This is a standard (type 2) tournament deck that I have built. The deck is completely original and I have not seen another like it.
This is how it works.
I have 4
Boneyard Wurm
and 4 Splinterfright these are my main creatures. They are more or less the centerpiece of the deck. Alright now these guys power and toughness are e equal to number of creatures in the graveyard.
This is where self mill comes in. I have 2 Curse of the Bloody Tome that stew in the deck to curse myself. Splinterfright's effect causes me to do the same thing as Curse of the Bloody Tome so with just 1 of each I mill 4 cards a turn. Thats a possible +4/+4 on
Boneyard Wurm
or Splinterfright a turn.
But relying on that alone is not very good odds so I also have
for a good starting mill and early flying/flying defense creature.
Typhoid Rats
help me start the game with early defense and even mid game damage prevention incase the deck us running a little slow.
Gnaw to the Bone
is my make up for the somewhat lack of speed since I have to build up my graveyard I needed a way to even the score once I got going. And this card does the trick.
Alright... I have to have a way to get my creatures out of the graveyard if they are milled. Thanks to
Ghoulcaller's Chant
and Unburial Rites this isn't to much of a problem and if all of the above get milled Then Snapcaster Mage comes into play.
Planeswalker: alright I only have 1 Liliana of the Veil so she definatly went in there a possible turn 3 drop that makes opponents sacrifice a creature... I think so. And her -6 ability helps to get rid of that annoying creature on the other side of the field or destroy some of that much needed mana.
Jace, Memory Adept
this guys 0 ability is where it's at for me mill myself for 10 or depending my opponant. But of course the +1 and -7 ability is always helpful to.
Alright so far I have milling and graveyard covered now for my back up boss / defense / just another destructive property of this deck... Grave Titan honestly a 6 drop for a 6/6 and 2 2/2 zombies... Notbad he gives me meat shields and build up an army for me. I cant argue.
Last but not least Birds of Paradise. Need I say more flying defense and tap for any color mana. Honestly pays for itself in a sense. This is one of my answers for a 3 color deck that don't have to much of a mana problem. And with 4
Woodland Cemetary
, 4 hitherland harbor, and 4 Drowned Catacomb I should have the lest amount of mana problems possible with running 3 colors.
I have put alot of time and effort into this deck also alot of planning and testing.
Please comment / +1 I always return the favor
Suggestions appriciated,Thank you