
Creature (1)

This may not be surprising but I am an avid lover of Mythology. Specifically, Greek Mythology, which I have been studying for myself since I was nine years old. This deck idea was one of the first I ever had when I began building Commander decks. This deck is not completely finished yet. Will be adding one or two more counterspells. Mana fixing will also be a topic. Any other suggestions are more than welcome. But here is the thought process behind the deck.

I have cards such as Fist of Suns, and Spring to Mind as ways of annoying, and in the case of the former, scaring my opponents. Fade into Antiquity represents what happened to Greek structures and belief system.

What better than a giant Hydra as the commander of a Greek mythology deck? Errr ... nothing. The Hydra has always been one of my favourite monsters and I really wanted to keep to the theme of Greek mythology. My boyfriend knew this and showed me the existence of Progenitus. Safe to say, there was no going back.

The phoenix and the Sphinx have been represented by the Worldheart Phoenix, and Medomai. After all, the Sphinx is in the myth a master of predicaments and causes such for anyone who cannot solve her apparently impossible riddles. Hypnos is represented through the enchantment Dismiss into Dream. The Titan Hyperion, the Sun Titan is also present ... I don't need to tell you which card I think! The Titan Atlas is represented through the Bearer of the Heavens which I plan on combining with Gift of Immortality and possibly sacking it in order to really screw over my opponents via the journey to the Underworld and back (Master of Predicaments is sideboard).

Speaking of which the Underworld will be represented by Underworld Cerberus, Athreos, Shroud-Veiled (Charon) and Sentry of the Underworld. Mana Confluence represents the five rivers of the Underworld while Teysa represents Melinoe, goddess of ghosts and daughter of Persephone and Hades. King Midas is shown by King Macar. The story of Orpheus and Eurydice will be represented by Rescue from the Underworld. Unlike Orpheus, my creatures do no look back! Thanatos, the God of Death, Erebos the Primordial Darkness and Hades are all represented through Erebos, God of the Dead. Nylea naturally represents the goddess of the Hunt and the second generation of moon goddess: Artemis. Karametra is my representation for Demeter. Storm Herd is my Pegasus spell; Tahngarth is my Minotaur. Doomed Artisan is included as reference to Galatea. Bronzehide Lion is my Nemean Lion representation. Alirios, Enraptured is my clear reference to Narcissus. Arasta represents Arachne, the girl who got transformed into a spider by Athena. Chained to the Rock is a clear reference to Prometheus.

I have also included Charybdis as well through the Vortex Elemental. This card is often overlooked but people refrain from attacking me for a while if I have Charybdis on the field. I have decided to use Kenrith's Transformation to show what Artemis did to Acteaon when he discovered her bathing. I decided to use Polukranos as a representation for Scylla: a many headed beast who lives on a cliff and is deemed a Render. Furthermore, Polukranos plus Dismiss into Dream equals pain for your opponent!

I hope you have enjoyed viewing this deck and please upvote as it really helps me and my decks grow!

Raven Rose


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 9 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

46 - 1 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.79
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Boar 2/2 G, Enchantment Golem 3/3 C, Gold, Pegasus 1/1 W, Reflection 3/2 U, Sculpture */* C, Spider 1/2 G, Spirit 1/1 WB
Folders EDH ideas, EDH Ideas, Decks I like, EDH, Theme, Progenitus deck ideas, Grace Decks, Myth, greek, Gifts
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