Green Devotion Rush

Standard SgtBogo


Alcolitox says... #1

Primordial Hydra is not standard anymore, that card puts u out of standard

October 2, 2013 6:59 p.m.

Imrix says... #2

I have three suggestions:Fade into Antiquity is more suitable for the sideboard, for two reasons: 1) It's quite expensive compared to Naturalize . 2) I know FiA exiles, but you can destroy most enchantments, and only need FiA for gods. In a deck which doesn't have a god, it's a bit of a useless draw.

You can probably do without or with less Sedge Scorpion cards. It's an okay blocker, but it doesn't help you attack and is just a 1/1 when you play Bow of Nylea . If you want to play 1/1s, try Experiment One . Since most of your creatures will be bigger than it is, it will grow and help you attack.

Lastly, Kalonian Tusker is awesome for mono-green devotion and can easily replace your Leafcrown Dryad , If you're worried about fliers, just sideboard a few anti-flying cards and use them if a deck uses a lot of fliers.

October 13, 2013 6:17 p.m.

Jacques says... #3

I agree with Imrix about Kalonian Tusker . That two devotion is amazing. I would take out Fade into Antiquity , Howl of the Night Pack and Leafcrown Dryad to add 4 Kalonian Tusker and another Bow of Nylea to your deck for even more devotion and utility.

October 18, 2013 8:33 p.m.

SgtBogo says... #4

Definite agreed on Kalonian Tusker , had no idea that card even existed. Also, not sure about taking out the Fade into Antiquity cause it is my only removal. Enchantments and artifacts are very big this expansion and that card often helps me take out gods or their legendary artifacts. However, I will be taking out the Leafcrown Dryad , Howl of the Night Pack , and 1 Sedge Scorpion for a playset of Kalonian Tusker .

October 19, 2013 5:43 p.m.

thugstar says... #5

Reverent hunter and the acolyte arent that good, especiallly vs control. One verdict, and you only have a hunter or acolyte to cast, it just produces nothing. I would go with, garruk and 4 nykthos and either some burning tree or kalonian tusker, for your devotion.

October 23, 2013 3:11 p.m.

cwestern19 says... #6

October 24, 2013 8:31 p.m.

SgtBogo says... #7

@ cwestern19 If only it were standard...

@ thugstar Completely disagreed. The deck is built to boost devotion FOR the Karametra's Acolyte , Reverent Hunter , and Nylea's Disciple . Lifegain is awesome, hunter works very well with Kalonian Hydra and makes a very nice defender while I draw for hydras, and the acolyte allows me to put down a 15/15 Mistcutter Hydra .

Also, got a playlet of Kalonian Tusker and took out Leafcrown Dryad , Howl of the Night Pack , and a Sedge Scorpion to fit them.

October 25, 2013 1:07 a.m.

thugstar says... #8

Fine with me, buthave you tried this deck at a fnm already? Cause i did it with mine, thats why i think those cards arent that good.

October 25, 2013 2:35 a.m.

tawclaw says... #9

I would for sure put in at least one more Nylea, God of the Hunt . From what I've used in my ramp decks, the trample she provides alongside big creatures like hydras is awesome. Run 2-3 of her. Also, run 4 Polukranos, World Eater . You'll find that you are casting him often on turn 3, giving you insane board presence early. Also, his monstrosity is basically removal. So he's a 5/5 and an at-will removal card. I would say take out Karametra's Acolyte in favor of Sylvan Caryatid . Sylvan Caryatid will basically always be there, providing any color of mana. It can also block effectively during the first couple of rounds. Nylea's Disciple isn't worth it, as you don't really need life gain in a ramp deck. Bow of Nylea will be redundant in a deck with big creatures. You will be killing them anyway and its main effect will be rendered useless. Consider running Garruk, Caller of Beasts at least in your sideboard. His -3 (or something) is insane because it dodges counter, because you aren't actually casting the creature. Kalonian Hydra looks cool in theory, but the fact is that he only has 4 toughness, meaning any removal kills him, even sorcery speed. You will have a dead hydra and be down 5 mana a LOT. I like Arbor Colossus a lot, it's important to have reach. Kalonian Tusker isn't that important, as it is more early/mid range, and if you run 4 Elvish Mystic , 4 Voyaging Satyr and 4 Sylvan Caryatid there will be no early/late game for you, as you will get 5+ mana creatures out on turn 3 anyway. The same goes for Sedge Scorpion ; don't need it early, don't need is late (your big creatures kill things too easily already).

Just some of my thoughts. I recently made like 3 different versions of green/ramp and these were my findings after extensive playtesting. Good luck!

October 31, 2013 11:23 p.m.

Valentine35 says... #10

i would take out...

