I put this deck together yesterday in a rush so it was a bit different in the tournament.
-2 Deathrite Shaman
-2 Shadowborn Demon
-1 Temple of Malady
-1 Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
-2 grisly salvages
+2 Returned Reveler
+2 Desecration Demon
+3 Elvish Mystic
+1 Swamp
The current decklist is how I will be running this next week. I was extremely impressed with this deck, went undefeated during the 5 Swiss rounds, but unfortunately lost in the first round of top 8.
Round 1 vs. Mono Black Devotion 2-0
First game he used up all of his removal immediately on my dorks, Elvish Mystic, 2 Satyr Wayfinder. I dropped a Nyx Weaver and he dropped Nightveil Specter. I dropped another Nyx Weaver and passed turn. He didn't realize they had reach and swung his Specter into both my weavers. After that I played Whip of Erebos and whipped back Master of the Feast for a lethal swing.
Sideboarded +3 Abrupt Decay -2 Returned Reveler -1 strength of the fallen.
The second game went pretty much the same way. He used up lots of removal, while chipping away at my life Mutavault. He played an Underworld Connections which I immediately Abrupt Decay'd. He played Erebos, God of the Dead which almost cost me game, since I couldn't gain life off my whip. He also played his own Whip of Erebos but I destroyed it with Golgari Charm. In the end he didn't draw any creatures and I played a Master of the Feast from hand, and whipped in another one next turn to swing for 12 damage. I won with 3 life left.
Round 2 vs. Naya (midrange?) 2-0
My opponent had solid board position in both games, first game dropping Voice of Resurgence, Fleecemane Lion, Loxodon Smiter, and Domri Rade. He never got (or never cast) Stormbreath Dragon or Xenagos, God of Revels which is probably why I won. He was down to 14 from his own shocklands, and I was at 8 from his creatures beating my face. I had six creatures in my graveyard and he tried to Mizzium Mortars my Lotleth Troll. I discarded 4 creatures in response making my troll a 6/5. He had tapped out and swung out, so I just played strength of the fallen for +10/+10 on my troll and killed him with 16 damage. The look on his face was priceless.
I sideboard in my 3 Abrupt Decay again. The 2nd game went back and forth a little, he didn't hit any creatures with his two Domri Rade. I killed one with creatures, and Abrupt Decay'd the 2nd one. In the end I exiled Nyx Weaver to return Abrupt Decay to my hand, destroyed his Loxodon Smiter leaving him wide open for an alpha swing with Reaper of the Wilds and Lotleth Troll. GG
Round 3 vs. Boros. 2-1
I lost first game because he dealt with all my creatures with Chained to the Rocks and Banisher Priest. He got Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Archangel of Thune out and I couldn't do much. I drew a Hero's Downfall but it was too late to matter.
This was the first time I heavily side-boarded. The 3 Abrupt Decay came back, and I also went for 3 Drown in Sorrow. The second game was a good fight, I dropped Elvish Mystic turn one, and he decided to Chained to the Rocks it on his first turn. I was happy he wasted removal on my dork because I had plenty of mana. I got Nyx Weaver to stick after a Satyr Wayfinder. He played Daring Skyjek and Boros Reckoner. In the next two turn turns, I played Reaper of the Wilds and Desecration Demon, both of them were immediately exiled under a Banisher Priest and the Reckoner hit me for 3 each turn. I drew an abrupt decay but decided to save it for next turn, since my Nyx Weaver had dumped a Drown in Sorrow. I exiled my weaver to get it back, and wiped his board except for the reckoner, getting back my two exiled creatures. Next turn I Abrupt Decay his Boros Reckoner and swing. He drops Archangel of Thune. I finally play a Whip of Erebos and he concedes.
Game 3, he mulligans to six cards and gets land screwed. I ramp into a turn 3 Reaper of the Wilds. He stalled me for few turns with Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Fiendslayer Paladin but he never got a 5th land. I stick a Master of the Feast and push through for lethal.
Round 4 vs. R/G midrange 2-0
This guy ended up coming in first place, so he was running a good deck. Like my opponent in the 2nd round, he just had no idea what he was dealing with. No one in my shop has run a golgari/dredge deck since Unburial Rites rotated. So first game I start off turn 2 with Grisly Salvage. He plays Sylvan Caryatid, pass. I play Nyx Weaver, pass. He plays Polukranos, World Eater. pass. I Hero's Downfall his Polukranos. pass. He taps out for a 3 point Savageborn Hydra, pass. I play Lotleth Troll and hold onto my other Hero's Downfall. Pass. He swings with the hydra and attempts to bloodrush with Ghor-Clan Rampager. Perfect, I kill it in response with my downfall. He passes turn looking rather displeased. I bestow Nighthowler onto my troll, making it an 8/7. I swing out next two turns for lethal.
