thinking of replacing this with Ruination Rioter, but with Rioter I have no ways to kill it reliably. I did want Rioter because it synergizes with my deck though. This card is in this deck because it has haste and can go past 1/1s.
  • Edge of Autumn: If I have Countryside Crusher out and only 3 mana, this will help me ramp up to play Reclamation.
  • Tectonic Reformation: Dumps lands in my graveyard and makes me draw cards.

3 cost cards:

4 cost card:

Splendid Reclamation is this deck's finisher.

Land choices:

  • Sheltered Thicket has cycling and it's a dual land. I'm pretty sure I should replace this... but with what, I'm not sure. Racers' Ring's ability is 4 mana so I think I'd rather be playing Reclamation you know on turn 4 rather than activate Ring's ability.
  • Riveteers Overlook lets me gain life and triggers landfall twice, I guess.

Sideboard choices: - Vinelasher Kudzu


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96% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 4 Rares

16 - 7 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.11
Tokens Dragon 5/5 R
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