Garruk's Horde

3xSedge Scorpion

4x Nylea's Disciple

3xTime to Feed

1xSavage Summoning ,

Kalonian Hydra

4xKarametra's Acolyte

1x Reverent Hunter

i would add in

2xBow of Nylea - a really good 3-drop after playing Kalonian Tusker turn 2 you will have a 3/3 with deathtouch swinging at their face.

2xNylea, God of the Hunt - The whole reason you want devotion

3x Pit Fight - in my opinion a better/quicker version of Time to Feed.

4xWitchstalker - an excellent card with hexproof and good devotion, a very sold 3-drop.

4xSylvan Caryatid - great mana ramp and hexproof, nothing wrong there.

2xPolukranos, World Eater - great late game, and can be used as a field wipe with all of the mana ramp.

1xProphet of Kruphix - if you don't want to make this change it's understandable, i found it to be useful at times, the plan is having out Sylvan Caryatid to cast it, and flashing in creatures anytime you want, and having all your land untapped every turn is scary. If you dont like this idea, just keep the 1xReverent Hunter i said to take out.

This is just my opinion, hope it helped a bit take what you will from it.

November 1, 2013 7:36 a.m.

Sabbath91 says... #11

Rubblebelt Raiders is a great card for devotion, id take a play set of her over Nylea's Disciple any day.

Wasteland Viper is just better than Sedge Scorpion , plus you can bloodrush Polukranos, World Eater and go monsterous for a psuedo board wipe, that is if you dont have Bow of Nylea out already.

I personally prefer Pit Fight to Time to Feed as it is cheaper and faster. granted you dont get the life gain but i think the rest outweighs this.

Fade into Antiquity seems more of a sideboard card: The only pros it has to Naturalize is that Fade into Antiquity can deal with gods whereas Naturalize cant. However, Naturalize is both cheaper and faster so if Fade into Antiquity is there only to deal with enchantments I would maindeck Naturalize and keep Fade into Antiquity sideboarded untill you know your opponent is running a god.

November 5, 2013 6:53 p.m.

tclaw12 says... #12

I played against a similar deck that used Archetype of Endurance , to much success. The guy running it actually took first in the FNM. I understand that this deck is focused on being aggressive, but it might be a nice sideboard option.

Also, Burning-Tree Emissary can also be quite useful for building up devotion, and basically costs 1 mana to play.

February 23, 2014 9:13 p.m.

SgtBogo says... #13

@ tclaw12 Archetype is definitely good to sideboard. Also, I think that Burning-Tree Emissary would be nice, but I'm not positive what I would remove for him. I'm thinking of replacing Swordwise Centaur . Only a 1 power difference plus I would be getting more ramp.

February 24, 2014 12:05 a.m.

Pterozacktyl says... #14

Nice idea! Green aggro. Burning tree emissary would be good. +1

February 27, 2014 9:09 p.m.

Bigbadbear88 says... #15

After 3 rounds of playtesting, 17 mana is just not enough. I was able to Mizzium Mortar overload and wipe out your mana producers, leaving you completely helpless. Good idea though, +1.

February 27, 2014 9:27 p.m.

sf_torquatus says... #16

I agree with Bigbadbear88. I took it for a spin five times in the playtester and had mana problems each and every time. It took until about turn 9 to have a scary-looking field. This is too slow for all but casual FNM.

It looks like you're going for a Monsters/Aggro archetype, and for both you need more mana acceleration. I'd replace Burning-Tree Emissary with Sylvan Caryatid , or a cheaper mana accelerator if the Caryatid is outside your budget (Opaline Unicorn and Voyaging Satyr come to mind).

March 6, 2014 8:17 p.m.

zapper59 says... #17

Why only two Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx ?

May 29, 2014 10:51 p.m.

SgtBogo says... #18

@ zapper59 Not sure. Seems like a good number, don't really want to have more than I know what to do with, plus it helps with getting green mana in the first couple turns. How many would you recommend?

May 30, 2014 11:33 p.m.

pepi55 says... #19

It's a bummer Fall of the Hammer is red, otherwise it would be better than Pit Fight in this deck since your creatures will survive fighting creatures with death touch.

October 28, 2014 8:46 p.m.

darkovia says... #20

green devotion is my favorite deck to use and i would recommend 4 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx because of the legendary rule you can tap it for devoton then play another one to then tap it for devotion and repeat this as many times as you can play your Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. and then play the biggest hydra you can! if ever you have any questions about devotion just message me.

June 5, 2015 3:23 p.m.

AJ@THE@MAN says... #21

i would replace Swordwise Centaur with Avatar of the Resolute. same cost and the Avatar have Reach and trample

October 26, 2016 10:57 a.m.

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