Gray Whips

Standard Come at me dot bro


NixTheThird says... #1

One issue that maybe I'm overly nervous about is that playset of Whip of Erebos . Maybe I just haven't played against enough people with well times counters and enchant removals, but I would be more concerned about whip crowding your hand when you've already got one on the field than I am about making it appear and replacing lost ones.

Read the Bones is a great card, and even at two life it's almost always worth it, till you look downs and see your down 8 life and used up many turns to get there. However, if your really going to run headlong into devotion you may consider Underworld Connections . It's an enchant that, unlike whip, Sanguine Bond or even creatures, won't be on anyone's sights for immediate removal, giving you two devotion that's nearly risk free from being taken out. And one cost for setting it down, then you can decide when to pay the life for another card.

The last thing I wonder at is your Agent of the Fates method of removal. Main concern is that it basically will cost you minimum of 4 mana to use it in one turn, and then you have no recourse if Agent is targeted for removal/exile/etc. that leaves all that card space you've put into enchants for agent in real danger of being removed as well. All that devotion gone in one Dark Betrayal or Dreadbore . That's one of the reasons I liked spreading my devotion over multiple creatures and non aura enchantments. however, I do like the whole "let me build a scary monster over time while your sacking left and right", it's just the risk of being open so long with little (main board) answers to early game threats made me shy away from the strat.

October 15, 2013 5:14 p.m.

Schwonga You're totally right, and I agree 100%. I had and still have most of those same concerns, however give me a moment to explain my good sir;

Whip makes this deck a grinder, it'll outlast the mid-game-iest of mids, and prevents aggro from doing much lasting damage since I won't be blocking much, not to mention all the sync with the other combos. With that said you're right, all the card draw in this deck does make a full play a bit overboard, especially with a small creature base. Maybe -1 whip, -1 bond, +1 orzhov charm (to protect my agent in mainboard like you aptly pointed out), +1 guildmage.

Also, about the enchantment auras, that's a good thought, and I like the idea of Underworld Connections , so maybe -1 ethereal armor, -1 altar's reap (since I only really want to reap gray merchant anyway), +2 Underworld's.

As far as the squishy Agent, well if they're running removal that's where my dieboard comes in, but at that point I mightve lost the first game. So I understand your hesitation, but overall I think that its a very potent combo, and removal still triggers his heroic. Early game is a problem with this deck, but with the sideboard I don't think Ill have too much to worry about come games 2-3.

Thanks for the awesome comments, much appreciated!

October 15, 2013 9:25 p.m.

vluu says... #3

If you're running whip and sanguine I suggest you try out [Trostani, Selesnya's Voice]. I've considered the combo before just messed around with it for a bit yesterday and it is ridiculous. I was consistently getting +20-40 life from Trostani ALONE per turn starting around turn 6-7. I was not keeping track of any life gained from lifelink but It was definitely in the same range 20+. Basically was just GG. You just gotta whip in the right creatures. Unfortunately the good ones for this are not B/W..

Also do you know if you can use [altar's reap] on your whipped creature before it gets exiled?

November 26, 2013 5:45 p.m.

vluu says... #4

Forgot how to post links...Trostani, Selesnya's Voice & Altar's Reap

November 26, 2013 5:47 p.m.

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