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Have you ever wanted to kill a spike with Decimator of the Providences? Well, look no further. Here I present to you a deck known at my local game store as "Green / Black Pig," a bombastic and fun deck that blends the archetypes of aggro, midrange, combo, and "Aristocrats" into one fun as hell, but competitive, deck.

Week 1 of playing the deck I went 2-2. I realized that some cuts needed to be made, including taking Filigree Familiar out. Having the Familiar clogged up my three drop spots too much. Freeing these spots also gave me room for the fourth Rite and the fourth Duskwatch Recruiter.

Week 2 I went 4-0 at FNM and 2-1 on Sunday with the new changes. Much better! I was playing a slightly different version of the deck, with Smothering Abomination instead of Aetherworks Marvel. I've been testing the Marvel for a little bit and I feel that it makes the deck go absolutely insane. In one turn, I got to flip a Westvale and cast Decimator (on four lands, INCLUDING Westvale).

The deck has no removal in the 75, which might be a turn off for some people, but I think adding any removal to the board for creatures would only harm your strategy. You want to clog up the board and win with big Gearhulks, Big Pigs, or by flipping a Westvale Abbey, not by killing their stuff. Most creatures don't really scare you, and the ones that do you can match in 'bigness' with your Gearhulks and other bombs. One creature that is highly annoying is Gisela, Broken Blade, since the lifegain can be very annoying, and our air-game is lacking. But, you can easily race it with a surprise Big Pig or a Profane Prince, and post sideboard you have Transgress to get it out of their hand.

If you want to change the deck, that's cool. Here's the five cards I liked the most (excluding lands) after playing the deck a bunch of times, in order. This is not including lands, or Smuggler's Copter, which I just included because it's a necessity for creature decks in Standard:

Verdurous GH -> This is how you win most of your games.

Big Pig -> This is a great bomb, has tons of synergy, and you can crap it out as quickly as turn four (with a crazy draw) or turn five.

Catacomb Sifter -> My little buddy. Definitely the best "non bomb" card in the deck. Helps you get to your bombs and gets rid of terrible land top decks / extra Crypto Rites. Definitely a four of, and the main reason to run black as opposed to another color.

Cryptolith Rite -> You NEED this, and you need four just so you're likely to see at least one. If you don't, sometimes the next card gets the job done...

Servant of the Conduit -> This is your "mini" Cryptolith Rite, and also gives you two energy for your Marvels. It can shove out turn 4 Gearhulks, which is pretty sweet.

If this deck gets like, 50 Upvotes, I'll go ahead and post a side-board guide, since, sideboarding with the deck is NOT INTUITIVE since it seems like you need every card in the mainboard to help smooth out your draws.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 2 Mythic Rares

22 - 1 Rares

16 - 8 Uncommons

7 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.27
Tokens Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Emblem Nissa, Vital Force, Energy Reserve, Human Cleric 1/1 BW
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