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Green Fireball | Omnath, Locus of Mana [PRIMER]

Commander / EDH Budget Mono-Green Multiplayer Primer Ramp Theme/Gimmick Voltron



Enchantment (1)

Artifact (1)


Omnath, Locus of Mana is a being of pure mana who is, like Zendikar's primeval chaotic forces, capable of massive destruction.

This offbeat and explosive ramp deck threatens lethal commander damage and green Fireball damage from Squall Line, Hurricane, and Squallmonger.

No infinite combos.

Budget: $100

  1. Commander damage.
  2. Direct damage from Hurricane/Squall Line/Squallmonger aka Green Fireball.

Plan A - Commander Damage

  1. Play Omnath, Locus of Mana.
  2. Ramp with mana multipliers like Heartbeat of Spring and Regal Behemoth or by finding Cultivator Colossus which should put 10+ lands on the battlefield. Store mana each turn which makes Omnath gigantic.
  3. Use protection spells to stay alive and keep up the commander damage pressure.
  4. Canopy Cover, Garruk's Uprising, and Rogue's Passage are excellent to get lethal damage through.

Plan B - Green Fireball

  1. Draw cards to find and play Glacial Chasm.
  2. Ramp and cast a massive green Fireball finisher in Hurricane, Squall Line, or Squallmonger.
  3. Opponents take lethal damage while Glacial Chasm keeps us alive.
  4. Mana multipliers like Mana Reflection, Zendikar Resurgent, and Vernal Bloom are excellent here.

Tips & Tricks

  • Start with Plan A - Commander Damage. Attack each player and bring all opponent life totals just a little lower than yours so Hurricane or Squall Line can finish the table quickly.
  • If opponents keep board wiping or removing Omnath preventing commander damage, move to Plan B - Green Fireball.
  • When on Plan B, if opponents are running land destruction, Petrified Field and Primal Command can help get Glacial Chasm back. If that doesn't happen then Omnath can still be hard to kill permanently with all the mana we generate to keep re-casting it, so switching back to Plan A can still win. Sylvan Safekeeper can sacrifice Glacial Chasm or Primal Command can put it on top of your library so you can attack with Omnath again.
  • If you prefer another win condition, you might like Helix Pinnacle but I find switching between commander damage and Hurricane spells is enough fun and resilience without being overpowered.
  • Don't be afraid to draw more cards than you can hold in hand. This deck isn't running small and steady card draw and ramp. Draw 25 cards, keep only the critical pieces you need, hopefully untap everything right there and win on the spot. Go big, win fast.
  • With 59+ lands, Cultivator Colossus will easily put 10 lands into play while refilling your hand. Big ramp spells like this, Animist's Awakening and Zendikar Resurgent should be priority 1.
  • Versus graveyard decks, just race them. Target them with commander damage and the table should appreciate your service in taking out the threat. If that's not enough, add Ground Seal and Relic of Projenitus.

  • You like playing an unusual deck with ramp and a win condition in the command zone.
  • You enjoy explosive turns and winning the game from out of nowhere.
  • You just want to win by a massive Fireball spell in mono-green.
  • You love ramp but hate shuffling.

  • You prefer more traditional ramp and creature combat damage packages.
  • You don't want to play your commander in every game.

Recommended upgrades to max out the competitive meter:


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95% Casual


Revision 21 See all

(2 months ago)

-1 Kenrith's Transformation maybe
+1 Vedalken Orrery maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 3 months ago
Date added 4 months
Last updated 2 months
Exclude colors WUBR

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

25 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.60
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Emblem Nissa, Who Shakes the World, The Monarch
Folders decks, !Commander Decks, Commander, User Decks - Custom Sorting, Other People's deck, Funni, Decks to Buy, Upvoted, Wild Stuff
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