The second game we both get mana flooded, I ended up with all three Satyr Wayfinder on my board. I saw Elvish Mystics, returned revelers, and a single Nyx Weaver. I also had Whip of Erebos but I was whipping back the 1/1's. He had a couple sylvan caryatids, a Bassara Tower Archer, and Purphoros, God of the Forge. I just whittled him down over a dozen or so turns. neither of us drew any of our bombs, but I had a swarm of dorks and lifelink to give me an edge. He scoops when top-decks a land and I had lethal next turn.
Round 5 vs. G/W hexproof aura. 2-0
The first game he got mana screwed. He got his third land drop and played Witchstalker and Spear of Heliod. I just let Desecration Demon play defense and kept hitting him with Reaper of the Wilds leaving mana open to make him hexproof, so the spear couldn't deal with it. He finally blocked, but took lethal 10 damage next turn.
Game 2, I sideboard out my Hero's Downfall for my playset of Devour Flesh. I also sided in my Abrupt Decay to kill his auras. Turn 1 he plays Gladecover Scout, pass. I just play my Temple of Malady and keep a land on top. Pass. He plays Hero of Iroas. I take 1 from the scout. pass. I shock in my Overgrown Tomb
. Pass. He plays Witchstalker and I just Abrupt Decay his Hero of Iroas in response. I take another damage from scout. He passes. I play Master of the Feast. I'm holding 2 Golgari Charm, a Devour Flesh, a Whip of Erebos, and a forest. So I'm not worried about the Unflinching Courage
I suspected he had. pass. He just plays a 4th land and passes. I drop my whip and swing, but he exiles my Master of the Feast with Selesnya Charm. I pass. He swings and passes. At this point I just killed Gladecover Scout with a Golgari Charm and played Devour Flesh to make him sacrifice Witchstalker. He didn't do much the rest of the game. I got out a Nyx Weaver and Reaper of the Wilds. He had no creatures to enchant and when he finally got another creature, a Bassara Tower Archer, I killed it with my other Golgari Charm. He scooped.
-TOP 8-
Round 6 vs. RUG Control 1-2
I don't really recall the first game, I know I lost because he kept dropping planeswalkers no matter how many I killed. So I knew he was running Ral Zarek, Kiora, the Crashing Wave
, and Jace, Architect of Thought. He was running mostly blue for heavy counters. He finished me with Master of Waves
which he Clone'd twice.
Second game I finally get to board in my 4 Thoughtseize. I also squeeze in two Drown in Sorrow to hopefully have against the Master of Waves
. He got kind of mana screwed, after countering me the first several turns I Thoughtseize him. He cyclonic rifts my Lotleth Troll in response but I throw away his Essence Scatter and replay my troll. Leaving him with a Clone and Ral Zarek. He tries to kill my troll with ral but I regenerate. The game could have gone on much longer, but I killed his planeswalker and he was top-decking, so he just scooped to go to game 3.
Game 3, I thougtseize a Cyclonic RiftGC out of his hand on my first turn. I remember he had Kiora, cancel, and essence scatter, but only one more land. He draws land the next two turns and was countering my creatures. I finally stuck a lotleth troll but he played a Master of the Waves by itself, making one token. I attack and he rifts my troll, I so replay. I'm holding 3 creatures in hand, and had 3 more in my graveyard. I'm also holding a Strength from the Fallen. I'm hoping to have a repeat of my round 2 vs. Naya. He was at 19 from mana confluence, so I swing and he doesn't block. He's at 17. He plays Kiora and -1's her. He doesn't draw a land. Pass. I top deck my 2nd Strength from the Fallen. He was tapped out, and didn't bubble wrap my troll.... perfect. I ditch my three creatures making my troll a 5/4. Then I play both my strength of the fallen for a total of +12/+12 on my troll. Swing for 17. He blocks with the token and goes to 1 life. This time he +1's her on my troll. Obvious choice. He plays a land and passes. He has two cards in hand. I successfully Hero's Downfall Kiora. pass. He draws and passes. I swing but he top decked a third Cyclonic RiftGC. I replay my troll. I'm top decking. Pass. He plays a land and casts AEtherling. I needed to topdeck a kill spell or an enchantment to trigger my Strength from the Fallen but I got another land. He was lucky, I was not, Good game.
This is the first time I've posted a FNM recap. I had no idea I would be doing this, so some of my descriptions are probably off, I did this from memory. Next time I will be keeping notes!